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Series: RWBY
Characters: Blake, 2nd person POV Reader
Contains: Female weight gain, slob

Reward for LoverofRamen

You walked through the empty halls for possibly the thousandth time. It had become your daily routine to wander about the large, empty ski lodge. Being an offseason caretaker had sounded like a good idea. It was easy money, but maddeningly dull. Perhaps that dullness was what made you hear voices or catch glimpses of people down hallways. You had stopped chasing sounds and visions, though. You just rolled with it at this point.

Thankfully, you had someone with you in this otherwise empty building, Blake Belladonna. Although she was a little more affected by this place than you were.

“OOOOUUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPPP!” A belch sounded from the next room. This was no auditory hallucination, this was just Blake.

Again, she was affected by this solitude and perhaps this strange building. Just in a different way than you. A very different way.

You peeked into the room to see your girlfriend looking out the window at the blank landscape. There was a bowl on the windowsill, which she steadily grabbed from. You had to squint to see what today’s snack was. Something chocolatey, but whatever was in it, you couldn’t tell.

You remained in place for a while longer, looking over Blake. She wore the same dark grey sweatpants and shirt she brought here. It was easy to fall into the habit of wearing leisurewear all day. The outfit was dreadfully stretched, though, with the sweatpants struggling to stretch over her thighs and contain her blubbery butt cheeks. Meanwhile, her shirt only covered her chest, and the sleeves squeezed her arms tightly.

Pointing out Blake’s increased weight sounded like a bad idea to you, so you never brought it up. Not when she put on ten pounds, nor fifty, and now it felt too late to mention the few hundred pounds.

Blake was widest at her hips. Thankfully, most hallways had wide, double doors to allow her easy passage. The room you two shared was also the most spacious suite with a double-door entryway. If you were in a standard room with a single door, then you were certain Blake would get stuck on a daily basis. It was easy to see why, with how meaty her hips were. Fat stacked on them in round and slightly saggy clumps that drastically widened her silhouette. These also stretched the waistband of her sweatpants and started to roll over them. However, most of the stretching was done by her rump, consisting of two pillowy soft, yet staggeringly heavy cheeks. They stretched the seat of the pants beyond the realm you thought possible. These sweatpants had fit Blake well when she was thin, but now they had to contend with her constantly growing frame. You just felt it was a matter of days, if not moments when the sweatpants would finally split open to reveal your girlfriend's pale, blubbery butt cheeks. The cheeks looked surprisingly perky, but that was thanks to the tight sweatpants holding them up. Blake’s butt was far more boxy than it was bubbly. Each of her thighs was more broad than your slender waistline. You could wrap your arms fully around one thigh, but you would come short if you tried it with both of them. The front of the sweatpants was where many food stains had consolidated, though. Places where food had been dropped or the obese girl had absentmindedly wiped her hands on them. Below her knees was spared from such stains as she never tended to reach down there unless she needed to scratch herself. Even from across the room, you could see how puffy her lower legs were. With the tight cuff of the sweatpants around her ankle, everything above there seemed tightly wrapped up like a sausage in its casing.

Your eyes started to drift upward as you slowly crossed the room. Blake’s back was quite soft, too. She was more lumpy and soft around her shoulder blades, but further down, a stacked series of rolls stopped just above her butt. You could see her exposed love handles at her sides. They were sizable enough that they could overflow your hand, a hand which seemed to twitch as if in anticipation.

You slowly got into Blake’s peripheral view, but she didn’t seem to notice you. Though you could fully see how large and soft Blake’s belly was. Not quite a double belly, Blake’s stomach had a wave in it around her belly button before it seemed to puff up. It was a soft gelatinous mass that wobbled whenever she moved. Just standing there, though, you saw how the lowest curve of her stomach neared her knees. The connection to her love handles was seamless, and there was a glimpse of a small fat roll just above them, nearly tucked into Blake’s underarms. Altogether, Blake’s stomach was the centerpiece of her body and a physical representation of what laziness and overindulgence led someone to. You didn’t think less of her for it, though. There was nothing to do but be lazy and overindulge unless one wanted to wander about the empty and creepy halls.

Blake’s arms were just as squishy as the rest of her, with most of their fat consolidated on her upper arms. The undersides of her upper arms were slightly larger and naturally sagged, but the upper sides were still decently thick and meaty. Fat started to roll at her elbow, but it wasn’t enough to conceal the joint. From there, her forearms extended like puffy caricatures of what they used to be until they terminated in thick wrists, ending with soft hands.

