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We’re continuing to make progress toward Oh So Hero! v0.15, which will be released publicly as Pre Edition II. It’s taken longer than expected, but it will be a bigger and more polished package than originally planned.

You, the patrons, have made it possible for us to continue development on a fairly regular basis. We can’t thank you enough for that! However, we want to make sure we can keep up the pace without burning out due to end-of-the-month crunch mode.

Going forward, we want to be careful about setting specific deadlines. We're still gonna keep working at the pace we’ve been going at, but we don't want to “force deadlines” anymore. We will keep doing our best to release new content every month but we have to accept that sometimes the content won’t be ready that month and will simply be ready when it's ready. Some features simply can't be released half completed because of their very nature.

That being said. We look forward to bringing you more content in the future! Thank you all!



Slow 'n steady wins the race! - Rabbit & Turtle


Take your time guys! A rushed game is always bad :3


Thanks for beeing transparent !

Ket Ralus

Indeed. We had specific plans going into this project and we wanna make sure we stay focused on them.


I can wait all the time you want as long as you guys keep doing such a wonderful job^^.