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Hiya Invincipals!

We're back for the penultimate episode of Invincible Season 1!!!!!

Join Sean, Morgan and Dustin for Season 1, episode 6: We Need To Talk

Things are out in the open as Deborah confronts Nolan (Omni Man) prompting Cecil to launch preventative nuclear measure to take him down. The Mauler twins resurrect the Immortal who goes into a homicidal rage. We finally learn Robot's secrets and Nolan tries to explain things to Mark.  It's a hell of an episode folks!

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Password: TheTalk


Tank & The Watchers in the Bar




Haha I love this show. Been following your content since you started game of thrones man. Love you all keep it up man


Hell yeah buddy! We’re glad to have you on board the P-Tron Train!!! Enjoy the content!


Ive been waiting and im so hype yall finally geting here. Wait til the last episode, mann...tears will be a flowin'


I always understood that “ok” stood for “old kinderhook”. A nickname for Martin van Buren during his presidential campaign. It was borrowed from “all korrect” in 1800ish in Boston. “Ole Kurrect” was abbreviated to OK but the campaign made it popular. Using acronyms was just as popular in the 1800’s as it is now.


Hey sean! just wanted to let u know i was actually okay so i was able to stay subscribed to yalls patreon! cant wait for yall to get to that invisible finale, and then Avatar and Korra after that. so much hype content this month from yall.


So, there's alot of hate for amber for this, and to anyone who wants to reply on this about it being because guys are hating on her, I've seen plenty of girls hate on her for this too, whether because him being a super hero is a good enough excuse, or my personal reason of she found out weeks ago and didn't tell him. Imo she has the right to be angry, but finding out what sounds like before Mark even fought battle beast, and not telling him just kinda feels fucked up to me. They are both in the wrong, but the shows already shitting on mark for his wrong part, but not so much amber

John Cedar

I dont understand the writing for Amber. Of course, she has every right to be pissed that he makes plans and constantly doesn't show. What she doesn't have a right to do is put on a performance in front of a bunch of people, pretending like she doesn't know and emotionally manipulating Mark. She started crying in front of everyone and trying to convince him that she thought he abandoned them when they were in danger. And why would he tell her? You wouldn't tell someone you're a superhero before you say "I love you". If people found out who he is they'd come after his family...does she not care about that? So either they would need to get used to not spending much time together or just break up. But the way she acted in last ep vs. what she said in this ep is insane to me.

John Cedar

And I do feel so bad for monster girl. Like she said, her only options are to date a sex offender or become one. I guess robot's solution is the only way she could ever have a somewhat normal relationship, that or just not using her powers. Though it does make her kind of immortal.

Nico Salerno

I think one of the many messed up things about robot/rudolph is that he never even considered monster girls feeling he just drastically took actions like he did it for her but he really only did it for himself and his selfish idea of her.


Also, I know somebody might have mentioned it in the comments fact that Run the Jewels starts playing every time the Mauler Twins have a big scene just adds to them being some of my favorite characters.


I know it's supposed to be horrible but something about countless identical crows plummeting to earth in identical poses was *so funny* to me also everyone's faces when immortal gets got was iconic~


Also immortal WAS Abraham Lincoln

Ophelia Pane

Didn't you say the finale was already up?


That’s the read for YT cut! I wouldn’t be telling you to unlock Patreon content on Patreon. That’s be some sick joke. 😂


Also want to have a talk about how I heard multiple times “it’s ok Mark can’t die.” Is this really true? Like in theory normal illnesses and poison/toxins wouldn’t kill him, his cells can withstand all of that. However it doesn’t make him invulnerable, despite his name. His dad can very well kill him. That monster could have very well killed him. That alien beast could have very well killed him. Unless I’m missing something. Just IMO if his brains are smashed or he is ripped in half I don’t think he comes back from that.

rickie woodson

its cause they (cecil and co) said viltrumite cells wont die no matter what from all their testing. they can only go by what the show has said and shown and no viltrumite has been killed on screen as of this episode


Yes but they were trying toxins and diseases and shit like that. He can definitely be killed by trauma. Obviously it take something as strong as another Viltrumite. But he can be killed