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Hey Guys. Red here. I have some news I felt was only fair to share with you guys. Despite my efforts to avoid it, I’ve started showing symptoms of COVID-19. I'm heading to urgent care today to do some tests to make sure my lungs aren't being severely affected. I will do my best to keep you guys in the loop, but it's looking likely that we'll have to delay the next build’s release.

I appreciate all the support we’ve gotten so far. Stay healthy, friends~



Dude your health is way more important than the game. You take care and get better


Get well soon, best wishes from australia


take care! Hoping you get well soon >.<


be safe friend, quick recovery vibes on the way


Don't worry about a new release man, getting healthy is way more important :)

Chenyu Wen

OMG take care, you can release it when you get better.


Take care your health first, bruh...


Good luck, yeppers. Hope it smooths over quickly and safely. P:


Take care now and hope u get better soon!!! <3


Your health takes total priority! Best of luck in recovery- despite the constant news this is an illness that can be overcome with a fair bit of ease

Dexter Muntherie

Be safe get better buddy ~ Health comes first before a game update it sure can wait


Take care


As DexterPupsky said, your health matters first. take all the time you need and stay safe.




Stay healthy too Red. I'm sending to you good energy vibes. Recover well and take your time for the release. Love 🙌


Dont worry about the next release or any of that stuff...just make sure you get back to tip top shape and you arent going to be suffering from any long term side effects from the infection


Oh hell, feel better!


You will be fine May the God bless you ♥♥


get better soon! I hope it’s something else :c Much love! <3


Hope you get better, and that is nothing serious! <3


Oh shit hope you get better man the game can always wait but you only get one life so worry about that get well x

jaquane patterson

OH NOooo! man... feel better frog friend


I hope you start feeling better soon!


Sorry to hear, fingers crossed it's not that serious! Get well soon!

Zawkian Puppy

Hey there! Dont worry you will be oki! Your health is way more important than the game and I'm sure u will be good soon! *hugs!*


Dang it! Hope it's not too bad. Take all the time you need and come back strong and healthy.


Delays are common during this time, do not feel bad about it. Focus on your own health above all


Im so sorry to hear, I hope all is well and that you feel better soon


Hope it's not that serious and you get better soon!


Your health comes 1st. Stay hydrated stay isolated


get well soon this virus has taken enough lives


Oh damn... Yes, hopefully it will be nothing severe. Here's to getting the treatment your need and getting well asap!


i hope everything will be ok


Do we have any updates on the severity of Red's condition? It can be mild, so that someone can lie it out at home, or severe that it requires hospitalization. I'm honestly hoping Red's in the former category, of course, but is there any news?

Wyle Williams

Hoping is nothing to serious if you caught it early. May you get well soon!

Ket Ralus

Red is at home and he seems to be on the road to recovery. However, the symptoms can flare up at any moment, and they can be dangerous, so it's not over yet. Given these cases tend to last about two weeks, we're hoping he starts getting back to his healthy old self about a week from now.


Since you say he's at home, then that should be a really good thing. I think hospitalization occurs very quickly based on what I saw and heard so if he hasn't been in the hospital yet, changes are he's among the lucky ones that recover well. But yeah it could randomly get worse at any moment so here's to truly hoping everything will be ok. Wishing him a great and speedy recovery and luck to your whole team~