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Hey hey Jerks! 

Hope everyone is doing well and we're back with another BALLER ASS FUCKING EPISODE! 

Amongst the most arresting, powerful, and gorgeous episodes, we've ever covered on this show! 

Holy shit! The Bromance is real and it is HERE BABY! 

Hang as we are ALL IN on the Zuko/AANG road trip, we find out that Sokka is straight-up JERK-BENDER, and we are just floored by the powerful DRAGON TECHNICOLOR TWISTER! HOLY FUCK WHAT A SCENE! 

Follow the Password-protected link to hang! 


Password: TeamAvatarTiktok

We're dropping a bunch more stuff throughout the day on our various tiers! 


Tank & the Watchers 




an absolute banger of an episode. Idk how far into season 3 you are currently, but at this point of the show every episode is just S tier. banger after banger after banger


So excited - Boiling Rock part 1 has the greatest line in the entire series (and the source of the best memes).

Kelsey Roberts

??? What the fuck did Dustin SAYYYY????? You never bleep ANYTHING? Also, I'm sad that it seems to have taken 0 episodes for y'all to forget the beauty that is Mai before you suggest another boring YA love triangle.


Yeah right, it's mostly a fan made concept


If you think about it the fire nation indegenous roots are Aztecs which is pretty fucking awesome

Bobby Manhas

If you guys love this episode, y'all should watch on YouTube "The Perfect Musical Symmetry of Avatar The Last Airbender" after you finish the series


I mean, they code them pretty clearly with that kind of iconography, so damn cool.


Last Ep: Coining the "Sparky Sparky Joe Rogan" was funny as shit XD. Somewhere he's starting a radio broadcast recovering from blowing up, literally. EDIT: We have Bumi Sanders, Avatar Jones, Joe Rogan (Combustion Man).

Calvin Delaney

Much love to you guys, these are the Highlight of my week when it comes to entertainment. When this is all over i am gonna go back and watch the show with yee again!


The three pervs comment had me rolling lol. That song they play to call the dragons is the credits music for most of the show. Love how it finally comes around to be in the show itself.


It's been a journey Calvin! You'll have that AND KORRA is firing up right after so you'll be doubling up!!


I honestly wished that the line, "I understand" from Zuko went unexplained in the show. What is the spirit of fire? It's up to the viewer to interpret. But then again, we were like 10 years old when watching this.

pollyy clunes

everytime I rewatch these great episodes i just WONDER--- how the heck is netflix planning on recreating this in a real setting??? like seriously, what is their budget lol I don't want another winxclub fiasco......


this is honestly one of the episodes i was most lookin forward to yall covering. cause like, i know yall are giant GOT nerds and this episode has all the cool dragon stuff and fire philosophy, i mean it even has its own "Dance of the Dragons", but literally.


lul zuko definitely isnt in love with Katara though xd


Not seeing ep 14/15 anywhere?..


Those announcements are for the YouTube edit - by the time this is up on YT, 14 and 15 will be up on here :)


My top 2 episodes are this one and "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" I just love the way the third season kind of eats away at the prejudice against the fire nation that exists in the show. And thats not to say the fire nation military doesnt do horrible things and deserve to be hated for it, but its the comments Sokka makes about the firenation kids all being evil little monsters and then them showing us the actual process of how they're radicalized and lied to from a young age, or just how easy it is for someone to become corrupt, or in this episode, the bastardization of original firebending. Its what blows my mind about this show, like those are clearly adult themes and its one of those shows that you can watch at different stages of your life and get completely different lessons from each time.


what did u censor in the beginning XD what did he say? omg XD


This is absolutely one of my favorite episodes of the whole series. Just masterfully done. And it's amazing how seamlessly Zuko fits into the group/adds a piece you didn't even realize was missing. He hasn't even been fully brought in, but it feels so perfect right from the start. The writers did amazing, knowing he was always going to make it to this point. You guys are hilarious~ It's been amazing watching you take this journey. I love listening to your conversations and predictions. All the wild things you say. XD I'd have to say I ship Zuko/Aang waaay more than any other pairing in the show. XD I adore the parallel journeys they've had every step of the way. And how much they get along now that they're friends. After them, I really like Toph/Aang's dynamic, so I definitely subscribe to the Zuko/Aang/Toph truple. *grin*

rickie woodson

dustin are you ok are you ok dustin? sis i think your husband is hitting at something with that intro lol


You are going to start hearing this a lot I'm guessing : Korra season 4, episode 2 : Leave the closed captions off. Trust me.


