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Series: Hololive
Characters: Ouro Kronii
Contains: Sudden weight gain

Commission for MinotaurSlayer

The music played for a few minutes, but it finally transitioned to reveal Kronii on screen. Messages and emotes were spammed in the scrolling chat on one side of the screen as the fanbase eagerly greeted the streamers.

“Kronii-chiwa!” She greeted everyone with a smile. “Sorry for the delay, but I was just super busy. Today should be relaxed, and we’ll just have a short zatsudan.”

Despite the stream just beginning, superchats and membership notifications started to stream in. Many of the superchats ranged from $5 to $10, with a few of $20 or more slipping by. Each had a message attached that Kronii would be sure to read when she had the chance.

What Kronii didn’t realize was that something had gone wrong. Every dollar sent in caused her to gain weight. The smaller donations quickly stacked up, and her stomach began to soften. A pale mass of pudgy fat swelled like rising dough. It steadily grew bigger and bigger and began to spread across her lap.

More and more fat built up. Soon, it wasn’t limited to Kronii’s stomach. Her hips started to inch across her seat while rolls formed atop them in the form of squishy love handles. Her thighs thickened until they squished together, which was admittedly a tiny gap, but the growth was enough to push her feet apart. Kronii still failed to notice, but she did start to shift her hips in her chair. The seat squeaked, and the chair groaned as Kronii’s growing bubble butt pressed down on it.

All of this went unnoticed by the viewers and Kronii. It was only once the weight started to spread further up her body that some started to notice. Kronii’s already generous chest swelled in perfect view of the screen. This quickly spawned a series of chats pointing out Kronii’s “ribbon.” The aptly placed ribbon rested in the center of her bust. Each fat mass soon became the size of Kronii’s head, yet their growth didn’t appear to slow. The display was enough encouragement for more donations to come in. The rapid stream of money and subscriptions made her growth much more noticeable to everyone watching. Especially as her arms started to become puffier along with her cheeks. Kronii even sprouted an extra chin that thickened until it was the size of a plump sausage.

“ClockBro53, thank you for the $10,” Kronii started before reading the message attached. “Hi Kronii! Have you seen Calli’s latest stream? It started normal, but then…she got really fat. No, I don’t think I saw that. Maybe it was just a weird gimmick?” Kronii shrugged, unaware of her shoulders squishing against her softer cheeks.

Another superheat came in. “PebbleBro, thank you for the $20.” Kronii’s eyebrow raised as she read the message. “The same happened for Biboo. She got so big that she filled the entire screen. I thought it was some sort of special event, but I haven’t seen the rest of Myth or Advent do something like it.”

Kronii leaned back in her chair. The act gently pushed it back, putting more of her in view of the camera. Now, the viewers could see Kronii’s stomach. The chat practically exploded as more memberships and donations came in.

“Huh?” Kronii saw the rush of superchats and membership joins while still failing to realize how her body puffed up like a dry sponge dunked in water. “Kroniinberg, thank you for the $50. Did you visit any relatives recently? No, why?” She asked and recalled the last time she had visited family. She had talked about it a lot on stream, mostly about how she was constantly overfed.

As more money flooded Kronii’s chat, fat rushed across her frame. Her body rapidly became more broad as her hips expanded outward. Then, as if a liquid were filling the shape of its container, Kronii started to develop thick love handles and rolls of fat that lined her sides from the tops of her hips to her underarms. The rolls ranged in thickness from tiny folds, to hand-filling folds, and finally slab-like masses of blubber. Their growth was smooth, like dough being left to rise, only much faster. Her thighs swelled and thickened rapidly to twice their current width, which made each leg almost as thick as her former waistline. Both of her butt cheeks became even more pillowy and thick, taking up every available inch of space in the chair. Fat squished against the backrest, seeped out from under the armrests, and tried to squeeze through any gap of space available.

“Jeez, you guys are going crazy today.” Kronii looked over the chats but struggled to read them all. It was even difficult to read superchats or track how many people were joining. Most of what she gleamed was something about ‘weight gain’ or ‘it’s actually happening.’ Kronii didn’t understand it, even as she leaned forward to read the screen better. She was utterly oblivious to how her enlarged chest squished atop the surface of her flabby belly.

Enough pounds had accumulated, so Kronii’s stomach was a vast, flabby mound of tiered rolls. The lowest roll was the largest and was just as wide as her hips. It was stretched lengthwise like a piece of taffy in a machine, reaching far enough to rest atop her knees. This wideness was also visible in her belly button, which was a deep, dark spot in the middle of her gut. Atop it was a smaller roll, but still one large enough to overflow Kronii’s hands if she pinched it or her arms if she tried to hold it. It also served as the perfect spot for her chest to rest. Perhaps without it, Kronii would have noticed the increased weight of her breasts. They had grown outward similarly to how a balloon does when inflated evenly, smoothly, and rapidly.

