MerMAY! (Patreon)
THAR SHE BLOWS! And we're not talking about whales, folks, but those Oh-So-Amorous Aquatic Maidens of sailor's dreams! Now, the sorts of mermaids I may drawing this month may not be able to dive down too far due to their natural flotation devices, but don't be fooled, they're not sea cows, even if they can make milk and tend to moo!
So for this month, I want to hear your fisherman's tales of adventures at sea! From mermaids trapped in fisherman's nets to lusty rendezvous on the beach! And they don't have to be half fish mermaids either! They can be half eel, half shark, dolphin, even a big long crocodile tail! And yes, you can do mermaid versions of my OCs.
Like always, max two characters per idea. Only one idea per patreon please. And no links to exterior sites.
Ideas will be accepted till NEXT Wednesday, May 8th, 2024.