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We have another update! Things are going sooooo well! I can't begin to thank all of you for the support! With this update the game is looking like a real well built game! And this also shows you the direction the game will be going! We have set times to work on it every week and are updating you all with progress every wednesday! But now.... the update!!!

UPDATE 0.9.0
MASSIVE and its soooo pretty!

Sound!!! don't be scared of the music when it starts up... we were at first XD

random  sfx are now possible! A coin sound has been added.... maybe some  places? It will get filled out more soon. Mini game even has sound... oh  right thats down further.

Fixed a bunch of bugs including office  being nan days away from letting you back in to The googirl showing up  at the office to change your diaper!

Office MINIGAME added in...  very experimental and rudimentary, Will be massivly expanded on over  time. Its super easy to add more phrases to it so expect it to get big.


Googirl is actually around to see!

Improvements on the diaper usage thing should trigger better... still is full of bugs

INSANE amounts of back end code! I can now overlay things, make stuff appear and disappear, even display pictures as links!  

PASSWORD: yayfordiapers



Oh this is the old post. Current version is 0.10.0. Each version gets the password and link changed. Check out the most recent post for the update!