Finally, Blake’s chest had made a staggering leap compared to their old size. With each orb slightly more prominent than her head, Blake’s breasts dominated her shirt and were a significant reason her shirt covered nothing more than them. The shirt had a wide neck hole, so it would last much longer than her pants, except maybe the sleeves. Those could split open sooner rather than later.

“Blake?” You finally spoke. Blake twitched and looked toward you. You clearly startled her, but you were equally surprised that she didn’t notice you until then. She seemed to relax when you smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Blake wiped her hands on her sweatpants before she wrapped her arms around you. She hugged you close in a familiar greeting. The fact your face was gently squished against her chest was just a happy coincidence. Her usual layer of sweat dampened the left side of your face, but you didn’t mind as you hugged Blake back. “How are you?” She finally murmured.

“Fine, just doing the usual rounds.” You replied as you slowly lifted your head. You kissed Blake on her forehead, which prompted a small giggle from her. “I noticed you standing here, so I decided to pop in and say hi. Are you doing ok?”

“Of course,” Blake nodded and looked between her snack bowl and her rotund midsection. “Just doing the usual snacking.” She smiled briefly at the small joke. She then reached back to the bowl and stuffed her cheeks again. It was second nature for her now. Blake was prone to snacking like a cow was to grazing.

You hummed in thought. “Well, seeing as there’s no one here, as usual, why don’t we sit down together?” You gestured toward a couch that rested next to an active fireplace. You gently led her by the hand. She stumbled for a few steps as she reached back for her snack bowl. Her pudgy fingers managed to seize the rim of it and brought it along.

You were the first to sit on the couch with Blake close behind. She miscalculated how wide her hips were, though. The entirety of her left butt cheek landed atop your lap and completely buried it. It was oppressively heavy and warm, but you blushed immediately regardless.

“Sorry!” Blake exclaimed and prepared to move. Your hand landed on her hip before she could. Blake settled in place as she felt your fingers gently tap her. “I’m not quite used to…how much space I take up.” She sighed.

“It’s not like it bothers me.” You replied and reached around to Blake’s other hip. “Plus, I love you. No matter how much of you there is, I’ll love it all.” The line was so corny that it hurt. Blake chortled softly, so it must have been passing. You felt her shift as more of her mass crept across your lap.

Now, your body was perfectly centered behind Blake. You already started to lose feeling in your legs, but you decided to ignore that and hug Blake from behind. Your arms sank into the rolls at her sides while your hands grasped as much belly fat as they could hold. Blake wasn’t afraid to lean back, which squished her rolls of back fat against your chest.

“I love you too,” Blake replied. You were slightly distracted by her soft belly, so you didn’t know if she said anything more. You gently squeezed her midsection, which drew a purr from her. She pushed her hips back and nearly forced the air from your lungs. Her hips slowly rotated, unintentionally grinding your lap into dust. You didn’t have the heart to stop Blake, though.

“H-hey,” You murmured. Blake looked over her shoulder, one amber eye visible to you. “How about we go on a walk?”

Blake let out a noise that sounded unamused by the idea. She would rather finish her snack and turn your femurs into powder.

“And stop by the kitchen to re-up on snacks? Then we can go to the lounge, listen to some music, and I’ll feed you.” Your voice got higher in pitch as Blake’s weight proved too much. It was like too much of a good thing. Blake was an adorable blubbery dough ball, but you weren’t ready to have her on your lap too much. There was plenty of time to go on your seasonal job, and Blake was sure to keep gaining weight, so you had plenty of time to adapt.

Blake groaned and slowly heaved her bulk off of you. She was on her feet but had yet to move. This kept her butt very close to your face. You blushed and tried not to stare. It wasn’t an easy urge to impulse. However, it wouldn’t cause any issues if you stared. If you gave into another impulse and playfully smacked Blake on her blubbery butt, she would undoubtedly drop her weight back on you at full force. That’s something the couch wouldn’t survive, and you MIGHT survive.

Slowly, Blake turned and offered you her hand. You took it, and she pulled you up with ease. This squished you against her soft front. The same arm that picked you up now wrapped around you. “You’re going to spoil me.” She said and nuzzled against your neck.

You had no clue if she was making an observational statement or a demand. It didn’t matter though. You hugged Blake, nuzzled against her, and planned an excellent way to treat her once you reached the lounge. Whatever idea you settled on would likely involve food and belly rubs.



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