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Sorry for the late post. I think this chapter is properly wrapped up. Might do more if it does well.


Series: Dress Up Darling

Characters: Marin Kitagawa, Wakana Gojo

Contains: Female weight gain, clothes destruction, teasing


“Heya Gojo! Phew, sorry it took me so long to get here!” Marin Kitagawa sighed as she gripped the bottom of her t-shirt and used it to fan herself. Doing this caused a soft, doughy belly to jiggle slightly. “The trains were hella crowded, and then this heat just sapped all my energy.”

Marin Kitagawa was an incredibly popular girl. She also happened to be remarkably beautiful with the capability to do some work as a model. Atop all of that, she was obsessed with all sorts of anime, manga, and video games. So, cosplay was an obvious path for her which was one thing that united her and Wakana Gojo as friends. The wallflower of a young man had a talent for sewing, and little by little Marin managed to pull him out of his shell. The two became very fast friends through the medium of cosplay.

Though despite seeing his friend, Gojo’s face was frozen in a strange cross between a scowl, stunned shock, and skepticism. He didn’t dislike the visit from a friend. This was scheduled after all. No, Gojo just didn’t understand something.

He didn’t understand how Marin Kitagawa had gotten even fatter.

Marin never hid how much she ate. Once Gojo had seen her eat a large bowl of ramen and then go on to eat meat-covered rice balls as if it were nothing. That was when they first met too. It was also known that her style of cooking was…eccentric. Gojo’s grandfather had suggested that Marin have dinner with them to ensure she ate a proper diet, but they had no control over what she ate when on her own. Fried food and sweets were a staple. As time went on, Marin just ate more and more until her past snacking seemed paltry by comparison.

“Heya, earth to Gojo? You in there?” Marin asked and tilted her head. This caused her long, blonde hair to cascade over a pillowy soft, fat-padded shoulder. “Mind if I come in? It’s way too hot out here and I think that AC is calling my name.”

Gojo snapped to and nodded. “Heh, sorry about that.” He moved out of the way which allowed Marin to step inside. She managed to move elegantly despite being overweight.

Marin carried herself elegantly. There were some changes like a little jiggle here and there, but she didn’t have a pronounced waddle. She was slightly short of breath, but a walk through sweltering heat would do that to anyone. Another thing that helped the girl maintain her social status without any stigma was the fact she had outfits that fit her well or accented her features.

Seeing as this was a casual visit, Marin dressed accordingly. She wore the black T-shirt she had bought when out shopping with Gojo. Unfortunately, he hadn’t bought the matching shirt, but she liked the colorful design on the front. The sleeves also had ample space for her plump arms. Marin’s upper arm was as thick as her thigh used to be with plush bingo wings. The upper side of her arms had slightly denser yet still malleable fat. None of the fat managed to roll past her elbow, but the stretch from there to her wrist was noticeably thicker. The shirt had been originally designed with extra fabric, intended to be loosely tucked into high-waisted shorts. Now the fabric failed to cover all of Marin’s midsection. It was pulled tightly across her chest which had also seen significant growth to the point they were nearly as large as her head. Her stomach seemed to start immediately beneath them. A smooth, broad curve extended outward before it tapered off and a slight wave started. It was like the beginning of a double belly that had not fully developed. A small dip before a flat plane of smooth fat formed with the indent of a cute belly button in the center. Below that, but still just past Marin’s waistline, was where the fat neatly curved one last time into a perfect roll. At the sides, there was the same broad curve only it sharpened much sooner into meaty love handles that almost rolled over her shorts. While Marin’s shirt only reached her belly button and stopped above her love handles, she seemed to wear it well. The fabric was stretched, but it didn’t seem ready to burst. The seems were stressed yet intact. It looked good on her in a similar sense to how someone could appear cute in a far-too-large shirt.

Khaki shorts clung to her waistline and seemed more endangered than her shirt. Of course, that was mostly by design. Women’s shorts tended to have a skin-tight look to them, and Marin just had a lot more skin nowadays. Despite that, fat didn’t roll over the waistline in a muffin top. The fabric was tight but Marin didn’t feel as if it restricted her movements. She wouldn’t bend over for anything though just in case her boxy butt decided to rip her shorts down the middle. Marin’s waistline had easily more than doubled in width, and that allowed for a soft rump with two sizable butt cheeks. She hadn’t yet taken to using a second chair, but she sometimes worried wooden chairs creaked more than they used to. Her thighs had plumped up considerably too. The decorative tears on the legs of her shorts had become a little more strained as fat tried to bubble out between the frayed threads. Marin was fine with that because the leg holes were actually wide enough for her legs. She didn’t want a pair that would compress her thighs and cause the fat not contained to look weird in comparison. Her thighs had a smooth, slight curve to them before they tucked at her knees. Below were soft chins and meaty calves that ended at cute, thick ankles.

