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Hiya Invincipals!

We're back for another episode of INVINCIBLE!!!

Join Sean, Morgan and Dustin for Season 1, episode 6: You Look Kinda Dead

After recovering from the brutal beat down at the hands of Battle Beast last episode, Mark tries to mend his equally broken relationship  with Amber by inviting her to join him and Will on a trip to Upstate University to see Will's boyfriend (sounds like a great plan Mark). While they're visiting, Will's boyfriend Dustin is abducted and turned into a Reaniman which attacks the campus and as per usual all hell breaks loose and Invincible tries to fix the situation by punching things.

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Password: UpstateBreakup


Tank & The Watchers in the Bar




Random thought popped into my head when you were talking about how Debbie just confronted omniman about his secret, it feels like they're paralleling the parents and kids dealing with a major secret related to their hero work.


I think that's well said Sergio. Always the sign of good writing when you stack those kinds of arcs like that, and so when the parents and the kids have scenes we know atleast they can relate to eachother on some level.


Another excellent video, guys! On the secret ID, it is just episode 6, and his best friend did recognize Mark right away. It’s too early to expose his identity to everybody, IMO. I’m also super impressed how much they pack in to each episode. Like you pointed out, so many characters with their own interesting story. It’s such a great show. And I’ve also read the comic series, which they follow to an extent, but also making enough changes to keep it interesting.

Neil Prospect

Of course it's all about the hog. His full name is Sean TankTop NoBottoms


Oh yeah, we get egg on our face on the next episode so it totally works, and that's the good writing of it all!

John Cedar

I really liked Amber and actually wanted Mark to choose her over Eve early on, but after this episode...and the one after...I just don't understand what happened to writing of her character. Is there an explanation for it? Because I still don't understand.


I think its because in the comics, well Amber pretty much exists just to be Mark's first love interest and to get in the way of him and Eve eventually getting together. A Gwen Stacy of sorts, and the show tried to give her a lil more depth and agency than that but yeah, she still suffers from being that type of character. i hope they give her more to do in this show after the inevitable breakup since she just kinda stops mattering in the comic. id hate if they just wasted zazie beetz as a VA like that.


Not be an sjw bitch .... but they really set my girl Amber up for failure by writing her story arc like this especially since the writers said changes were made to her from the comics to make her more fleshed out and likable only for them to double down on.... whatever this was.... I just don't get what they wanted to accomplish with this writing.


Yeah, it makes total sense ONCE YOU KNOW and it gets righted really quick, but puts her in such a weird light. I personally think she's totally reasonable, like it's not that I didn't know, it's that you wouldn't tell me. I think it checks out personally, but she did come off worse in this episode-specifically.

Mistah J

Justin Roiland totally voices Doug