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As the people of the Earth push further into space, very important questions are raised. What sort of a society will those people create? What laws will they adhere to? To what planet will they they owe their loyalty?

But probably the most important of all is, will we be able to continue to reproduce beyond the Earth? A large contribution to this question is, just how will a loss of gravity affect female sexual desires?

Luckily, there are those among our population willing to brave the frontier of space and submit their voluptuous, sensual, eager bodies to these rigorous experiments. Starting at 0600 hours, the very first Sextronauts begin their day, first by washing each other's luscious bodies full, dense breasts with warm sponges, then by measuring their busts and hips to see if the loss of gravity has affected the shape and fullness of their busts and butts.

No loss here! In fact, they may be growing!

Still plump and firm, Sweet Buxom Penny and Esmeralda Boobalickski move onto a breakfast of freeze dried bagels and dehydrated cereal. But this meal offers little to satisfy their cravings, either above or below the belt, so they decide it's time to begin their tests in earnest.

First up, it's Ess. Unsure of what the effect of a lack of gravity, or the very dry conditions of the space research station may have on male seed, Ess sucks a generous mouthful from a sliver silicone dispenser connected firmly to the wall. Convenient handle bars are situated to either side of the dispenser, but Ess, being very well versed in this act, doesn't need any extra equipment and performs the task with ease.

"How's it taste, Ess?" The punky skunkette wipes a pearly glob from her lips and gives us a Thumb's Up! "Taste's just like the guys back home," she says. What a trooper!

Now it's Penny's turn. As everyone knows, lactation is what makes mammals mammals. But will zero G affect the way milk flows from those mountainous mammaries? Penny flicks her nipple with the tip of her tongue till the pink bud is slick and shiny with spit. Forgoing the mechanical pump, Penny decides to suckle from her own breast. And sure enough, her own warm, sweet milk is filling her mouth. Success!

Another experiment that these Sextronauts will partake in is how all this special exercise will change their internal reproductive functions. Will it be the same as on Earth, or will the lack of gravity change the way their heart pumps blood to these sensual zones of pleasure? Penny has the labia spreader that will allow a sensor to take readings, but Uh-Oh! Ess can't find the second anal thermo-reader probe! It looks like they'll have to share.

Will these two be able work together in the name of science and future advancement?

You bet they will! Going cheek to cheek, Penny and Ess show that though our explorers of space may be different from one another, we're all in the race to the stars together! Thanks, gals! You're just swell!

Oh! It seems they're a bit distracted. I'll leave them to their important work! I'm sure that specimen we found on Titan will be safe it's glass jar.

Congratulations to Tinhy whose Journey to Space idea won the April pinup contest! This was a lot of fun to draw! There's no real 'Right Side up, since it's space, so I included a 180 version of this too!   




love this! Very awesomely done, AJ! Just like how i imagined it. I love that a lot of the details in the story you created can be verified on the actual image (the specimen from Titan, lol). Thank you for this one and all the hard work you put in for your fans!

Cee Double U

Zero Gravity Fucks given XD


Absolutely! I loved working on this one, and getting to think about what a big squirt from a hot babe would look like in Zero G!