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Series: Please Don’t Tease Me Nagatoro
Characters: Nagatoro, Naoto
Contains: Blueberry inflation, leakage

Reward for Gardefan

Nagatoro grinned as she held the magazine high above her head. There was no one else but her senpai, Naoto. That senpai in question looked mortified as the latest issue of Berry Girls Monthly was grasped firmly in Nagatoro’s hand. It was too late to say anything. It was over.

“Oh senpai, I didn’t know you were into this sort of thing. I guess it kind of makes sense. You’re so scrawny so naturally, you want a bigger girlfriend. I didn’t know it went this far though.” Nagatoro laughed and dodged when Naoto tried to grab the magazine bask. “Does senpai like to fantasize about big berry girls smothering him? I bet you would!” She continued to laugh harder and harder until she noticed something. Her eyes went cross as she stared at her nose which had somehow turned blue.

Naoto was just as confused. He and Nagatoro slowly looked at the opened page. It read in bright blue letters with a bubble font, “FREE SAMPLE!” It was above a clear plastic seal that contained a blue substance. Nagatoro’s fingernail had punctured the seal and the blue liquid dripped onto her. Tanned skin quickly turned a vibrant shade of blue. The two looked at each other with blank, unbelieving stares.

“Senpai, you pervert.” Nagatoro said in a low, unamused tone as her body started to swell. It started at her belly which ballooned outward with very audible sloshes and groans. Suddenly her expression changed back to normal. She grinned and thrust her stomach forward. The round mass bumped Naoto and caused him to fall on his back. “I bet you totally planned this. You wanted me to see the magazine, so then there’d be the chance I touched this seal~”

Nagatoro swayed her hips which revealed that she had become noticeably wider. Each time she did, they sloshed and seemed to swell larger. With each second, more inches were added to her hips. Her skirt rode up to expose more blue skin. Her thighs swelled outward and started to touch even when Nagatoro had her legs spread apart. Nagatoro’s sides too started to curve and bulge outward along with her back. Her chest gained a unified curve due to her naturally petite chest. Nagatoro’s bright blue form bloated out in all directions with almost unified precision.

The sight made Naoto blush uncontrollably. He sat on the floor and watched as Nagatoro’s belly became as large as a yoga ball. Her shadow covered more of him by the second while she continued to sway back and forth. The sloshes inside her sounded louder and deeper as the volume of liquid inside her increased. He thought those free samples were jokes, but now he was happy he never accidentally touched one. Though Nagatoro being a berry didn’t make things much better. He would have preferred if she just teased him about liking blueberry girls instead of becoming one. Now whenever he tried to stand up, she would nudge him with her belly. Each shove had more and more power behind it.

Nagatoro was partially distracted by teasing her senpai, but she felt the pressure inside of her become more intense. It was well past the feeling of a full stomach. This sensation spread throughout her entire bloated torso. Her arms and legs felt stretched too, but they were being buried quicker than they grew. Half of her upper arms were already sucked into her growing torso while the lower curves of her body stretched closer to her knees. She realized it was becoming harder to stand as the weight of the juice inside of her became greater. Her grin became more sadistic after she bumped Naoto once more. Instead of waiting for him to get up, Nagatoro dropped on top of him. Her weight instantly pinned him on his stomach. She started to laugh as she leaned back and forth on top of him which forced a few groans from him.

“Oh, you must love this, senpai! Getting squished under a giant berry!” Nagatoro laughed so hard that she failed to realize how her body swelled and rounded or how her arms and legs were completely sunken in. Her laughter did slowly trail off though. The groans from her body became more intense and her feeling of fullness somehow reached a new level. Whether it was a response to the sensation or air was actively squeezed out of her lungs, Nagatoro groaned. “Well, you’ve gotten to be…weird long enough…” Nagatoro started to pant. “Get up and…ugh do something about this.” She murmured and sputtered as some juice leaked from the corners of her mouth.

The sensation of fullness was still there, but Nagatoro felt something change. Her stretched, blue skin now started to tingle. She blushed when she realized the sensation became strongest on her chest before a wet sensation started to spread. Her chest, almost perfectly conjoined to the curve of her inflated body, started to leak. The juice ran down the curve of her belly while she clenched her fists. It was at this point that she realized everything had backfired on her.

Naoto groaned and tried to crawl out from Nagatoro. “Um…I can’t move.”

Nagatoro realized things had somehow gotten worse. “What do you mean you can’t move? Just roll me off you pervert!” She exclaimed and tried to roll her body. It didn’t move as she was somehow in perfect balance. The amount of juice in her was so heavy that Naoto couldn’t roll her off. She was stuck as a giant blueberry who now had two sprung leaks. There was the additional issue that she wasn’t done growing. Her body was now so tall that her head was about to touch the ceiling. She was just as wide too and stretched further by the second. If left like this, then she could touch the walls soon. That was if she didn’t pop like a balloon though.

Naoto just looked down at the floor as he felt more of Nagatoro’s body stretch and cover him. His lips quivered and almost curled into a smile. Part of him did enjoy this, but he was just as worried about what would happen next. All he could do was wait.

At least his secret interest in berry girls would remain just that. For there was no possible way Nagatoro would let a soul hear about what happened in the art room on that day.



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