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Just got through another week and oh did we get some good stuff added in!

I managed to find that crazy bug in the office that was causing to googirl to suddenly show up to change your diaper. No more of that nonsense hurray!

The ever amazing  Atreyatan has added been working up a storm of art to make the game look sooo much better! This is only the start of the beautification process, but it will show you exactly what the game will end up looking like!

I delved into the land of backend engine, and with my trusty code hammer banged away until I built a way to display pictures rather than text for dynamically created choices. Like the ones traveling bettween locations and ask the googirl questions.

Another HUGE change is that office "focus on work" mechanic.... Ugh it was dreadful. If only it actually was fan and diaper related..... hehehehe well now it is! I haven't quite finished building it but I should have it done for the end of the month update. (this is a huge thing and actually adds FUN into the game)

Other things we worked on include "expressions!", "SFX", and a look at making the portrait prettier too!

All this and more coming in next update! (really hope I get that office thing working in time!)


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