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Poll voted to let me choose the story, so I chose something self indulgent.


Series: RWBY
Characters: Song (sona), Kali, Glynda, Raven, Willow, Summer, Sienna
Contain: Obese moms, Song’s self-indulgent fantasies, squishing


Song walked down the street just after dark. Streetlights and various neon signs illuminated the area as he continued. It had been quite a while since he walked this street. He was feeling excited about the trip and knew he neared his favorite establishment. Soon enough he stopped in front of a classy-looking bar that stood out against the backdrop of more modern clubs. He knew this was his stop.

The sign up front simply read, “The Mom Bar.”

Before Song could grab the doorknob, the door swung open. In a flash, he was grabbed and yanked inside. A sudden softness and warmth enveloped him as two puffy arms squeezed him with every ounce of strength they had. Such force caused most of his body to sink into a woman’s doughy soft belly while his face was gently nestled atop her chest, his cheek to her cleavage.

A sense of peace washed over Song. He smiled and wrapped his arms as far around the figure as he could and squeezed back with an equally powerful hug. He noticed familiar, soothing music from a nearby jukebox. It honestly changed every hour, but each mom had a few songs they put in. This was the smooth jazz Kali liked. Song slowly looked up which inadvertently caused his chin to dip into Kali’s cleavage. Her round face looked back down at him with a smile.

Song stood up straight which put him a few inches above Kali, if her cat ears were not counted. The two stared at each other for a moment before they giggled and hugged again. Kali had a body that was incredibly soft and had a comforting warmth to it. Such sensations were caused by Kali being a robust, plump woman. To be blunt, Kali was obese. Yet that was part of the bar’s appeal. Song came here to visit with the plump moms, and he wouldn’t spend his time at any other establishment. This place was like a second home to him which is why it sucked to be away for so long.

Kali placed her hands on Song’s arms and felt them up. “Oh, it’s so good to see you again, sweetie.” She sniffled as if she were about to tear up. “Have you been eating well? I know you’ve always been thin, but you’re looking skinnier than usual.” Her arms jiggled as she continued to squeeze various parts of Song’s arms. The difference between their limbs was staggering. Kali’s had underarms the size of hams with a decently thick coating atop them too. Her forearms were coated in fat that ran all the way to her wrists while her fingers were slightly puffy. Those fingers were skilled though and tried to gauge if the young man was skinnier than Kali remembered.

“Eh, I sorta did a while there. My pants were practically falling off just walking to class.” Song chuckled before he felt Kali roughly bump him with her stomach. The doughy midsection was soft, but it had enough mass to knock him back a few steps. Song raised his hands defensively. “Yeah yeah, super sorry. Hmm, but I think a certain someone has put on weight since I left. Was your upper belly that thick last time I saw you?” Song tilted his head and inquisitively placed his hands on Kali’s belly. She quickly started to giggle as his fingers traced along the rift between her upper and lower belly. The lower portion was the largest. It extended from her thick love handles and hung to the middle of her thigh. The curve cut at an angle so part of the front of her thighs were still visible. When she sat down though, Song estimated that Kali’s belly would cover her lap. The upper half was less of a roll and more of a small dome that was nestled in place while also serving to partially support her bust. Even when he stood almost three feet away from Kali, her stomach could still touch him. All of it was covered in the black fabric of Kali’s dress. It was an elegant yet simple design with smooth black fabric comprising the majority of it with small golden accents.

Kali gently held Song’s hands and pressed them softly against her belly fat. He felt the warmth even through her clothes. “Well, how could I not? I got so stressed that I ate more than usual. You can’t just leave a mother in the dark for so long.” She puffed her round cheeks up adorably. “Even if you’re busy.”

Song felt his heart throb. Kali was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. She was the reason he came to this club so consistently. One chance visit and an evening with her had him head over heels. He leaned in and hugged Kali so tight that his arms slipped between her love handle and underarm fat. “I know! Ugh I’m so sorry and I hated being away, but I swear that I was super busy.” He leaned back and dramatically held one wrist to his forehead as if he were about to faint. “But I knew that if I called and could only hear your voice, then I would crumble into dust.” The performance earned him a firm, yet playful, pat on the chest.

Kali enjoyed how corny Song was. He had told her plenty of stories about his times in high school theatre which were good for a laugh or two. She gently held his hand and started to lead him further into the club. She had to leave her arm completely outstretched. If not, then Song would have to stand so close that their hips touched. Neither would mind that, but it made it hard to walk. Kali was a suitably wide woman which meant anything less than a double door wouldn’t work for her. She was so wide that Song’s entire abdomen could rest on her butt. The shelf-like way her butt cheeks extended out behind her meant he could lay on them although his head and legs would hang off. It was no surprise that these areas were soft too. Despite Kali’s middle-agedness and status as a biological mother, she had smooth and perky hips as well as an almost perfectly rounded ass. Her age had only caused a slightly more pronounced slope to her hips and butt, yet she could rock the boxy butt look with ease. Her dress was drawn tightly across her hips and butt which left them cast in perfect detail. At the middle of her left and right hips were slits in the fabric that ran down to the hem. It allowed her tanned skin to be visible as well as made it easier for her to move.

