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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We got a new dev build of Oh So Hero ready for you! Please keep it private~

Changes made since last release (v0.14.500)...

New features:

  • 2 New Game Over Animations: Southeast Beach & Brask’s Jungle.

Gameplay changes:

  • Joe’s regular attack and combo will only work when Joe is on the ground. We will be adding proper aerial attacks later.
  • After an enemy’s KO status (yellow stars) expires, they’re considered “defeated”. But instead of flickering and disappearing, enemies will now remain on screen when defeated. Future development will have their sprites reflect means of defeat (i.e. soaked in cum).
  • Various stats such as HP, damage, LP, arousal, etc. have been adjusted on Joe and all enemies for better difficulty balance.
    • Example 1: Goliath lick attack takes longer to wind up and deals less LP arousal.
    • Example 2: Joe’s slide attack deals far less damage, but still breaks boxes.
  • A “Loading Screen Confirmation” option has been added to the Options screen. This controls whether you need to press Confirm after a new area has loaded. The default is “On”, which is good if you wanna watch the randomized loading animation. Turn it “Off” to return to the old-style loading (auto-confirm); good for speedrunners~
    • NOTE: First time loading the game will always require confirmation, just as it did before.

Improvements & bug fixes:

  • Further AI revisions on Stier and other enemies.
  • Small improvements to Stier sex animation playback & SFX.
  • Revised dialogue for Ket in Sheo Islands Beach (multiple locations).
  • Daku lust attack now momentarily hitstuns Joe, as was originally intended.
  • The first Goliath in Brask’s Jungle is now facing/attacking in the proper direction.
  • Hide mouse cursor while playing the game. Mouse is not utilized in-game currently.
  • Progress has been made on other reported bugs and crashes, but more work is to be done.
  • Updated credits and reordered people based on total patronage.
  • And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!

Winner of last poll:

Erotic stat-boosting gear, equipment trading stamina for LP recovery, and more items will be coming in the future!

Update from Red:

The minotaur still needs some time in the oven but hopefully it'll be ready next week!

Cheers, Ribbit~


Everett Telos Gale

Surprised there hasn't been any comments here yet. Looking forward to Stier finally getting 100% complete!


loving this version so far~~

Ryan Smith

The individual Game overs must be a lot of extra work but damn... they're amazing guys!


Can't stop playing and jerking to this game, very well done, can't wait to see what happens next~