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Series: RWBY
Characters: Glynda, Winter, Julian (Sona)
Contains: Female weight gain, sona character

Reward for Julian

Julian thought this was just a typical lunch, like any other day. Glynda and Winter had invited him, again as usual. Something felt different, though. There was much more food than usual. Julian had always been lanky, so there was no way he needed this much. He just assumed that his friends were hungrier than usual today.

It would make sense, in a way. Glynda and Winter always ate a lot. That’s why they were both so obese. Whereas Julian was skin and bones, those two were everything but. It was hard to tell much difference in their body types due to how thick each was. Some things that Julian noticed were that Winter had fatter cheeks while Glynda’s face simply looked more round. Glynda had larger, rounder breasts, while Winter’s had less size and volume. Of course, he didn’t think that meant much when their breasts were larger than their heads. Surprisingly, Winter had fatter upper arms than Glynda, something Julian found funny, considering how Glynda used her semblance for most things instead of her arms. Winter had to constantly use her arms for work, leaving her at odds with her pillow-sized bingo wings.

Both women had large bellies stuffed with fat. They even shared a similar double-belly shape. Their outfits just hugged them in different ways, and maybe some parts were thicker or smaller on each woman. Like Glynda, who had incredibly thick love handles that were stacked atop her hips. Just one love handle was as tall as Julian’s forearm was long. Winter had sizable love handles, too, but they were flabbier and had more space atop her hips. Both women had a large lump of blubber that rested atop their lower belly and was partially tucked beneath their breasts. Then, possibly due to their outfits, Glynda’s lower belly was more tightly compacted and looked rounder, while Winter’s jacket failed to conceal all of her belly and allowed the lower portions of her gut to hang over her thighs.

They both had thighs more than three times Julian’s waistline. Just one leg from either woman weighed much more than him. They were thickest at their thighs and slightly thinner at the knees. Even their lower legs still managed to be wider than Julian’s waist. Both women also had incredibly doughy backsides. Glynda’s was shapely and round, primarily thanks to her skirt. Winter’s stretched out her pants and rolled over the waistband in a heavy muffin top. Both women took up enough room to spaciously seat three. Yet that didn’t stop them from sitting right next to Julian.

Julian was sandwiched between the obese women. Their hips squished against him, their thighs practically rolled over his, and the sides of their bellies gently flowed into his lap. Julian was used to this, so he just sat there and slowly ate his small portion of lunch while Glynda and Winter stuffed themselves with gusto.

‘Is something special going on today?’ Julian thought. Could there have been a big meeting, and they wouldn’t get to eat for a while? Was there some sort of training they had to do, and they wanted to ensure they had the energy to last? Whatever had the girls eating, they were gaining weight quickly. Their stomach distended and pressed against the table in front of them. Some fat rolled over the surface, while most flowed under and continued to stretch across the surface of their thighs. ‘It’s also getting a little cramped between these two…’ There was gradually less and less space as the woman grew. More fat gradually covered Julian until only his head was exposed. He wanted to say something but couldn’t work up the nerve.

So, Glynda and Winter continued to eat. They continued to eat so much and for so long that their bodies visibly swelled. New fat tucked itself away across their body until clothes started to rip, and their bodies crept over more space. Their bellies started to push the table away, their arms became too heavy to use properly, their butts broke the backs of their chairs and sagged toward the ground, their thighs widened until they were forced to push against each other, and their breasts seemed to race across the tops of their bellies. They were like dry sponges dunked into water. Except they were much heavier and softer than any soaked sponge.

Once their arms failed to reach more food, Glynda and Winter restored to their semblances. Glynda used her telekinesis to carry food to her face often, but she had never known Winter could essentially do the same. Spectral hands appeared to carry items to Winter’s open mouth, and then transparent, ice-blue Grimm could be seen scurrying up her belly to stuff her too. That was enough to make Glynda stuff herself faster.

Using their semblances to feed themselves caused the women to grow much more rapidly. Their bodies surged out in all directions, pushing them away from each other, a humorous observation given their fat still touched while Julian was still trapped within them. The fat of their hips and love handles morphed around his body and rose around his neck. He couldn’t move a muscle, whereas Glynda and Winter practically had no muscles left to move. The women were more fat than anything. Their bodies touched the walls and began to climb higher. Every available inch of space was gradually being filled in with their blubber. It was a race to see who would fill the most area before there was none left.

Julian still didn’t understand why the two were going this far. He only imagined how difficult it would be for them to do their work now. The idea that Glynda and Winter were getting this fat FOR HIM simply didn’t cross his mind. He just slowly tried to climb so he wouldn’t be buried in their rolls.

Though with the doors and windows already obscured, he didn’t really have anyone to run.



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