“I think I can forgive you then, but that’s only if you start coming back regularly. Your membership is just going to waste if you don’t.” Kali gently bumped Song with her hip. He let himself slump away only to pull on her hand and bump back against her.

“Yes ma’am~” Song cooed in response and chuckled as he leaned his head on Kali’s shoulder. The two walked a little more awkwardly when pressed together, but neither cared about it anymore. They were close to the sizable booth just across from the bar. It was a spot reserved for customers who spent more money. It also meant food and drinks were served to the customer more quickly.

The overweight mother dropped onto the cushioned seat with a sigh. She spread her thighs enough to let her belly hang between them. This helped reveal the size of her meaty legs as they almost entirely slipped out of her dress. The average tree trunks in the area hardly compare to the thickness of Kali’s thighs. They were almost as thick as wooden barrels and far wider than Song’s. Just one of her thighs would cover his lap no matter what angle it was laid across. Sitting next to the heavily padded leg revealed that it rose to be level with his lowest ribs. He looked at the legs and gently patted one. That elicited a purr from Kali. She wrapped one arm around Song’s shoulder and pulled him closer.

“Let’s put an order in. How about some Blue Dreams to start and you can go ahead and order whatever appetizers you want.” Song wasn’t a rich man. He just put every bit of his spending money into this club. That resulted in the creation of a special membership level occupied only by him. Instead of purchasing things in the club, he paid a flat monthly rate which left everything else to be on the house. That made it much easier on his wallet to spend so much time in the club.

Song snuggled against Kali and let his cheek rest against the side of her right boob. Just one boob was more than twice the size of his head. As they were currently supported by an incredibly powerful bra and stuffed into Kali’s dress, the immense mammaries were more round in shape. They would have had a more noticeable sag to them otherwise.

“Man Kali, you’re seriously the best.” Song reached one arm behind Kali. It fit perfectly between her rolls of back fat. The warmth soothed him and he felt all his earthy stresses melt away.

Kali cooed. “And you’re the sweetest person I know~ So sweet that I might not let you get away from me again.” Once more she squeezed him with the heavy arm draped across his back. This squished him deeper into her side which neither seemed to bother. “Also, I might want you to spoil me just a bit. It’s fair as I’m spoiling you now, aren’t I?”

The two laughed as Kali sent their order in. It was common for customers to order food and drinks to share with whichever employee was with them. It was similar to Japanese host clubs in that fashion. The bar was also popular with feeders, so Kali wasn’t unaccustomed to being given or hand-fed food. Song had burnt up many paychecks feeding the ample mama.

A few minutes passed before various snacks and two bright blue drinks were placed on the table. Song watched the other obese woman waddle away. He noticed tiger stripes exposed through the open back of her clothes. She also had tall cat-looking ears atop her head. “Is someone new working here?” Song asked and craned his neck to watch the woman waddle away. Kali just guided his head back to her chest.

“That’s Sienna, an old friend of mine. She started recently.” Kali kept her grip tight on Song. It was as if she thought he was about to be snatched away. Her grip loosened when Song tried to sit up though. “I hope I didn’t order too much. I know your membership covers it, but I don’t want to seem greedy.”

“Pfft.” Song waved his hand. “No such thing.” He picked up his cocktail and gently clinked it against Kali’s before drinking. “Eat as much as you want. It’s the least I can do what with all the cuddling.” Song was thanked with a kiss on the cheek and a warm smile from Kali.

“We do spoil each other, don’t we?” Kali leaned against Song’s side. Now it was her weight on him. Her side morphed around his while her thigh and part of her belly rolled into his lap. Pretty much his entire left leg was buried while some of Kali’s blubber managed to stretch across his lap and squish his right.

Song blushed and reached across the table. He grabbed one of the tiny sandwiches and promptly stuffed it into Kali’s mouth. She eagerly ate it and stopped leaning as much of her weight against Song. ‘That’s better.’ He thought as his posture recovered. If Kali had leaned on him much longer, then he would have buckled under her weight. He reached for more food and fed it to Kali. This kept her pleased and she cooed and mewled after every bite.