I remember being surprised about Uncle Iroh supposedly killing the last dragon at first, too - but upon getting to re-watch this show (with you guys! <3), it would have made a lot of sense. People often forget (myself included) that prior to the show, IROH WAS A MASS-MURDERER. The 'Dragon of the West' was a "bad guy". As the General and Crown Prince to the Fire Nation, it was his job to go forth and conquer, enslave, and colonize the other nations in the name of his country. The Earth-benders that Katara freed, the reason that the Southern Water Tribe has only women and children and a single water-bender remaining - Iroh either caused, or helped perpetuate, those problems. The only reason he stopped was because his son was killed, and he finally got to experience the same pain and despair that he had enacted upon all of the people whose lives he'd destroyed. But even after he lost his position as Heir and became Zuko's guardian, Iroh remained completely COMPLICIT and let the Fire Nation continue its heinous acts, including not speaking up for Zuko when Ozai punished him; the assault on the NWT (which he only stepped in to stop because Zhao was going to f*ck things up for literally everyone ever, and messed with his nephew); and initially hunting Team Avatar with the intention of capturing Aang so the FN could take over the world. What makes him such a fantastic character to me, though, is how much HE evolves from the start of the show to its end. Iroh is going through his own story arc while Zuko is going through his: he's a man that's struggling with his past failures and his disagreements with a Nation that lied to him, who knows that the only way to right the wrongs in his own past was to ensure that Zuko had a FUTURE. We've seen him spread respect, kindness, and wisdom to everyone, and how he worked especially hard on passing that to Zuko, because its the only way that he knows to atone for the horror, suffering, and hatred that he was responsible for. So you guys are right - to learn that he kept the Dragons a secret instead of following tradition and killing them really DOES say a lot about him and where he began to change. <3


The original creators left that project due to creative differences so I don't see it coming to fruition. BUT, the original creators were given their own studio. So who knows? Maybe something better is coming.


Glad you liked this episode! If you think about it, the masters showing up and winning the war takes the agency from the primary characters that we've connected with the most. Most of the time mentors die to protect the protagonist, are crippled, say they are too old, or variously vanish. Some people asked why in Empire Strikes Back did Yoda not go with Luke to Cloud city? I guess he was staying in secret exile. Though Yoda just dies in ROTJ so Luke has to confront Vader alone. No one writes a story arc where the main character knows everything and defeats the main bad guy in 5 minutes with no effort at all. I like how in The Mask of Zorro from 1998, he was imprisoned for 20 years, and when released believes fate has set him to train an apprentice.


The dragon that Sozin rode was blue, and roku’s dragon was red. In Zuko’s fever dream, azula was represented as a blue dragon and iroh was red. In the show, azula’s firebending is blue and Zuko’s is red (or orange). Blue represents evil and red represents good, so the reason Zuko says “I understand” is because a blue and red dragon combined their flame which represents the balance of good and evil within Zuko and the fire nation. That’s what I think anyway.


If there were an avatar who’s power was watching avatar reactions, I would be that avatar. Can confirm this is in fact, the number one most perverted channel to ever react to this program. 💕


You're right, you're in top 3 of most perverted ATLA reactioners, but I think Imon_Snow edges you out for the top spot. lol, they lust after like every man in ATLA and LOK.


I love these reactions so much. When you guys banter and compare a lot of the corruptions and politics with current America I get a laugh. It’s a new perspective of thingsI never thought of comparing. You guys would be amazed though how on the nose the show is about criticizing Chinese government entities 😬 hence why the show is still banned in China Xiran Jay Zhao has a great series of videos breaking down all the Chinese influence in the show you guys should check it out.


Hey everyone. New patreon here.


everyone ships Zuko and Katara, I like how you guys ship Zuko and Aang


also notice how dancing wasn't allowed in the fire academy but this ancient bending moveset is called the dancing dragon. there's a lot of these details in this show it's great


You know, I've been watching this show for years and I'm STILL realizing new things.


Top 3 most perverted easy


I'm so in the minority here, but I'm always eh on this episode! love the idea of the sun warrior tribe, don't know how I feel about the lore here tho. (I still like the original idea of iroh being called "dragon of the west" bc of his fire breath, for one.) and I'm not sure we needed to have iroh also meet the sun warriors? and even this godly role of the dragons seems like a departure from the most of the show, but idk. it's still a really cool episode for sure, and I actually wonder if I'd have liked it more if this was the two part-er; it's just such a big story, it maybe could've used more time. (and frankly, I think we need more aang/zuko after all that parallel-ing.) that all said, maybe it's just that I always found zuko's "I understand" line to be little cringe lool


how do you watch older episodes? i just joined the patreon for full episodes. also do i have to subscribe to vimeo as well to view it? I'm a little confused