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Hey All, 

Just a minor update, it looks like the new feed is fully working. There was some minor issues with Google Play services, but that should be fully working now. 

Now you might say, "I didn't notice anything?" Well... that's perfect then! The feed should have moved seamlessly without you noticing. 

Why did you move the feed? 

Two reasons:
The first was Spotify support. Soundcloud is a music service first and foremost, and they are in direct competition with Spotify. I think going into this holiday, Spotify will be the more "discoverable" platform for those looking for a podcast about Pokémon. I was not able to be on both at the same time, so I am choosing Spotify over Soundcloud.  

We are currently pending on Spotify approval as of this message. 

The second was that Soundcloud has not updated to the latest podcast tags, redirects, and metrics in the last couple years. While other services have advanced in the last couple years, Soundcloud has not. 

Both reasons led to me moving the feeds to a newer service that is focused on podcasts and only podcasts. This move took months of research and planning and something I wanted to get done before this November. If you are having problems with the feed, please let me know.

The main feed has changed, but your podcast app is probably already using it, but if you decide to use a new podcast app and it doesn't have search, here is the link to the original source of where the episodes come from: https://rss.simplecast.com/podcasts/7469/rss 

Happy listening!
- Steve 


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