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June Poll: Celebration Revisit

  • Ashlyn’s Drinking Game 48
  • The Ballad of the Bulge 31
  • Butterfingers 5
  • Rasslin’ 18
  • Part of the Staff 53
  • Puppet Theater 8
  • Tug of Vore 47
  • 2023-06-20
  • —2023-06-28
  • 210 votes
{'title': 'June Poll: Celebration Revisit', 'choices': [{'text': 'Ashlyn’s Drinking Game', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'The Ballad of the Bulge', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Butterfingers', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Rasslin’', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Part of the Staff', 'votes': 53}, {'text': 'Puppet Theater', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Tug of Vore', 'votes': 47}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 28, 7, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 20, 10, 27, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 210}


Remember the town-wide celebration we mentioned back in April, the one occurring in Season 2 Episode 3? We’ve been having so much fun planning out the festivities that we had to run another poll to help us prioritize our ideas.

As the festivities rapidly spiral out of control and attendees become more and more drunk (and, often, devoured), you’ll have a string of optional encounters before being claimed for the night by a particularly persistent predator. Like the previous poll, there will be no singular winner here: we’ll be writing several scenes from the list below based on votes received. The exact count is up in the air, but we intend to write as many as we can with this opportunity for low-stakes vorey fun.

Reminder that these are all safe, short, and relatively uninvolved scenes. Neither the player nor anyone else is at risk of digestion or long-term entrapment.

The poll closes on the morning of the 28th, and you are encouraged to vote for multiple options.

  • Ashlyn’s Drinking Game - You agree to help Ashlyn rope partygoers into a “drinking game.” The mage is suspiciously vague on the specific rules. [Observed]
  • The Ballad of the Bulge - As the predator closes in, you take shelter with a local bard who, as payment, demands you help her write a ballad commemorating the day’s festivities. [Prey]
  • Butterfingers - In an effort to lose your pursuer, you cause one of the revelers to spill their drink, which promptly gets them devoured by an irate partner. [Observed]
  • Rasslin’ - In a desperate bid, you agree to be “a helpful member of the audience” in a theatrical wrestling performance. You won’t be winning any belts, but you might end up as one. [Prey]
  • Part of the Staff - You ask to temporarily hide inside a barmaid. She agrees on the condition you briefly serve as an impromptu tray-holder (as her stomach, naturally). [Prey]
  • Puppet Theater - You watch a puppet theater enact a bit of local history. The puppets, naturally, portray Havendor’s voracious past in striking detail. [Observed… Puppet Vore?]
  • Tug of Vore - You briefly observe a group of townsfolk attempting to play tug of war against a large monster girl—or, more specifically, her stomach. [Observed]


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