Marin was indeed fat, but her confidence hadn’t been diminished at all. She wore clothes that looked good and felt comfortable while eating the foods she loved. It was no surprise that no one treated her any differently.

That being said, Gojo wasn’t oblivious to the fact his friend was dripping with sweat. “Um…Kitagawa, do you want to use the shower? It was pretty hot outside, so we need to make sure you don’t overheat. There’s some bottled water in the kitchen too.”

“Thankies! That sounds amazing!” Marin smiled and waddled past Gojo, unaware of how the boy dodged to the side to avoid her soft hip. “Oh, and I got some snacks so hold onto them for me please, and thank you!~” She handed off a bag stuffed full of sweets and sodas before she disappeared down the hall.

Gojo made his way upstairs and into his room while his heart thumped away in his chest. He didn’t understand his feelings for his friend, he had never had a girlfriend before, but he always treated Marine with respect. He thought she was beautiful, but he also didn’t think he like liked her. What he did know was that her increasingly corpulent size filled his mind with particular feelings that he didn’t want to experience.

“It’s fine. We’re just going to hang out like we normally do. Kitagawa even said she had an idea for her next cosplay.” Gojo reassured himself as he tidied up his room and got his drawing equipment ready. He could easily take notes and sketch designs while Kitagawa showed him the source material.

The door swung open. “Ahh, I feel so much better!” Marin exclaimed and stepped into Gojo’s room. To the young man’s surprise, she was dressed only in a bathing suit. It was the same style as the one she wore when she got her first measurements from Gojo. Of course, this pair was significantly sized up compared to the original. There was still plenty of skin and blubbery fat exposed.

Gojo froze and his face turned bright pink. “K-K-Kitagawa what are you wearing?!” He exclaimed as he covered his eyes.

“Ah yeah guess I didn’t mention it, but I wore my bathing suit under my clothes. It’s totes obvious that my old measurements aren’t going to cut it anymore.” Marin chuckled as she waddled further into the room. Without the support of her clothes, her fat wobbled far more. The form-fitting fabric had served as a way to rein in the gelatinous flesh, but now nothing but thin elastic straps kept the small spandex material over Marin’s form. The top did its best to hold back her chest, but fat nearly rolled over the straps while flesh puffed and tried to curl over the edges of the cups. The bottom had far more fabric, and it at least managed to cover a decent portion of her butt. That was at the cost of nothing being visible in the front mostly due to how her belly hung in front of her. “Oh, and my clothes were still super sweaty so nah I’m not ready to put those back on.” She giggled.

Marin’s skin was glistening as moisture clung to it. There was a notable shine to her too. She wasn’t soaking wet, but her flab was notably slick. Steam could even be seen wafting off of her. It made it much more difficult for Gojo to look as his eyes couldn’t help but follow the hefty girl’s curves. The sooner he got to work though, the sooner this would be over.

“Alright….let’s get started then,” Gojo murmured as he reached for his measuring tape. “I think it's at least safe to say your head measurement is still the same.”

“Eh,” Marin butted in. “I dunno. Just look at these big puffy cheeks~” She couldn’t help but laugh as she pressed her fingers to her cheeks. They were notably softer. More than a subtle curve added to them, but a far cry from flabby jowls. Even her chin appeared softer, but hardly enough to detract from her face.

Gojo just nervously laughed along and looked Marin over. He was able to quiet his mind as a more analytical side came forward. “Then we should probably start with your shoulders. Could I get you to turn around for me?” He asked. Marin remembered the motions and slowly turned on her heels. It took a couple of wide steps, but she moved quite nimbly for her size. She also hoisted her arms up to move her hair off of her back. “Thank you,” Gojo murmured and instinctively stepped closer. That was when he felt something soft bump his hips.

Shocked eyes looked down and Gojo’s legs kicked him back. Marin glanced over her shoulder to see him startled and pressed against the wall. She grinned, dimples forming on her puffy cheeks. “Oh, Gojo aren’t you naughty?~ Bumping up against my-“

“I-it was an accident I swear!” Gojo waved his hands frantically as Marin burst into laughter. It was enough to make her belly roll and she smacked the side of her hip.

