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And so goes S3’s legendary streak, as we’ve been told, of incredible episodes, each one better than the last and this week is no damn different!

We’re watching The Runaway and it’s chock full of character beats, heart and an exploding forehead clitoris laser man!

We cheer Toph on as she does a crime, damn near get choked up during Sokka’s lovely monologue about Katara & the loss of their mother, and we settle on a rather R-rated nickname for Combustion Man.

Follow the password protected link to hang!!


Password: ClittyClittyBoomBoom

Enjoy y’all! Also make sure susbscribe to our podcast main feed too we’re dropping episodes on our thoughts of the Snyder Cut’s 2 Most Baffling Scenes and later our fave moments from ATLA SEASON 2!!!!



Tank & the Watchers in the Bar



rickie woodson

got too excited. thought this was going to be episode 8. oh well still a good episode. sparky boom boom man returns!


*sparky sparky boom man and yeah I agree, excited for next ep


Here's Toph and Sokka's VAs re creating that scene in 2020 https://youtu.be/BmAe32_eNsw

Sean Silence

I love this episode and I really enjoyed the reaction. But I'm even more excited for next episode. One of my all-time favorites.


I was so tired, just took my lunch break and I get the notification. SO EXCITED!! And I cannot wait til next ep!


I'm new to the channel, but I've been binging your guys' Avatar reactions (can't wait for Korra) and I just wanted to say thanks for the entertaining banter and the genuine excitement you have for the show! AtLA is one of those shows I wish I could erase from my memory just so I could relive it again for the first time. But vicariously experiencing that emotion and surprise through awesome folks like yourselves is a great substitute. While I love this episode, I'm REALLY excited for what comes next. From here on out until the end, literally every second is pure gold imo and I can't wait to see your reactions and hear your thoughts on everything. Keep up the great work!


Hey guys i just watched the reaction and it was great but i figured i would help shed some light on the whole carrier bird thing. So in GOT they use ravens and in ATLA they use hawks but they are based on our real world carrier Pigeons. The Pigeons are also known as homing pigeons, the way it works is the birds are born in a certain roost and they come to know that place as home and they pretty much always remember where it is. After they are hold enough they are transported to other places where they are used to send messages but they only fly to the roost they were born in which is why many roosts hold lots of pigeons because each one is meant to send messages to a different place. After the message is sent someone takes the pigeon back to its owner where it will wait until it is needed again.


Oh man I always forget about this episode, but it's so much fun!

Libby DVR

The first time they fought and made up it was very surface level. This time it was on a deeper level. It's a more realistic way of showing conflict resolution. And I don't find this to be the usual sexist, "Bitches always be fighting" trope because they are arguing about genuine differences in personality. Not over a boy, or being jealous of each other. And showing them trying to work on their differences together instead of being catty and nasty over and over. Women are real people, they do fight. But real people also try to get along with each other as well. I like it. It's not a favorite but it's fine.


Aang and Sokka share one brain cell 😂 I enjoyed the Toph and Katara relationship in this episode and Sokka’s talk with Toph was really good.

rickie woodson

this is why katara is my favorite: she's me. reasonable, observative, intelligent, real but compassionate. they are supposed to be keeping a low profile, if you are bored go fishing or play with momo, its not that deep. ITS WAR TIME TOPHY. oh the rich privilege of it all


yeah earthbending is weird in that theres so many situations where u could solve by just like, bending the earth underneath you. like for example with the drill, the earthbenders coulda just made a trench or big holes under its path and then it woulda gotten stuck but, i try to just not think about stuff like that.

rickie woodson

i take it as this: they arent rich so that jewelry is costume aka plastique (fancy way of saying plastic like tarjay)


like the main answer to "why didnt they use X Bending this way?" is cause 1 then we wouldnt have conflict and 2, it looks cooler to go about it the hard way.


How do I access the reaction to episode 8. I’m subscribed to the Knight Tier but can’t find the video


There is no Ep 8 post. That doesn’t drop until next week. That’s our promo read for the YouTube edit.


About putting Firebenders into Wooden Prisons: They actually don't do that. You must understand that Benders are very rare in contrast to the non Bending Population! Most Fire Benders in the Fire Nation have a Safe Job as Soldiers in the Army because they are valuable Troops. Most People in the Nation are non Benders. So a criminal Firebender usually is a very rare Thing and would of course be brought to a Fireproof facility. But there is no Problem putting supposedly non Benders, or atleast non Fire Benders in Wood Jail ;)

Isis Peoples

there is a mask on appa. more than this uncut post, mask on appa is exactly what i needed

Isis Peoples

ok.....the bane iroh voice got a extended chuckle outa me. i cant even called what happened a laugh bc it was a belly filled chuckle

Isis Peoples

small attention to detail: toph can only metelbend when shes in physical contact with the metal. its a very difficult element to bend she need to touch it to literally feel the earth within the metal to manipulate it. SO toph would have to idk be holding combustion mans shin to do any damage


ahhhhhhh, that makes sense. And they can't get close to that clit-head ass mfer


Unpopular opinion...I know...but this is the worst episode since the Great Divide and it was tough just rewatching. Season 3 is not as strong and as perfectly woven as season 2 and it's not just this episode there's a couple more.


