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DOWNLOAD Oh So Hero! Pre Edition II for FREE on itch.io

We're happy to announce the launch of our second public demo of Oh So Hero!

Watch the high quality UNCENSORED trailer on Pornhub!

In Oh So Hero, you play the role of the dragonesque hero Joe to fight and fornicate with enemies, build intimate relationships with anthropomorphic characters, and embark on a sex-filled adventure to win the mysterious alien Gerrabacco tournament being held on Joe's island!

Version 0.15.000, titled Pre Edition II, has significant additions and improvements over its predecessor. Here's a brief overview of what's new:

  • Operating Systems: Windows, macOS, & Linux! Both 64-bit & 32-bit versions.
  • RAM usage: 8GB -> 1GB
  • Enemy count: 3 -> 8
  • Environments: 5 -> 10
  • Sexable NPC count: 1 -> 13
  • Total lewd animations: 17 -> 72

For a full list of changes, see the Changelog

You can support development and play new versions of the game—with new characters, features, and lewd animations—by becoming a patron here on Patreon!

And for you $5+ patrons, we're gonna have a new build of the game with extra content for you very soon!

We hope you enjoy Oh So Hero! Pre Edition II. Please let us know what you think in the comments. Cheers, Ribbit~



Oh oh! Can we share the itch.io and Pornhub links around publicly? :D


Congrats for you guys reaching a release able alpha stage. A lot of projects like this never make to that stage.