After a little bit of everything on the table had decreased, Song moved his hand to Kali’s belly. He rubbed it with wide, smooth motions. He felt the fat morph against his hand, he felt how soft and malleable it was, and he felt the warmth grace his skin. There was plenty of heat due to the thick layers of fat, but Kali had some sort of extra warmth to her as if created by her positive and motherly attitude. It was hard not to smile as he gently pressed his fingers into the rift between Kali’s upper and lower belly. That prompted a squeak from the woman who was in the middle of taking a drink.

“Oh, you naughty boy.” Kali laughed and gently bumped Song with her shoulder. “Well, have you been doing well? I know you were busy, but have you hung out with anyone? Blake and her friends went out to that lake you like so much.”

Song nodded as he ferried more food to Kali’s mouth while one hand continued to fondle her belly. “Yep, I managed to meet up with them once. Other than that, mostly work. It’s too damn hot to do anything else.” He murmured before he heartily squeezed Kali’s belly. “BUT that’s what makes this all the more worth it. I worked hard, so I get to indulge myself and spend time with you.”

“Exactly!” Kali kissed Song on his cheek. “Tonight it can be just you and me~”

The booth suddenly groaned and the weight distribution changed. It had dipped toward Kali ever since she sat down, but now it was away from her. Song and Kali looked to their right to see a blonde woman who weighed even more than Kali. Kali frowned while Song smiled.

“Glynda, I didn’t expect to see you!” Song moved closer, no longer leaning against Kali. “From what I heard, you had been just as busy as me.” He chuckled and smiled at the normally stern-looking woman who gazed warmly back. To students at the local college, Glynda’s face was stern and her eyes cold. Now though, her round cheeks gave her a jolly look while an extra chin was accentuated by her happy expression. She wore a purple dress that had enough fabric to serve as a tent. Still, it was tailored with extreme quality and didn’t seem too tight.

“Hello, Song.” Glynda placed a hand on the young man’s thigh. That had her arm as far outstretched as it could go. It was necessary to reach past her hips. Glynda was gargantuan by normal standards, almost twice Kali’s size. It was hard to tell exactly when women got this large. All Song knew was that the arm attached to the hand that gently squeezed him had a forearm that bulged out from a thick wrist and then sank into a girthier upper arm. From the tucked curves of her upper arm to the furthest part of her sagging bingo wings would be capable of draping across his back. They were as large as seat cushions for standard chairs. As if she knew Song was staring, she tried to place her arm around his shoulder. It wasn’t quite possible unless he leaned in. Her hips were simply too wide. She decided to wait for that. “Yes, I have been busy with research, but I still find the time to work here every now and then.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty funny considering you’re not a mom.” Song grinned which earned a flick on the shoulder. A small thump from Glynda’s surprisingly nimble fingers was the lightest he could get off. “Doesn’t matter, I’m happy to see you.”

“As am I,” Glynda replied.

Kali felt her eye twitch. She wasn’t prone to jealousy…ok that was a lie. She was quite prone to it when it came to other adult women. Younger women like her daughter and her friends were not sensible rivals to her. She’d never resent any of them. When it came to women her age though, she always felt a fire inside of her. Especially now! She had grabbed Song first, and she intended to keep him to herself. She was so annoyed that she didn’t realize she started to knead her belly. It was something she often did without thinking about it.

Kali visibly flinched when Song scooted toward Glynda. It was just enough so that his hips touched Glynda’s, but it felt like a large breadth had grown between her and Song. ‘Glynda how could you?!’ Kali screamed within her head and was forced to return her attention to her snacks lest she snap.

Glynda’s hip was incredibly soft. Song barely had to lean against it to sink into the thick blubber. It wasn’t surprising given that her hips were more than five feet wide. The fat was thick yet very squishy and soft. Those were things Song enjoyed, so he naturally leaned more against Glynda’s side. Fat flowed around his stomach and back until the middle of his torso.

Now Glynda could reach around Song with her arm and pull him closer. This caused him to lean against her love handle, a few upper rolls of fat along her side, and his cheek settled on the side of her left boob. He in turn wrapped his arm around Glynda’s back which caused it to settle atop the shelf of her butt.

Glynda’s butt was much, much larger than Kali’s. One time, about a year ago, after the two had drank far more than they reasonably should have, Song had the brilliant idea of having Glynda sit on his lap. Glynda had not heard him properly, so she let her imagination fill the gaps. She pushed Song so he lay on his back, and then she sat on top of him, lengthwise. Only the top of his head and his feet were visible. He was buried under her butt for over an hour, but neither party minded. The memory made Song blush while he slowly squeezed one handful of Glynda’s rump. The cheeks were closer to saddlebag shapes than boxy, but that was because they were so heavy. Glynda was as wide as a two-person couch, armrests included. Her hips were too wide for even double doorways to let her through.