“It’s fine, I get it. We didn’t have to account for my butt being this big last time you measured my shoulders. Should I lean back or something?” Marin asked and craned her neck to look over her shoulder. ‘Not bad…’

Gojo swallowed hard. “No, I can reach just fine.” He stepped forward again, nervous sweat on his brow. ‘It will be uncomfortable, but I can reach if I stretch my arms out more. I just need to keep steady and move my hips back while leaning my shoulders forward.’ The young man rationalized as he bent his body into an odd parenthesis shape.

His fingers gently touched Marin’s shoulders, and he was stunned by how soft they were. This was also when he noticed that Marin’s shoulders had become more broad. ‘I didn’t know someone could get wider here just from putting on weight.’ He thought to himself, almost seeming astonished. “Interesting…” He murmured without realizing it. It caused a slight twinge from Marin as she didn’t know what “interesting” meant in this context. She remained silent though.

“Could you raise your left arm please?” Gojo asked

“You got it!” Marin replied and lifted one puffy arm. The action caused the underside to jiggle. The movement increased after a few seconds when her arm began to quiver and shake. “Eheh sorry it’s a little hard to keep them up for too long.”

‘It’s only been five seconds…’ Gojo thought as he got the measurement as quickly as he could. “You can lower it now, and I’ll get your upper arm width.” Marin’s arm lowered so fast that it bounced slightly against her side. As the girl sighed and went on about something, Gojo realized another issue. The plush mass of her upper arm was squished against the fat that had accumulated on the sides of her chest. Out of his view, there was also an abundance of side-boob in the way. “Um, I might need you to raise your arm a little bit again.”

“Wha?” Marin sounded and glanced at Gojo. “Oh heh yeah I guess there’s no space to get between huh? Here you go, bwoop.” She made a small noise as she lifted her arm just enough for Gojo to snake the measuring tape through. “Y’know this is kind of fun. It feels crazy familiar to when you got my first measurements, but it’s a bit different now.”

Gojo chuckled as he read over the tape measure. “Yeah, it’s probably because you’re much bigger now.” Gojo froze. “Agh wait that didn’t come out right! I’m sorry!” He exclaimed.

Marin looked slightly dejected. “N-nah I get what you mean…” She murmured and tried to look at the floor only for her view to be filled with her chest and then her stomach.

After a few awkward seconds, Gojo continued his measurement when he realized something. “Your bicep isn’t the same thickness throughout. It starts to dip much more towards your elbow.” He slid the tape measure down and got a second measurement. “Maybe I can slim the fabric slightly here. That way we can make sleeves that won’t look too baggy. Then I can measure past your elbow here…then your wrist…” The sentence trailed off as Gojo took several smaller measurements throughout Marin’s arm.

Marin felt her heart flutter. ‘It’s seriously cute when he gets super into this.’ She thought and couldn’t suppress her smile. ‘And it’s just another tidbit of proof that he doesn’t think differently of me for my weight.’ In the past Marin had been worried about putting on weight and how she could no longer wear the outfits Gojo made for her. She didn’t even like the idea of him simply adjusting them despite him not minding. When she first claimed to have gained weight, Gojo didn’t judge her but was more confused about how it was possible. He only appeared shocked when Marin revealed her diet. ‘Yeah, he’d probably pass out if he knew how much I was eating these days. Let’s keep that a little secret.’


Marin was startled from her thoughts as she heard her name. “What’s up? Thighs next? Go for it!” She rapid fired her sentences before she widened her stance. Her feet needed to be more than shoulder width apart to make sure her upper thighs weren’t squished together. “This good? I really don’t feel like trying to do squats anytime soon.”

“This should be fine,” Gojo replied and kneeled down. He ensured his body was far enough to avoid unnecessary contact, mainly to manage his embarrassment, but quickly found an issue. If he stayed far enough away to not press against Marin’s hips, then he would have to blindly reach between her legs to get the measuring tape around. If he moved in front of her, then her belly was in the way. Conversely, if he went behind her, then her butt would be in the way. “P-pardon me.” He murmured and scooted closer. His arms curved out almost like a basketball hoop as he slowly passed the measuring tape between his right and left hand. Even if he was careful to the point of surgical precision, he felt the sides of his pinky and ring finger as well as his thumb brush against the insides of Kitagawa’s thighs. ‘It’s so soft. Like touching warm marshmallows.’ He thought and backed away slightly to get the measurement.

Only another problem arose. Marin’s thighs were so soft and squishy that the measuring tape easily sank into them. It would be impossible to get a proper measurement if this were to happen. The final product could be too tight and need to be let out, and if the proper measurement wasn’t written down, it would be a constant issue with every outfit. This forced Gojo in closer so that he could peer around the curves of Marin’s thigh to ensure the measuring tape didn’t sink in. This produced all sorts of awkward angles as Gojo ensured his head didn’t bump anything. Marin watched, impressed at how flexible the boy was.

