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Howdy everyone! It's been a minute since I've given a proper report, but I've been in the trenches of fixing Hazel.

As you have probably seen, we've finalized Hazel's new look, and I think we nailed it!

But I won't dwell on that anymore. I did some writing!

Hazelnut Latte:

* [Episode 5] 17,306 words. (+22)

* [Episode 6] 11,349 words. (+753)

* [total] 92,521 (+775)

Secret Project:

* [total] 2,345 (+1,320)

Hazelnut Latte is coming along! I haven't been working on it that much since I've been redoing the sprite and working on other things.

The Secret Project is also coming along! Though it has a lot of room to grow.

I have also been working on the 2nd edition of my novel, Is That Your Brother?

Today, I finished a grammar pass from the book and corrected everything. Next, I will do a content pass, making sure the book meets my standards and determining whether I need to change/add/subtract anything.

If that goes well, then the book is ready! I am currently in talks with an artist to draw new images to insert into the book, so hopefully, we can finish our negotiations soon and begin getting new art. My current goal is to have a special drawing for every chapter, so 12 illustrations. Then it's just a matter of getting the images in the book and creating the paperback.

And that is all for now!

Kokman is reverting his energy back to new art for v0.11.3.

Noba has done a fantastic job on the new gallery, and once we get the new sprites in there, I would love to show it off to you all.

So, thank you all for your wonderful support! Y'all rock <3

Have a great day and Stay Rad Out There!



Good work keep it up! 💪