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Series: RWBY
Characters: Pyrrha, Jaune, Ren, Nora, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang
Contains: Female blueberry inflation

Commission for Gardefan
Italics Pyrrha text

Jaune, Nora, and Ren waited on Team JNPR’s couch while the TV was on some channel they didn’t pay much attention to. The current program wasn’t important to them, but they knew that their friend and teammate, Pyrrha, was going to be in a commercial. It was set to go live any minute now.

Nora grinned as she playfully shook Jaune by his shoulders. Of course, Nora doing something playfully was borderline chaotic. “Hey, Jaune, are you excited to see Pyrrha on the big screen?” She asked and stopped shaking Jaune only to hear his reply.

“Nora,” Ren chimed in. “The big screen is for theatrical movies.” He said, only to be shushed by Nora pushing a finger to his lips.

Jaune was about to reply with the obvious. Of course he was excited to see his friend on TV. He was always happy to support her in any way he could. Hosting a small watch party for her most recent commercial deal was easily something to be excited about. Unfortunately, Pyrrha couldn’t be at the party because the commercial was being put on air mere minutes after it was filmed. It was a strange process, but Jaune didn’t know how the inner machinations of TV worked.

That was when the commercial came on. Pyrrha was on screen with a can of blueberry soda. She talked about it a little, and then she drank it. Then the commercial seemed weird. Pyrrha waited around as if she didn’t know the camera was still rolling. She finished her soda and waited some more.

Then she turned blue.

Then she started to swell.

“Whaaaaa?” Nora tilted her head as she watched Pyrrha inflate. “Has Pyrrha always been able to do that? I think I’d remember if she was able to do that.”

“No, Pyrrha cannot do that,” Ren replied. Even his usually stoic expression had cracked into one of shock and concern as Pyrrha bloated into an orb. He had seen something like this in a movie quite a long time ago, but Pyrrha never hinted that she was performing something like this. He hoped it was special effects, but there was no comedic element to this. It was far too bizarre to be an average commercial.

Jaune said nothing. He watched and felt…strange. Somehow, he thought the contrast between Pyrrha’s red hair and her now blue skin was nice. Then, the way her body rounded out into a giant orb as her breasts grew larger, all while her outfit seemed tighter by the second. It made him feel strangely parched and very tingly. His heart felt ready to burst out of his chest before his scroll went off. It was enough almost to make him leap from his skin.

Jaune’s scroll had a message from Pyrrha. The team gathered around in the hopes the message would explain the strange commercial.

Hello, could I have a little help getting home?

Nora’s face lit up. “Ooooh, we’ve got to go save Pyrrha!”

“We don’t know if she’s in danger. She’s possibly just tired and wants us to get her a ride back to Beacon.” Ren replied, still doing his best to be rational.

Nora looked at Ren with a deadpan expression. “Think about it, Ren, would Pyrrha ever do that-“ She pointed at the giant berry Pyrrha that was still on the TV screen. “Willingly?”

Ren and Jaune looked at each other. They didn’t say anything, but they clearly agreed.

And so the team was on their way.


Pyrrha remained in the same position she had for the past hour. Slightly tilted back, balanced on her immobile, spherical body. She had managed to use her semblance and send a message with her scroll. All she had to do was wait for her friends to arrive. Yet, as more time passed, Pyrrha became worried about what they would think. Her nerves would build up, but then she would relax, thanks to the juice within her. The comforting sensation that ran through her body when she swelled was very intense but pacifying at the same time. It got to the point where she closed her eyes and sighed contently.

Then the door opened, and Pyrrha suddenly felt very nervous again.

“We’re in!” Nora said as she performed a tactical roll through the door. Meanwhile, Jaune and Ren walked in and closed the door.

Pyrrha was angled away from the group but recognized Nora’s voice. She didn’t know if she wanted to look at them or not. Part of her wanted to bury her face into her cleavage or perhaps pull her head into her spherical body. “Hello…” She finally murmured before Nora’s head popped into view.

“I told you it was real!” Nora exclaimed.

‘Thank you…’ Pyrrha thought, exasperated that those were the first words she received.

Ren appeared on her other side. “Pyrrha, are you ok?” He asked. Pyrrha could see him struggle to control his expression.

“Oh I’m just…fine.” She murmured, exasperated. Pyrrha wanted to say she was fine, but something stopped her. There was one reaction, the opinion of someone very close to Pyrrha, that had her the most nervous. She bit her lip and gulped. What would Jaune think of her? She didn’t want him to see her like this. All blue and “fat.”

Thankfully, Pyrrha wasn’t the only nervous one. Jaune simultaneously struggled to keep his eyes on and off of Pyrrha. Looking at her stirred strange emotions in him that he couldn’t rationalize, which drove his eyes away from her. Then, the burning desire to look at her returned, and he was all but forced to look over her. She was so blue, a beautiful shade of blue. Her giant size and roundness caused him to burn with passion. The urge to touch her, squeeze her, roll her, and kiss her filled every fiber of his being. It made him clutch the sides of his head. He didn’t want to feel like a weirdo. He just wanted to make sure his friend was ok. That was what forced him to walk into Pyrrha’s view and speak to her. “H-hey…” He murmured. ‘DAMMIT JAUNE!’ He yelled at himself.

