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Hey hey, Patrons! 

We're back and you know what's about to go down.... 

A lot of BIG SADS happening in this episode but a lot of INSANE SHIT ASS WELL! 

New Chill Eren is weird and FUCKING SCARY YALL! 

Floch is giving EXTRA PROUD BOY vibes with how much of a hard on he has for this attack! 

We also get the first indicators that it was EREN who forced Paradis' hand in this strike and that is wild! 

GABI - GODDAMN IT! Why do you have to be such a good shot! 

and we pour one out for our girl, Sasha! 

We will forever love miss our Potato girl!

And that....... laugh. What the hell?!?

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Sorry for the late drop! Had some technical difficulties, but we're back! 


The Watchers in the Bar



Calvin Delaney

When Emil was saying that he was surprised Mikasa was sad over Sasha while she was bleeding out on the floor, for the entire show we have seen Levi Squad together almost every episode in some way shape or form minus a few flashbacks or certain things like that. For years they were never far from each other, we also saw Mikasa cry and Emote so many times as well in the show. I Hope this does not come across as me being like "well Achtually" lol Its just they all really care a lot about each other and seeing Mikasa and Armin cry is such a big moment for me. Love watching your stuff as usual and all that :)


There's actually been quite a bit of evidence to foreshadow Zeke's betrayal. He's been sus since S3 part 2. His betrayal/the fact that he's up to something separate from the Marleyan agenda is quite glaring. 1. S3 E17, He gets angry when the Scouts are charging him and thinks how tragic it is that they're repeating history. He then has to check himself and remind himself that he's not like his father Grisha, and that he has to try and enjoy things. After killing the approaching Scouts, he puts up his hands and cheers, somethin pretty out of character from everything we've seen from him so far. 2. S3 E18, He tells Eren that he's going to come back and rescue him. This is the most glaring sign that Zeke isn't the character we thought he was. 3. In S4 E2, in his conversation with Colt, it's revealed that he's purposefully hidden the fact that he has royal blood from the Marleyan army/government. 4. In that same episode, he tips off the warriors that the Marleyan brass are listening in on their private meeting. Magath notices this and is concerned that Zeke made that remark. 5. In S4 E4, Eren is shown to have a baseball and a baseball glove. This is a pretty strong flag that he's been in contact with Zeke, as Zeke is the only character in the show to have a connection to baseball. 6. In S4 E5 undercover Yelena sends him and only him away before leading Porco and Pieck to the pit trap. 7. Zeke is then absent for the entirety of Episode 6 and takes his sweet ass time getting to the battlefield even though he's the highly regarded War Chief. 8: In S4 E7 when Zeke calls out Levi, he tells him that "he's running out of time" before it cuts to Levi looking directly at a stopwatch, waiting for something. This is an obvious hint that the two are in cahoots. 9. Levi takes Zeke down with no resistance at all. This is more of a common sense thing as a viewer, but there's absolutely no way a character as major as Zeke was going to get killed like that. I'm sure there are many more, but this is all I've got off the top of my head.


yeah thats something that bothered me from the anime as a whole. they didn’t really show how close sasha and mikasa were since they were roommates from the cadet corps

The Quadfather

Hi, Sean. I loved how audio was kept on last week. Can that still be done anymore or does it cause issues? Just wanted to ask about this. Thanks.

Alejandro Gil

Zeke is also the only warrior they don't lead to the trap. Which is a big red flag. Why would they do that unless they are working together?


Awesome reaction as always guys! To clarify, Sasha's death in the anime and the manga is the same. However, the plan was to kill her earlier on in the manga, but one of the people who worked on the manga liked her so much that he pretty much begged to keep her alive. I'm so glad they listened.

Jake Thompson

The author originally planned for Sasha to die when she saved the girl in season 2, his editor said it was too depressing and convinced him to change it. That's why she doesn't have a whole lot to do in season 2 from that point.


No. It can't. Not unless we want to risk taking down the entire channel. Just grab your copy and synch it up and you got video and audio!!!


Eren laughed when Hannes died as well, most people forget this because so much information is thrown in ur face between then and now also congratz on not getting spoiled on Sasha's death! Anime Fandom on twitter doesn't know when to shut the fuck up so if ur behind or haven't even started this season u were basically fucked

Aidan Pullen

Man, your guys' theorizing about whether Eren flipped Zeke or Zeke flipped Eren makes the whole situation with the end of the most recent season so much funnier XD


Zeke also encourages Reiner to go with Falco (to see Eren)


Falco is too sweet for this world


true, there were a lot more in the manga as well! the show rlly cut off a lot of caring moments between mikasa/sasha. as well as between the main three. we get some in the ovas but i rlly wish they cut those important moments.


And hence the start of a beautiful relationship i.e Zeke and Levi was born


(ANIME SPOILER if someone reading this is watching along with the Watchers for the first time, but they have said they are caught up) I once read this comment on a discussion post and it broke my heart even more at Sasha's death, whether it's just coincidence or not meant to be interpreted that way, I like to believe it just cause it would add another great layer to this show's writing, but Sasha's last word wasn't "Meat" but she was trying to say Nicolo's name since "Niku" is "meat" in Japanese and her words were cut off as she passed. There was little shown of them, but I love their relationship. They were perfect for each other *cries*.


Wasn’t expecting Sean to say he would’ve thrown detained children out of a plane mid flight 😂 I see you’ve truly embraced the “fuck them kids” mentality, but goddamn bruh


I'm just being honest about my thoughts in the moment if someone in a warzone had shot one of my best friends in the world.


All good man. It’s easy for me to say I would take the moral high ground, but 95% of us have/will never be in a situation like this. Definitely an interesting and nuanced thing to discuss.