Marin leaned over and tapped the thigh Gojo wasn’t working on. It wobbled in response and she couldn’t help but hum. “I didn’t know my thighs had gotten this soft. Not like they weren’t ‘soft’ before, but this is a whole other level. Is it going to make outfits hard or something?”

With the measurement complete, Gojo could stop resting on his knees and scoot back further. “I don’t think so. For things like skirts or dresses, then it won’t be an issue at all. Stretchier materials like spandex or stockings just need to be made so they aren’t uncomfortably tight or compress anything in an unflattering way. It’s mainly for sturdier materials that you’d see in pants. Those won’t have as much room to give.” Gojo explained and looked up slightly only to glance away. “For now let’s do your waistline.”

“I can tell this might be a little tricky. Let me just…” Marin reached down and grabbed her belly in both hands. She kept her fingers spread wide as she scooped up the lowest curve of her stomach before she hoisted it up. “It isn’t perfect, but now my gut is a bit out of the way!”

Gojo stared nervously. The fat that Marin lifted tried to sag and droop around her hands like a marshmallow that couldn’t withstand its own weight. “Do you think you can hold the end of this?” Gojo asked coyly as Marin just grinned and extended one finger. Gojo gently placed the tip of the measuring tape there. She easily took hold of it while Gojo slowly walked around her.

Marin was too wide for Gojo to reach around her, so he had to slowly carry the measuring tape around her. Without touching, he also made sure the measuring tape was straight and drawn across the sides of her hips and her butt. He was now back in front of Marin and gently took the other half of the measuring tape back. He lowered himself slightly to look at the measuring tape more closely.

“Bwoop~” Marin made the noise just as she thrust her belly forward. The soft mass of pudge squished against Gojo’s face. He then dramatically fell back and banged against the wall very similar to when he first did Marin’s measurements when she was thin. “Jeez did I bump you that hard? Sorry, I thought it would be funny.

Gojo slowly sat up and leaned against the wall. “I’m fine. You just surprised me.” He murmured and opened his eyes to see Marin leaning over him. “A-ah K-Kitagawa you’re too close! Really, I’m fine! I’m fine!” He exclaimed and tried to back away to no avail.

Marin looked at Gojo curiously. At first, she thought his face was so red because she had smacked him too hard. A sudden flash of realization hit her face before she smiled. “Ooooooh wait a minute. Does someone like big girls?” She asked as Gojo’s face turned even more red. “Ha! I thought so! Well since we’re friends, go on. Give my belly a little grab. Come on, do it! It’d be funny.” She teased and grabbed Gojo by his wrist. There was a brief pause before she let go. “Ha, just kidding. How about we take a break and have some snacks?”

Gojo sighed in relief as Marin stood up and waddled a few steps away. She sat down and opened the bag full of snacks she brought. Gojo’s face had adopted its normal hue by the time she rolled him a soda and tossed him a red bean bun. He thanked her and started to feel relaxed again.

“This may look like some normal snacks, but I splurged a bit and got the good stuff.” Marin grinned as she opened a bag of melon bread and took a large bite. “Aah see? So good!” She exclaimed and quickly took another bite. She needed the rush of sugar to keep herself calm too. Marin hid her feelings a tad better than Gojo, but their last exchange had got her heart beating too. ‘It started as a joke, but I probably would have melted if he actually grabbed my stomach.’

‘I mean I’m confident sure! I had my doubts at first, but I kept finding cute clothes so I look good, right? Then I still get some little modeling gigs here and there, so my cosplay money isn’t lacking either. Now that I think about it. Why would it be an issue if Gojo touched my stomach? I give my close friends hugs. Nowa pinches my love handles every now and again too.’ Marin had mostly rationalized her feelings by the time she finished her melon bread. The mental gears continued to turn as she nibbled on a red bean bun and drank some soda. ‘Yeah, I’m plush like a stuffed animal. Those are designed to be adorable. Plus…if Gojo is into big girls then maybe…yeah maybe.’ Marin looked down and poked at her belly. The fat was very supple and doughy. Her finger top sank in with hardly any resistance. Soon the poke became a satisfied pat which gave off a louder sound than she expected. The THWAP echoed slightly in the room, but she didn’t care. ‘Gojo hasn’t gotten mad at me for outgrowing outfits, and he doesn’t treat me any different for being all hefty. That’s all that matters for now.’