Glynda’s hips were much wider than her belly. Her gut had plenty of room to rest in her lap and dipped into the rift where her thighs curved inward. Her stomach didn’t even stretch from the middle of one thigh to the other. It was still a thick, meaty belly though. It was neither smooth nor divided by rolls. The texture was more rolling and curved out from under her chest and continued to just above the middle latitude of her thighs. It reached out far enough that she had to stretch her arms as far as they would to touch some of the furthest curves. If anyone thought her stomach looked small, then it was only because of how wide she was.

“So, can we expect to see you here more often again?” Glynda asked and squeezed Song tightly. “If you promised to come by like you used to, then I would make certain to be here as well.” Glynda felt one of Song’s hands settle on her left thigh. His hand looked comically small against it, and she chuckled softly as she saw how his hand sank into the ample amount of fat. Though she started to blush when she witnessed her fat bulge between his fingers. Another factor of her wide stature, Glynda’s thighs alone could clog a single doorway. It would take more than one chair to support the girth of a single leg alone, but their weight would certainly smash any furniture made of wood. The thought of her own enormity caused Glynda to get flustered. She almost didn’t hear Song’s response.

“I’ll make the effort,” Song replied, still sunken into the older woman’s side. “I’ve learned that you’ve got to make the time, or it’ll be gone before you know it.”

Glynda hadn’t ever stopped smiling, but now her smile had a more knowing shape to it. “Very well said.” She lifted her right arm, the one opposite of Song, and brought it to his cheek. This was just to pull his head closer to her chest, now letting one of her breasts obscure half of his face. The effort was difficult, but she found it worth it.

As the fattest woman associated with the club, as far as Song knew, it wasn’t surprising that even her breasts were ludicrously massive. As large as beach balls and possibly weighing fifty pounds each, Glynda’s breasts boasted a luxuriously smooth and supple texture. Just the meager amount of her cleavage visible from the keyhole cut in her dress was larger than the average bust size.  

A sudden weight hit Song’s left side. It caused him to sink even deeper into Glynda’s side. ‘Glynda is fat, but this is a little ridiculous!’ He thought as it felt like half of his body had sunken into Glynda’s side. He craned his neck and saw Kali was squished against him now. He was completely sandwiched between them to the point just his head and the lower half of his legs were visible. “Kali, something wrong? Did we run out of snacks?”

There was a slight flush to Kali’s cheeks, and there were a few more glasses on the table than Song remembered. “Song, you’re too cruel. Do you love Glynda because she’s fatter than me?” She asked and nuzzled her cheek against his.

“Of course not!” Song replied and turned toward Kali after a notable struggle. He wrapped his arms as far around her as he could and hugged tightly. His arms sank into her sides and were completely enveloped by fat. “I’m just getting caught up with Glynda is all! I’ll never forget that you were the first mom who I visited here!”

Kali sniffled and hugged Song tighter than ever before. It was enough to wrench the air from his lungs, but he let it happen. “Oh Song, I knew you wouldn’t forget about me! You were always my favorite client. I mean people don’t come here often and it's usually just for drinks, but you always talk with me and let me order all the food I want~” She pressed her lips to his cheek and delivered a long, powerful smooch.

Glynda sighed. “Of course, he didn’t forget about you, Kali. We should order her some more food in the hopes she’ll sober up.” She paused. “I wouldn’t mind something to eat myself either.” Slowly, Glynda tried to get her arm around Song’s waist which meant stuffing it between his slender form and Kali’s belly. A little bit of attention wasn’t enough for her, and she wouldn’t let Kali keep the young man to herself.

Caught in a developing tug of war, Song felt the stress on his body. He wasn’t made of stone after all. He was being squished between two women whose combined weight neared a ton. Being squeezed and now pulled added to the strain. But he was fine with it. This was the happiest he had been in over a year. He was being hugged which always made him happy, his face was squished against Kali’s chest and a bit of her chins, and now Glynda just about covered his entire back with her body. Nothing could compare.

Off to the side at the bar though, a figure stared with some jealousy. Raven leaned against the countertop which caused a roll of her belly to rest atop the flat surface. She sighed and watched the two women smother Song. “Normally he comes up to the bar for at least one drink. Talk a bit too.” She grumbled and propped her soft chin in her palm.

On the other side of the bar, taking up three stools, Willow glanced at Raven as she took a drink. “Why don’t you go over there? There aren’t any other customers unless you count me.” Willow replied and finished her drink. There was a long line of various glasses next to it.

Raven scowled. “Employees aren’t customers, and you always abuse the free drinks.” She huffed as Willow quickly looked away. “And maybe I will.” She stood up quickly only for her ass to bash the shelves behind her. Her eye twitched and she clenched her fist. “Why the hell do they have my fat ass as a bartender and not give me enough space behind it!” Raven pushed down the urge to smash something and instead shimmied out from behind the bar. She had to squeeze through the narrow exit gap, but it gave her time to plan.


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