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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with a DAMN timely and fun episode of Falcon & The Winter Soldier! 

We're rocking the very very canonically loaded "Star Spangled Man"-titled ep that dips its toes to a ton of Captain Lore that's been previously explored in the MCU and stuff straight from comics 

Watch as Scotta absolutely nails the out of the box characterization of John Walker! Get frustrated as we wonder if the Flag Smashers are shipping the Moderna or the Pfizer vaccine?  And hang as we have to reinform Lex who Baron Zemo is (he knows who is, just not by name)! 

Plus look out world, cause its about to Tumblr 2009 for our Broody Boi Bucky! 

Follow the password protected link to hang! 


Password: ICanSmellYourShield 

Thank you so much for coming on and being a part of our Patreon and make sure to check out our other content, commentaries and other shows! We got some doozies coming up! 


Tank & The Watchers in the Bar




I've been so looking forward to seeing you guys reaction to this episode in particular after your speculation of the themes the show is going to be tackling. And you didn't disappoint 👏🏻


not one to usually do this but guys yall talked over some important bits tbh. and i only say it because then u got a lil confused and maybe didnt get some of the stuff in the show. Walker explains hes working with the GRC (Global Repatriation Council), and the GRC's main target right now is the Flag Smashers, hence why he's after them just like Bucky and Sam. He also was tracking Sam's drone, that's how he knew where they were.


Also the Flag Smashers seem to have gotten their powers (or rather stole) from someone called "The Power Broker". His men are the one that shot them up at the airport. Anyway, i cant really blame u guys for missing this stuff cause this show just delivers info and plot like every other line lol. Its like the reverse Wandavision. So yeah very easy to miss. Great reaction anyway yall!


We know the Flag Smashers want to decimate the population again. We know they're stealing vaccines. They're doing a plandemic lol

Connie Tsang

Worth checking out some interviews with the head writer Malcom Spellman on this series.

Patrick Boyda

Do we think Bucky "needs" to make amends? Of course he harbors guilt like any good person would, but is he responsible for actions that he performed against his will while he was basically a murder slave?

rickie woodson

different perspective: lemar and walker are best friends with the same values. just cause his values are ascewed and he is "evil" doesnt mean he is racist. plenty of alt right black folks out there.......

rickie woodson

no. eli is just "the patriot" not the "us patriot". and isiah was the FIRST captain america (in the comics) aka before steve. but of course disney wouldnt do that. mmm hmm...and yeah he aged cause he wasnt frozen in ice lol remember at the end of endgame when cap stayed in the past with peggy? he is now an old man. its not an anti aging serum like the infinity formula that fury takes.

rickie woodson

further proof im not human: no fascination with abomination, violence or brutality. give me wandavision sitcom goodness, sailor moon magical attacks and forever love. #mutantandproud

rickie woodson

im sure you're right that the "vaccine" is really something else hence the text from the power broker "you stole something from me" BUT covid isnt the only thing that gets vaccines. there are other medical conditions out there that has vaccines. flu, syphilis, etc etc


Wasn’t captain America the winter soldier and civil war literally about why the idea of John Walker isn’t a good one