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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We got a new dev build of Oh So Hero ready for you! Please keep it private~

Changes made since last release (v0.14.104)...

New features:

  • Due to the unfortunate illness of our artist, Red, there are no new animations in this build. This is primarily a bug fix build.
  • We have however laid the foundation for new items to be added to the game. These are simply a couple basic ones that have been introduced/backfilled to get the ball rolling:
  • Gold Coins can be found in crates. They give you Zenni, a currency that will be used in the game later in development. They can be collected, but they currently serve no purpose.
  • Sensual Body Paint is a stat boost item that will increase the arousal (lust) done to enemies when using Joe's sexy pose. It can be found in Treewish Forest near the second "sexy switch" device.

Improvements & bug fixes:

  • enable Joe' slide hitbox/hurtbox sooner
  • enemy AI will only use grab moves if Joe is swooned
  • fix some enemy AI issues and enemy attack hitboxes
  • prevent game crash if loading corrupt save file
  • save stats to save file; max HP on load
  • fix softlock at 0 HP if pressing X while in climax state
  • fix respawning after falling in water
  • no damage during forest sexy switch animation
  • fix all control prompts to use active input method
  • some dialogue-related tweaks and fixes
  • reduce spring sound effect volume
  • wood crate fragments will not interact with springs
  • fix bug upon opening/closing credits screen multiple times
  • and more!

Winner of last poll:

Joe will be dominated by the enemy in a new game over screen! We will also be using the ideas provided for the NPC questions in a future update.

Update from Red:

Hey guys, I'm still alive. Things seem to be improving but it's hard to say for sure as the symptoms fluctuate constantly. Thank you all for the support. Hopefully I’ll be back up and running in a week or so.

Cheers, Ribbit~



excellent, thanks for the bugfix and good wishes for an expedient recovery!


Wait, why would the AI only use grabs when Joe's swooned? What the point of having any escape ability at all?

Ket Ralus

enemy AI will always be able to grab (in addition to other attacks), but they will now only use grab moves if Joe is swooned. this is because Joe is invulnerable at that point and can't be hit with regular attacks anyway. what you would get would be enemies whacking Joe with sticks that did nothing to him. grab is the only way to go at that point.


Thank you, I had misunderstood. This fix makes sense and was definitely a great idea. Sorry if I had seemed overly critical.


Cheers again to Red and all the team. Rest well


I really love this game so far it has great animations and it has great mechanics, the only thing i would improve is the ai attackspeed or something so that you cant stun lock the enemies with jab one like the goliath, the game can be a bit easy and i would love to see more challenge and difficulty but besides that its an amazing game and i cant wait to see what more you guys have in store keep up the amazing work fellas.