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Hey, just a quick status update so you know what to expect in the near future.

The WiP release for Season 2 Episode 2 is scheduled to arrive this coming weekend. We’re currently aiming for the evening of the 24th, but we’ve got a particular content milestone in mind that we think you’ll appreciate.

As for some bigger picture updates and plans, that dang Season 1 Scene Gallery will hopefully be ready before the end of the month, and we’ll be pairing the release with a definitive (for now) release of Season 1 Episode 14 for the public. The Save Builder is also in-progress. The current goal is to have it ready for the full release of Season 2 Episode 2 (and simultaneously Season 2 Episode 1 for the public) next month.

We pretty massively underestimated the effort these two features would require to properly impliment, and we appreciate your patience while we finish them up alongside the next releases.

Oh and this month’s poll will be out in the next 24 hours. Stay tuned!


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