I know you already watched it but I can't wait to see your reaction to next weeks episode! its a good one!


I can’t give you any backstory on Combustion Man, but as a total ASOIAF book nerd, I can fill you in about the ravens. Basically, the Maester of each House was in charge of the ravens. They had ravens that were trained to go to one specific location. For example, Winterfell would probably have a designated raven for each of their Bannerman who they needed to communicate with, as well as a raven to go to King’s Landing and one to the Wall. As a Great House they might also have a Raven for communication with the Great Houses of the other regions. Or anyone they might communicate with on a regular basis, like the Citadel in Old Town. It was said that one in awhile there was a raven smart enough to learn two or three routes. Don’t ask me how they were able to figure that out though. But the whole thing was supposed to be based on the Children of the Forest, who in the distance past could skin change the ravens. Back then they didn’t need to tie on a message because they could speak directly through the birds. The Children were supposed to have taught magic this to First Men who had skin changing abilities, like Bran. But the ability was lost through the ages and now they tie a message to the bird in a crude imitation of the original ability.


interesting. I personally love it, but narratively it does spin its wheels, other than showcasing the threat of the Clit Combuster, its all straight up character studies on the Fire Nation crew. But I do feel its needed to help us sorta separate and define Ty and Mei for what comes later. And its super funny! But I feel ya!


Aang and Sokka are genuinely smart dudes, but put them together and they become moronic cavemen. Kinda like me and my buddies.


"Its like dayton ohio just some unliveable shithole" I'm from Ohio and that made me laugh hahahahaha

Official Jrem

Actually just got curious and looked up messenger pigeons. There’s an interesting story I just read about one from world war 1 which summarizes to:

Official Jrem

“ Cher Ami was the name of one of the most famous WWI homing pigeons saving an entire French battalion in spite of German soldiers shooting out the birds eye, it's chest and a leg. the bird was able to fly 25 miles in this condition to the command post which stop the shelling and saved countless lives. The bird actually healed up, was given an honorary Service Cross and after his death it was mounted in place at the Smithsonian Institute.”


Fully agree. I think Toph and Katara will naturally butt heads often, but in this episode you can also feel their closeness, which is totally different from the chase. I think that episode was more about how to adjust to a new person, and how everything gets turned up to 10 when you live with ppl, while this was a lot more personal.


I think this episode is actually pretty underrated! It's a pretty decent character episode that almost masquerades as a lighthearted filler. Plus, for better or worse, this was really Toph's Episode for season 3--nothing else gives her this much time or focus. I think her struggle in this episode felt in character and real. So much of Toph is a rebellion from the constrained life she had with her parents, like her resentment of any rules or limits. And the perfect foil for that is Katara, who's very maternal herself and idealizes the concept of family. I think it's actually very poignant that it's through fighting with Katara that Toph finally accepts that, as angry as she is with her family, she also loves them. Which is a lovely and complex idea that gives Toph's story the movement it needed. (Since the last we got on that is a hopeful Toph, tricked into a metal cage by the earth bending buddy comedy duo, and literally inventing a new bending just to break out from it/her parents again.) This episode isn’t as good as a season arc, but it does a pretty decent job in showing Toph evolve. When it first aired, I def remember brushing this one off as fun and mostly lighthearted (also getting annoyed at Katara for being Katara and forgetting that stealing is wrong, except when it's from pirates). But I’m appreciating it a lot more now for going so heavy on Toph and the family theme without dragging. This epi really went deep in its exploration of how we feel about family, and using Toph and Katara to play that out works really well and feels thoughtful. I’m with Morgan in that girlfighty episodes usu annoy the shit out of me (ahem, looking at you Community) but I think this was actually a good use of the trope. Which yeah, rare. Also, Sokka with the "I don't really remember what my mother looked like" gave us the punch to the heart only ATLA can do so well. Gets me every fucking time. Lowkey one of ATLA’s best evocative moments.


I actually do believe this episode was necessary, because the conflict between toph and katara wasn't actually resolved if you watch the episode from season 2 again ”the chase.”. They never really had a heart to heart and found understanding.