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Series: Pokemon
Characters: Cynthia, Unnamed Ghost Type Trainer
Contains: Inflation

Reward for Axios

Today was just another day for the champion. A challenger approached her, wanting to claim to be the best there ever was. Cynthia had been through this countless times and was sure it would be the standard procedure.

Something was different today. Her opponent today seemed…eccentric. Then again, many ghost-type Pokemon users were. However, something about the puffy black, white, and purple clown outfit with black and white makeup had Cynthia on edge.

“Drifblim, I choose you!” The strange trainer exclaimed as she threw out her Pokemon. She didn’t give Cynthia a second to react before she listed off a command. “Amnesia!” Cynthia felt a wave of confusion hit her. During this, the next attack came. “Destiny bond, gust, tailwind, and finish her off with amnesia once again!”

By the time the second amnesia hit, Cynthia had already started swirling from gust and tailwind. The powerful flying-type attacks forced air into the trainer’s body. Pokemon weren’t supposed to directly attack trainers, especially during gym battles, but Cynthia didn’t know she had been hit thanks to the effects of amnesia. She completely forgot about the trainer and drifblim before her. Cynthia was more perturbed by her rapidly swelling belly. It quickly became the size of a beachball and burst free from her clothes. The air needed more space than her stomach would provide. That caused her sides to curve outward, and her torso became more spherical. Her pants button popped off as her hips joined her exaggerated curves. She flapped her arms frantically until they became too puffy to move. There was no hope of reaching her Pokeballs like this. Air filled her thighs and lower legs until they too were made puffy and helpless, mere accessories for her growing sphere of a body.


Cynthia looked at her breasts, which instantly doubled in size as the air began to force itself into them, one after the other. The champion blushed as she saw more of her view be taken up by her breasts and the greater curve of her belly beyond. She couldn’t find a way to stop her growth, and for all she knew, it happened out of nowhere. All of her focus was on her uncontrollably inflating body.

Meanwhile, the trainer leaned on her drifblim and watched dreamily. She had planned everything perfectly and could now watch the champion swell into a beautiful balloon. She was already the size of a human hamster ball. Her midsection was perfectly rounded. From her shoulder to her hips was one perfect curve. Once slender arms and legs were now adorably puffy caricatures of what they once were. Her butt wasn’t too large compared to the rest of her, but the cheeks still had a slight bump to them, which helped them stand out. Her pants were stretched so tightly across her backside that her panty lines were clearly visible. Every part of Cynthia’s new appearance suited the challenger’s tastes ideally.

Cynthia groaned as she watched herself grow further. Now she noticed that her cheeks slowly crept outward. ‘Seriously?!’ She thought, too afraid to speak in case her puffy face obscured her voice. Her cheeks swelled and swelled until they were larger than grapefruits. That made them pair perfectly with her puffed-up chin. Her face had more than doubled in size thanks to her cheeks and chin alone. Cynthia did not care for it at all, but her opponent had to fight the urge to walk over and give her victim a smooch. She would wait, though.

Cynthia’s body grew outward in all directions. Her torso got bigger, her breasts larger, her arms closer to her body until they barely jutted from her side, and her face rounded further. Her clothes managed to stretch along with her, but her midriff was exposed. A ring of pale, stretched skin could be seen with a deep belly button in the center. Cynthia tried to squirm as if it would help her, but there was nothing she could do. There was nothing to break free from. It was her body that imprisoned her with its awkward, immovable size.

“Alright, Drifblim, that’s enough. Use hypnosis.” The challenger ordered. The Pokemon obeyed, and Cynthia’s expression dulled. Drifblim returned to its Pokeball while the challenger approached Cynthia and tied a rope around her ankle. “Hmm…you’re light enough to bounce, but I wish you floated more…Ooh!” She suddenly had an idea and released her Haunter. “Be a dear and hold her up for me~”

The ghost-type Pokemon smiled before it turned invisible. Suddenly, Cynthia floated higher in the air. Now it appeared like Cynthia was the perfect, floating balloon. The challenger smiled brightly and happily walked away with her victim in tow. “Now, perhaps I should make a trip to Kalos and pay Diantha a visit?”



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