Nora poked Pyrrha’s side, drawing tiny squeaks from the berry. “Well, now we have to break you out of here! How are we gonna do it?” She asked aloud and rubbed her chin as she thought of a plan.

“Um, Nora? I’m not being held against my will. I think the film crew is just on a break. I was hoping they would come back and explain how they planned to get me back to normal and…N-Nora, please don’t spin me. Nora? Nora!” Pyrrha’s voice got louder and more shrill as Nora started to spin her like a top.

Pyrrha spun faster before she started to wobble out of control. Nora quickly jumped back while Ren was bumped aside. Pyrrha continued to spin and roll around the room before she ran into Jaune. The blond ended up with his back against the wall, and Pyrrha’s massive, berried chest squished against his. Each breast was larger than a yoga ball, much broader than Jaune’s chest. His entire torso could fit in Pyrrha’s expansive, blue cleavage. They felt dense due to how full of juice they were, yet at the same time, they were soft and gently morphed around him. Pyrrha blushed uncontrollably and stammered. In the end, she closed her eyes and whined nervously before her entire body groaned. A strange noise, almost like rubber being stretched, started to sound. It was quickly made obvious that Pyrrha was growing again.

Jaune felt like his heart was about to explode. He did everything he could to remain calm but he was stuffed between Pyrrha’s massive blue breasts. He had been conflicted and confused about his feelings earlier, but now he knew what he felt. He loved this. He loved the giant berry Pyrrha, and he wanted to fondle her, squeeze her, kiss her, juice her, and various other things that would have to wait. It was all too much. Some small part of his brain, perhaps his already strained will, popped like a blown fuse. His legs wobbled, and he slinked to the floor, inadvertently leaving his face in Pyrrha’s chest.

“Uh oh! Pyrrha is growing!” Nora exclaimed and smacked her hands to her cheeks. “We’ve gotta go before the film crew notices and films another weird, kinky commercial!” She rushed to Pyrrha’s side and rolled her backward.

“Not again!” Pyrrha exclaimed before she felt two points of pressure on her belly. She looked between the gaps of her breasts and noticed Nora was standing atop her belly. After a slightly closer look, Pyrrha noticed that Nora had Jaune and Ren slung over each shoulder. “Nora, I think I know what you’re planning, but can we please talk for just a second?”

“No time!” Nora began to walk backward, which caused Pyrrha to roll forward. She quickly picked up speed as Pyrrha was steered in a circle. Once enough momentum was built up, Nora ran the group into a wall.

The wall exploded, and now Pyrrha was being rolled down the street.

Nora managed to keep up with Pyrrha as her body gained even more speed and momentum. It seemed to get easier as Pyrrha’s body began feeling more firm. Nora didn’t know this was because Pyrrha was growing, and her skin was pulled more taut around her juice-filled body.

Pyrrha tried her best to hide her face, but that was limited to tucking her chin against her chest. While it made her incredibly dizzy, Pyrrha was happy she spun around so fast. Anyone who looked at her head would see the blur of her hair flying about. They would have no way to tell it was her…except for the fact that a popular athlete had just filmed a commercial where she turned into a giant blueberry on live TV…

So if anyone looked outside and saw a giant blue ball rolling chaotically down the street, then they knew it would be her…

And a giant blue ball rolling chaotically down the street would draw the local news, which meant that EVEN MORE people would see her…

Pyrrha no longer felt happy about anything.

All of these emotions made her swell larger, too. Pyrrha’s central sphere of a body had gained a few feet in diameter. That made her slightly taller than eight feet and equally wide. Her breasts were slightly less than half of that, given their combined diameter was barely more narrow than her width. Thankfully, they didn’t roughly smack the ground and instead rolled along with her body like a bicycle with only one training wheel. Pyrrha could do without the strange pleasure she felt when her nipples were squished between her clothes and the ground. It was like a firm poke that felt a little more tingly each time. That paired with her being filled and stirred up. One press too many caused a strange feeling. It was like pressure being released, followed by wetness.

‘Why?! What did I do to deserve this?’ Pyrrha thought to herself as she realized she was now leaking from her breasts. Juice started to dribble from her nipples before it formed a steady stream, like a faucet. That left a vibrant blue trail as she rolled further down the road. Pyrrha was the most embarrassed she had been in her entire life, but hopefully, she was closer to Beacon by now.


“That was totally real!” Ruby exclaimed, the girl on her feet and waving her arms around erratically.

Weiss shook her head. “There is no possible way a soda brand would do that to a star athlete! Think of the lawsuits!”

“Dust can be used for all sorts of crazy junk! Why couldn’t it be used for that?!” Ruby barked back.

