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Series: Original
Characters: Nameless female POV
Contains: Second person POV, forced stuffing, immobility

Reward for Axios

You couldn’t remember how long you’d been eating. It all started with an innocent-looking candy bowl with the classic sign.

“Please take one.”

Well, you had thought there was no harm in grabbing two. Ever since you made THAT mistake, you had been unable to stop stuffing candy into your mouth. To make things worse, the candy was very fattening. Your stomach billowed outward with a soft layer of fat that sagged further over your waistline. The further you got into the candy bowl, the larger and heavier you became. Your costume struggled to keep up as rips and tears began to dot the fabric.

You had to widen your stance to accommodate your heavier stature. The fact your thighs squished together was another issue, though. You managed to glance at yourself and fretted over how fat you were getting. Your hips were wider and started to sag, your butt was thick enough to rip the back of your costume open, and your thighs were twice as thick as they were a few minutes ago.

Something else was wrong. The candy bowl wasn’t emptying. You thought the amount decreased slightly, but you’d been eating far too long for it only to be a little empty. The bowl should have emptied. You felt your body grow cold when you realized the candy was materializing out of nowhere. Great, you couldn’t stop eating from a bowl of infinitely generating candy…

You lost track of time, but you had a good understanding of how huge you’d gotten. You gorged yourself until you were too heavy for your legs to hold you. Your ass slammed onto the porch and expanded until it flowed over the stairs like a waterfall of flab. There wasn’t much of your costume left, so anyone who passed by would see two giant, exposed butt cheeks the size of human hamster balls. A silver lining was that the thickness of your cheeks kept you from rolling backward.

Your legs were so thick that they were hardly legs anymore. Just clumps of fat rolls as adipose tissue tried to find a place to settle. The uncoordinated and lumpy masses terminated in an ident where your feet had been swallowed up. You couldn’t so much as wiggle your toes due to how deeply buried they were.

A massive mound of fat stretched out before you and touched the outside wall of the home in front of you. Blubber spread out to cover most of the porch’s surface, and you were mortified to know that it was undeniably yours. Your belly, that was so greedily stuffed full of candy, churned and groaned as the cursed delights digested and added more pounds to your helplessly immobile frame. The candy never stopped, and neither did you, despite how much you wanted to. You couldn’t tell how it happened, but the candy bowl had been moved atop your belly so that you could continue to stuff your face. You understood that you broke a rule, but why did the punishment reach this extent? Why did you have to pay so heavily for such a minor little act? There was no use trying to make sense of it, though. A cursed candy bowl full of magic candy caused you to force-feed yourself until you weighed as much as a small whale. Nothing logical could explain it beyond that.

Your breasts consumed a large portion of your forward view. They had taken a lot more space before your bra snapped, and they flopped atop your belly like massive pancakes. Now, each of them looked to be as large and thick as full-sized mattresses. The candy bowl was still perfectly nestled between them so your fat fingers could scoop up more candy to shove down your throat.

Somehow, your arms continued to move despite their upper portions sagging with clumps of fat the sizes of sofa cushions. They didn’t feel so much as a little tired either. Whatever force made them move had seemingly infinite energy. That, paired with the candy bowl, which always happened to be just within reach, made you feel like this would go on much longer.

And unfortunately, it did.

It must have been hours. At least past midnight. You gorged and gorged and gorged until you felt like you were going to lose your mind. You were impossibly fat. Magic was one thing, but what kind of purpose did this magic serve? Were you just doomed to gorge until you took up the entire block? More of your body rolled out into the lawn while only a portion of your belly remained on the porch. You could at least look around now and see the moon high in the sky. It didn’t make you feel better, though. It just let some light spread across your impossibly obese blob of a body. To show your truck-crushing ass, roll-piled thighs, gargantuan belly, flabby yet massive breasts, and lard avalanche arms that somehow continued to stuff your face that was now as round as a truck tire.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps. You tried to call for help past a mouthful of candy, then you noticed something climbing you. A figure entered her vision. She was dressed as a witch and had a wicked smirk.

“Oh my, someone was actually greedy enough.” She cackled and pinched your cheek. “Thank you for being a good sport~…Hmm, but I have some things I need to get done. So, for now, I’ll put you with the others. Play nice, dear.” The witch lifted the bowl away and snapped her fingers.

Your surroundings instantly changed. The cool outside air was now hot and stuffy. A star-filled sky now looked like a wood-covered ceiling. You were in a basement…

Your neck was too fat to move, but you noticed other blob-like masses. You saw some faces, breasts, bellies, butts, and bloated limbs. The witch clearly had fooled more than just you with this trick. Before you could call out for help, floating candy bars began to stuff your face. Tears welled in your eyes as you realized it was hopeless. One moment of greed condemned you to being force-fed for the rest of your life.



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