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It's been a little while, hasn't it?

but i'm back on the comic clean up!
now with a change of scenery, as our dorks hang out outside the store!

there's meant to be a Chapter separation piece that goes between this page and the previous one, but i'm gonna save those for later since i'm planning on making them more refined pieces!

so! aside from a bit of dialogue tweaking, the main "difference" i guess would be that big panel being all, artsy wishy wooshy with the coloring! i want to have more visually appealing panels and give my comic that comic-y vibe that i see around. it think it helps spice things up, and adds that extra bit of POW to the action!

let me know what you think!

i DID still fully color the page, though i think i'll make the first one the official one. still! have the fully colored one as a bonus!



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