“Maybe I should take a break to let you all calm down,” Kronii murmured as she reached her arms toward the keyboard. That was when she noticed something strange. Her arms dragged against her sides… It all felt soft yet heavy at the same time. Then, as she looked at her hands in front of her, they seemed different. Her fingers were slightly puffier, and her wrists looked nearly twice as thick as they should be.

Kronii’s eyes trailed up her arms and took in how they gradually became wider. Their width increased drastically once they reached her elbows. Her upper arms had large, sagging clumps of fat on their underside. Then, the upper side was covered in a thick layer of slightly more dense fat.

“What…the?” Kronii was in stunned disbelief. Her arms were so squishy…she was so squishy. It was natural that her eyes would wander. She saw much more of her chest than she was used to. It swallowed up more than three times the space it usually did. Beyond that was her belly, which she instinctually squeezed. It was so soft that her fingers sank into the surface with the same ease as a knife going through warm butter.

“This can’t be happening!” Kronii gasped as she groped the sides of her face. Her cheeks were soft and malleable, easily squishing between her fingers. She frantically tried to search for an answer, only to notice her growth was much more rapid now. She swelled outward in all directions faster than she could follow. Her eyes darted to one place to see a new fat roll form, then she looked at another to see a previously existing roll had double in size.

Kronii tried to stand, but her hips were wide enough to have become wedged in her seat. So, when she stood, her chair was lifted from the floor. That didn’t stop her from trying to shake it free. The result was her flabby body wobbling chaotically. Her belly’s rhythm was mostly erratic, but there was a characteristic sway as she shook her hips from left to right.

This process quickly exhausted Kronii. She realized how intense this weight was as her lungs ran out of air and her legs started to burn. After a few more seconds, Kronii dropped backward. Her chair touched the floor once more and thankfully caught her. The loud groan and a light crack sounded and elicited a loud “GAWK,” from the idol.

“Ugh, I can’t get this chair off my butt!” Kronii exclaimed in exasperation and panted. Each large inhale caused her stomach to pale, and to Kronii’s dismay, it remained slightly larger after each exhale. A deep breath in, swelling two or so inches, exhale, deflate only one inch. There was no sign that this would end anytime soon if left alone.

Kronii looked at her chat, hoping for some message or advice. “Um…someone said this happened to Calli and Biboo? How did they get it to stop?” She asked and laughed nervously. A lot of the responses were simply, ‘it didn’t.’

While looking at the screen this last time, it clocked. Kronii watched the superchats roll in, she saw the dollar amounts rise higher. Multiple people were donating hundreds of dollars. It was much more than when the stream started. Kronii finally realized that they were making her fat.

“I think it’s time we wrap this stream up!” Kronii shouted and slowly scooted forward to her computer. She reached for her keyboard, but her stomach got in the way. Her belly had gotten so fat that it pressed against her desk long before her arms could reach it. Lifting the meaty limbs was increasingly difficult, too. “Oh, come on! At this rate, I’ll get too fat to close everything!”

At this point, Kronii filled the entire width of her screen. Everything that had been wide, heavy, flabby, packed with blubber, etc, had only gotten larger. From the roundness of her cheeks, the thickness of her belly and the rolls of her sides, or the plumpness of her thighs and ass, everything had been enlarged to a proportion far from what Kronii had previously been. It looked as if she were as wide as the concept of time she resided over as warden.

Kronii was desperate now. She reached and reached for her keyboard and mouse. If she didn’t end the stream, the money would continue flowing in. If she could grow to almost half a ton in a few minutes, she worried about what would happen after an hour. There were still some gaps in the screen that she didn’t fill, but how much longer would that be the case?


The front wheels of Kronii’s chair, which bore most of her weight as she leaned forward, snapped. Kronii dipped forward, her fat face rushing toward the camera before her chair was forced out from under her. Kronii fell out of view of the screen and lay splayed out on her back.

“It’s over…I’m done for.” Kronii groaned in defeat. She could feel her body continue to grow, and her breasts and belly crept further across her peripheral view. “I wonder if my gen-mates or the other girls are going through this?” She sighed.

Kronii was sure she had passed immobility by this point. She was perhaps fat enough that part of her belly had returned to the stream. Hopefully, someone from management would tune in and stop the stream. If not, Kronii was sure she would grow until she covered the screen despite her prone position.

“Well, at least my fans are supporting my growth…ugh.”



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