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I've spent the entire weekend sick (much likely with covid) and I don't feel any better yet.  I think it's best to skip the stream. I'll still give drawing a chance but if I can't do it I'll have to skip that, too. I honestly just want to get my energies back asap, I hate skipping days and comic pages.



No problem take time to rest and get better. Your health is much more important.


Thanks for letting us know. Get well soon.


hope you have a quick recovery!


Get well soon Sketch. Hopefully if you do have Covid, it is a more mild case.


You work on feeling better; we'll all be here when you get back :)


I know how it feels! Hope you feel better soon!! I saw you already attempted streaming today, hope you managed it. Not at the expense of your health though! If you need more time recovering, please take it!!


I had to sneeze every 2 minutes but I managed :3 I expect to be back in full shape by the end of the week, and I can at least still stream and do daily pages as usual.


Daily comic pages while sick..... You workaholic! 😂 Well, hope the sneezing fades soon as well! ^_^


Here's the thing: I usually do commissions and work on other projects almost daily, in addition to comic pages and rewards. I'm cutting out the extra work for now, so it's pretty relaxing XD