“Stop focusing on HOW they did it. There is no reason for WHY they would do that, you dolt!” Weiss was now in Ruby’s face as their argument continued to escalate.

By that point, Yang was on her feet and tried to separate the two. That was until Blake, who had been on her scroll, got their attention.

“You might want to see this.” Blake turned her scroll to face the trio. On a live stream via a helicopter, there was what looked to be Nora, holding Jaune and Ren, all while running atop a giant blue sphere. “I think the commercial was real.”


The bullhead ride back to Beacon was interesting, to say the least. Pyrrha had to be squeezed inside, and her growth still hadn’t stopped. That caused the little remaining space for her teammates to gradually dwindle until there was no way to avoid being squished between Pyrrha and the vehicle's walls.

Ren and Nora were tucked in at Pyrrha’s sides while Jaune was face to face with her. Being face-to-face also meant chest-to-chest. Jaune’s slender form easily slotted itself between Pyrrha’s breasts while their cheeks were squished together. It was beyond awkward, but neither could stop giggling. They passed it off as being nervous, though.

Pyrrha felt it would have been perfect if she wasn’t a giant berry. No, Pyrrha was happy with this, even as a berry. If she could change one thing, it would be to leak less. Her nipples still dripped steady streams of juice. It felt amazing and relieved some of the pressure inside of her, but it was embarrassing!

“I’m sorry for all of this,” Pyrrha murmured as the bullhead landed.

Jaune was quick to reassure her. “It’s not your fault. I think everything will be fine once we get back to our room. All we need to do is get across the courtyard. I doubt anyone will be out and about.”

Just as Jaune said that, the door opened to reveal a large chunk of Beacon’s students and some professors. No one had remembered that today was the day many of the 2nd and 3rd-year teams were returning from their missions.

Jaune and Pyrrha froze, Jaune mentally punching himself for seemingly jinxing them, and Pyrrha being petrified that so many more people got to see her as a giant berry girl.

The only one on the ball was Nora, who shoved Pyrrha forward. This sent her rolling out of the bullhead with Jaune still nestled in her bosom. “CHARGE!” She bellowed as she picked up Ren and jumped on top of Pyrrha. The sudden pressure of Nora’s landing caused Pyrrha to gasp and spray a brief yet powerful stream of juice from her nipples. Nora resumed her backward running, which propelled Pyrrha forward. After two rotations, she managed to grab Jaune.

Any student who didn’t get out of the way was bowled over. Nora didn’t slow, she didn’t dodge, and she didn’t care. Her priority was getting Pyrrha to the dorm, and no one would stop her.

A combination of embarrassment, the lingering passion from being pressed against Jaune, and the intense rate at which she was being spun caused another burst of rapid expansion. It continued until Pyrrha was ten feet in diameter. The two extra feet brought with it a staggering increase in pressure. The leaking from her nipples increased in intensity, and another stream started from the corners of her mouth. Her core felt like it was on fire, and Pyrrha panted uncontrollably. Her growth also started to damage her clothes. Her sash was left behind in the crowd while small rips and tears started to dot the fabric. Finally, a few strings of her corset started to pop and break as they could stretch no further.

Pyrrha couldn’t help it and started to whine. She felt too full. The pressure inside of her was too great! It felt like she could pop if there was no relief. She struggled to get so much as a word out because of the juice that streamed from her mouth. For a while, the leaking from her breasts helped relieve the pressure, but that was no longer the case. Juice was materialized within her at a rate too great for her passive leaking to keep up with. Left like this, Pyrrha was sure she would burst. She was so distracted that she didn’t realize her body had knocked down a door. Her entire focus was on not exploding, which kept her oblivious to being pushed upstairs and finally down the hallway.

Nora managed to stop Pyrrha in front of their door. She tossed Jaune and Ren down before she joined them on the floor. Ren quickly unlocked their door, and the group started pushing Pyrrha inside. It wasn’t going to work, though. Pyrrha was more than three times the width of the doorway. Pushing her against it just made her and the wall groan.

That was enough noise to get past Team RWBY’s bickering. They hadn’t stopped arguing about whether or not Pyrrha actually turned into a blueberry. The door to their dorm opened, and all four members stared in shock as Jaune, Nora, and Ren tried to fit Pyrrha through the narrow doorway.

“I told you!” Ruby exclaimed as she pointed at Pyrrha.

Weiss was about to respond, but Nora had already leaped at them. The Valkyrie tackled the quartet with the ease of a lioness pouncing on a gazelle. She then looked back at her team. “Get Pyrrha somewhere private and juice her before she pops!”

It was well past the time to give up on fitting Pyrrha into the dorm. Ren looked at Jaune and placed a hand on his shoulder. “The gym showers should have the room. Good luck, my friend.” The situation had gotten too weird for Ren, and he was tapping out in the most polite way possible.

Jaune, however, took that to mean that Ren believed he was the only man for the job. Jaune smiled, nodded, and started to push Pyrrha down the hall. Maybe then he could work up the nerve to tell Pyrrha what he thought of her new shape…after he helped juice her a little.



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