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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We present to you a new dev build of Oh So Hero!

Download Oh So Hero! v0.20.400:

Need help installing? See our install guide on the OSH Wiki!

Build changelog:

Here are the changes made since the last patron release (v0.20.300)...

New features:

  • Two New Animations for Bates!

    • These animations (previewed last update) become available upon reaching Phase Four or Five of the battle with Bates. When Bates is knocked down and Joe initiates sex in either of these phases, you’ll see a new animation. There is one animation when Bates is 0-99% lust, and another animation when Bates is 100% lust (magenta tint).

    • If you’ve already beat Bates in a previous version, you’ll need to beat him again to unlock these animations.

  • Full Gallery Unlock Cheat Code!

    • Read the instructions here: https://wiki.ohsohero.com/gallery#cheat_code

    • This is a temporary unlock that does not affect gallery data. Keep your progress!

    • This is a quick implementation and is subject to change in future builds.

Improvements & bug fixes:

  • Possible fix for Bates flying off screen and never returning. More Bates fixes are planned for next month’s build.

  • The title screen main menu cursor now has wrapping enabled, so you can press Up to go to Quit.

  • And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!

Known issues:

  • Some systems with lesser amounts of RAM (especially Windows 32-bit) may crash if viewing Bates in the Gallery with high-quality animations enabled because the computer runs out of memory. This is something we hope to address in a future update.

  • All Known Issues

Ket's Update:

Hi everyone! June was a slow month for me since I was traveling for a couple weeks, but it’s my last trip of 2024 until our presence at ACFI (more news on that later!). While I was out, I met with a friend to create sound effects for Bates, and I learned some audio plug-ins to make more sounds on my own. I then got back into the programming to implement Red’s new animations for Bates and add a full gallery unlock cheat code, which is especially useful for those playing on Android!

I’m ready to get firmly into work-mode, so starting with this post, I’m going to list my recently completed tasks and upcoming priorities. I will update these lists in subsequent posts as a way for you to track my progress across the months.

Recently Completed:

  • Implement new Bates Animations

  • Implement Gallery Cheat Code

  • Identify Sound Effects needed for Bates

  • Gather/Create Audio Samples

Upcoming Priorities:

  • Sound Design: Synthesize/Edit Sound Effects

  • Audio Code Update

  • Audio Implementation

  • Bates AI & Battle Revisions

  • Android Touch Control Improvements

That’s all for now. We’ll discuss post-Bates content next month. Thanks and see you then~ =}

Red's Update:

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well. It was a bit difficult to work early in June due to tooth extractions but I'm back on the ball. I'm wrapping up all the cutscene stuff in the next two weeks in this order:

  • Bates Intro Story Animation   90% completed

  • Bates Victory Story Animation   60% completed

  • Bates Game Over Animation   60% completed

So at the end of the day all the Bates animation work should be done on the 15th and I will be providing some extra previews on that day.

We've got some pretty awesome things in the works regarding post-Bates stuff! We'll be discussing those with you guys in the month of July! I can't thank you all enough for your patience and support! I'm excited to show you guys what will be next!

Take care everyone!

Oh So Hero! Important Links:

Cheers, Ribbit~




So why do the bates animations require so much memory? Even on my computer it slows down the game dramatically when viewing them in the gallery.


The animations use high resolution sprites with hundreds of frames per animation. You can get better performance in the gallery if you disable high-quality animations in the options. This will switch to compressed images instead which should still look fine and require less RAM. We'll be looking into other optimizations in future versions.

Blue Nevla

Hey love ur work and have been following on and off since 2020! I do have one question tho, are u guys planning on redoing some of the recent animation art like the threesomes since they look different compared to the original solo sex animations, also more size and detail on the feets would be really nice at least for me :)


Thanks for following us for so long! We're focused on getting all the work done first. After everything is finished, we will review all the animations and make improvements and adjustments to improve consistency. I'll pass along your feet comment to Red to ensure he keeps them big and beautiful~