‘Why is she just smacking her belly like that?’ Gojo thought as he tried to focus on anything but Marin’s stomach. She just kept squeezing it, poking it, or rubbing it. “Kitagawa, do you think we can finish up the measurements?”

“Hmph?” Marin asked, her cheeks stuffed with her last snack. She nodded her head, swallowed the sweets, and washed them down with soda. “Sounds good to me!” She slowly tried to get up. She unfurled her legs, leaned onto her right thigh, and with a hand braced on the floor she was able to get up.

Gojo retrieved the measuring tape and returned to his feet. There was only one place left to measure, Marin’s bust. He approached Marin who smiled at him. “Ok, I need you to lift your arms just one more time.”

Marin made a dramatic sigh. “Can’t you do it? They’re super heavy.” She asked before giggling. Once more, her hammy arms were lifted, and she got her hair out of the way.

The measuring tape needed to go around Marin’s back before it could reach her bust. That meant Gojo had a sizable amount of stomach fat to reach around and avoid. Gojo showed off his impeccable balance as he reached around Marin. His knees trembled slightly as his chin managed to remain only a few inches away from Marina’s cleavage.

‘I could so bump into him again.’ Marin thought and had to suppress a grin. ‘Nah, I’ve teased him enough. For now…maybe give it a good twenty minutes.’ She added and nodded as Gojo managed to grab the other end of the measuring tape. She sighed in relief as she lowered her arms. There was no need to keep them up now that Gojo was getting the measurement. Though she could see there was some struggle as the measuring tape sank into the sides of her chest. “Sorry, I can’t help being so soft.” She joked though Gojo seemed to not hear it.

Marin didn’t know exactly how big her chest had gotten since her last measurement. It was at least obvious that they had doubled in size. They weren’t too hard to cover with shirts or jackets, but Marin struggled to find bras. Some fit well, but they weren’t cute. Then the ones that fit and were cute broke the bank far worse than her food budget ever could.

“Got it. That’s the last of the measurements.” Gojo said and pulled the measuring tape away from Marin. She twitched as she felt it slip beneath her right arm, through a roll of back fat, and then past the other arm. “I’ll get these written down and then we can get to work on the next cosplay. What was the one you had in mind?”

“Ooh!” Marin felt herself getting pumped up. “I didn’t bring any of the manga or DVDs over, but I can totally tell you about it! It’s called Debu Debu Love! It’s all about this girl who at first starts to get a bit chubby. Then bam she starts to get huge!”

Gojo felt an intense wave of deja vu.

“She gets bullied, so she transfers to a new school. At first, she’s worried that she still won’t fit in, but she finds the food appreciation club!” Marin moved about as she explained. Quick turns on her heels, sudden leans forward or to the sides, and even occasionally doing a small jump which shook the room. “The club already has five members, and they’re all super big too! Though one thing I super love about this is that they all have different body types. Like the club president is this super busty girl with glasses and a crazy cute ponytail. Then we have a perfect butterball who loves sweets and shows it in her outfit. She even has her pink hair up in fluffy pigtails! Honestly, her whole outfit is pink so she gets compared to a pig sometimes, but it gets done in a super cute friendly way y’know?”

Gojo did not know.

Marin went on, her words coming out faster and faster while she jiggled more. This was how she often talked about things she loved. “The artist is also crazy good at drawing food. Like sometimes I feel tempted to bite the page! I tried to recreate some of the food, but that went as well as you’d expect. For those scenes, I guess we could use prop foods, OR we can try some local bakeries. I think that would be more authentic especially since there are a lot of scenes where the characters are eating or feeding each other.”


“But we should focus on the main character first? She’s just so cute and I was for real about to cry when she found her new friend group.” Marin fanned her face with her soft hands. “Like she’s just way too sweet for anyone to ever be mean to! The food appreciation club instantly welcomed her with open arms and like oh my gosh I just can’t take it you know! Also seeing as I am getting pretty big myself, I figured it was the perfect time to cosplay these girls!” She waved her hands faster to stave off tears. That made her arms start to wobble. Her bingo wings smacked the side of her boobs which made them jiggle too. The waves carried into her belly and throughout her sides. It got to the point that the sound of fat smacking fat echoed in the room. It become even louder still when Marin paced about or spun on her heels which caused her butt to bounce or the cheeks to clap against each other.


Marin froze. “Whoops, I got carried away again, didn’t I? My bad.” She felt a wave of bashfulness hit her like a sack of potatoes.

Gojo sighed. “We can talk more later, but for now…could you please put your clothes back on now?”

“Yeah…” Marin replied and slowly waddled out of the room.



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