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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We got a new dev build of Oh So Hero ready for you! Please keep it private~

Changes made since last release (v0.14.400)...

New features:

  • 1 New Animation for Stier! 100% Lust animation initiated by player.
  • 3 New Game Over Animations: Sheo Islands Beach, Treewish Forest, & Forbidden Bayou.
  • 1 New Loading Screen Animation (random).
  • Proper Lust raising attacks for both Daku and Lono’e.

Winner of last poll:

An Avian explorer NPC will be coming to the Forbidden Bayou!

Here’s a preview of the last npc poll winner. 

Cheers, Ribbit~





Nice works! Stier still don't have caught (or Joe 100% Lust) sex animation, right?


you don't mention you also gave most enemies a taunt attack now (I don't remember any from last build?)


Oooohhh, that raccoon (tanuki?) looks like fun~

Ket Ralus

"Proper Lust raising attacks for both Daku and Lono’e." is referring to these taunt attacks.


Oomph! Really liking those big balls. <3 Very cute design too.


Oh, and I am excited about the other new content! Sorry, you all at Full Frontal Frog are awesome with what you put out every month, and so I feel I gotta cheer you on!

Dexter Muntherie

Finally got my laptop fixed and got the latest build. since last I played 2 months ago the content and fine detailing is always amazing and well appreciated what you guys put in. The ending animations are a nice touch hope more come over time. over all the NPC's, music, back grounds, attacks and mechanics run well Love Oh so hero and hope this is a long lasting fun project for everyone keep up the great work as always ~ "Side Question" - would there be more game over ending animations and art pieces like each zone had 1 art piece and 1 animation set to random? Any ways This game is a fantastic project and at the moment great base cake you have here just gotta keep adding as much icing to it hopefully ~ :D hoping its a long project ha? ;p heh


These game over screens are great didn't think we'd be getting them animated.

Ket Ralus

I can't say exactly what we'll have, but you can expect many more surprises, including new content for older characters and environments!

Dexter Muntherie

That I understand you guys are awesome with your work passion and dedication to this project that clearly shows ~ keep up the great work. I enjoy any big or small update ^_^ a lot going on here :D But yes I do like that even older characters been worked on a bit which is a nice surprise and touch :3 Any ways Keep safe have a good day/night to you and the rest of the team ~


Smol beach seems to be bugged for me. The terrain is to the sky and I cannot progress into it at all. Should I try a new game? It seems like this build bugged out over the save or something. Okay never mind I found out in the notes. I guess from this point on saves will not work right? I mean it is no big deal but it would be nice if it carried over each time.

Ket Ralus


Ket Ralus

The problem is not related to the save file. See the link I posted.

jaquane patterson

how about an area win screens where you get a scene after joe beats every enemy?