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In an effort to get a little more content out for the month, I'll be giving you all some little wips of the Mother's Day story I'm writing. Here the first one.


Series: RWBY
Characters: Raven, Summer, Yang, Ruby, Taiyang, Kali, Blake, Ghira, Willow, Weiss, Winter, Whitley
Contains: Female weight gain, a whole lot of mom stuff


“Get her!”


Summer Rose groaned curiously as she heard two voices shout. A second later she was pulled from her sleep when she felt two soft, heavy objects land on her. Her eyes opened to reveal the smiling faces of her daughters Yang and Ruby. It only took a second before she smiled and wrapped her plump arms around the two. The girls had already hugged Summer, and now they squeezed each other as tight as possible.

“Happy Mother’s Day!” Ruby and Yang cheered as they nuzzled their cheeks against their mother’s.

“Ooh, my girls! Thank you two so much!” Summer kissed each of them on the cheek before she tried to pull the two closer. It wasn’t exactly possible as all three were exceptionally obese. Their bellies were already squished together like three jello-filled exercise balls. Summer’s midsection was the largest, but Ruby’s was a close second. Then, despite being the third largest, Yang’s gut was a densely packed mass of blubber. “Mmm though as much as I do love you both, you’re squishing me.” She said yet the hug persisted for a few more moments. Yang was the first to stand up, and Ruby had to roll over her mother to get out of bed. They remained at the bedside as Summer slowly got up.

Being a woman of such robust figure, Summer was slow to get seated upright. Her belly slid over her wide, padded thighs as she audibly groaned. Her stomach was a major obstacle to get past, but it was easier to deal with when seated. She gripped the hem of her shirt and pulled it down. This covered more of her pale belly as well as stretched the design of the shirt out. There was an Ursa head with hearts for eyes above the words, “Mama Bear.” The bear’s visage was goofy to look at as the woman’s breasts stretched out its head. This was because her breasts were larger than her head. The hefty mounds rose and fell as she panted. Getting herself upright was harder than she thought it would be.

Summer pivoted so her feet touched the ground, and that was good enough for now. Summer’s body was the epitome of well-rounded. Every part of her had a thick layer of fat attached to it. From her thick love handles, her over three-foot wide hips, blubbery booty, squishy arms, and puffy face, Summer was the definition of a chunky mama.

A slender figure stepped into the room and moved between Ruby and Yang. Taiyang Xiao Long, Summer’s husband, smiled warmly at her. “Good morning and happy Mother’s Day honey~” He said and leaned into Summer’s open arms. The heavy limbs quickly wrapped around his back and pulled him close. Tai hugged back and kissed Summer on the lips. He felt his wife giggle into the kiss as he teasingly squeezed her back fat. “The girls got too impatient and woke you up a bit early. So, just relax a bit. Sound good?”

Summer refused to release her husband from the tight, soft hug. “Hmm, I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait. I’m just so excited!”

The group fell quiet for a moment as the sound of snoring reminded them that there was one more person in the room. Raven Branwen slept on her side, a mass far smaller than Summer under the blankets. Somehow all the noise hadn’t disturbed her.

Yang waddled around her parent’s bed and stood in front of her biological mother. She looked tense as she tried to think of a way to wake the woman. She and Ruby had jumped on top of Summer in a powerful hug tackle, but that didn’t feel like a good idea with Raven. She wasn’t used to such acts, and the relationship between the two was still strained. Still, it was Mother’s Day, and the group wanted to make an effort. Today was supposed to be a big day for the family to be together. Yang just needed to work up the nerve to wake Raven.

“You’ve got this!” Ruby whispered as if the group wasn’t much louder mere moments prior. Still, she quietly pumped her arms in the air which caused her bingo wings to flap and bounce.

‘That isn’t helping.’ Yang thought as she leaned over and gently tapped Raven’s shoulder. That did nothing, so she started to shake gently. The gentle shake became stronger until Raven’s snoring was interrupted by a confused groan. A few seconds later, her eyes opened. They flitted up to Yang’s and stared blankly. Just because they were open, didn’t mean Raven was fully awake. “Happy Mother’s Day.” Yang’s voice wasn’t dry, but it also didn’t contain a fraction of the passion it had when she said the same to Summer.

Raven blinked before she started to sit up. “Thanks.” She grumbled and stretched her arms high above her head. One soft shoulder managed to squish against an even softer cheek. Her chest was unintentionally thrust forward, each cantaloupe-sized orb wobbled gently as Raven shook lightly in her stretch. Her shirt which read, “Bad Mom,” covered her well enough although the lower quarter of her belly was left exposed.

Raven was much smaller than the other girls. She was even half the size of her daughter. Her belly didn’t reach her knees, and the sides of the soft mass barely spilled over the side of her thighs. Her love handles were small enough to fit in the palm of her hands, her thighs were just large enough that she couldn’t fit both of her hands around them, her bingo wings were soft yet not as meaty as the others, and her hips and butt could still be supported by one chair. Though they would roll over the edges of a standard chair.

“Happy Mother’s Day!” Summer exclaimed and reached across the bed to place a hand on Raven’s shoulder. It was a bit of a reach, but Summer did her best to do it. She smiled as Raven looked over her shoulder so their eyes would meet.

Ruby stepped into Raven’s view. “I know you aren’t my mom, but you are a mom! So happy Mother’s Day!” She said cheerfully before appearing very awkward. Ruby looked at Yang and tilted her head to the side.

“Oh, yeah.” Yang leaned in and hugged Raven. Ruby quickly joined which left the woman stunned. Raven was not super used to hugs yet, but this wasn’t the first one. She had received a handful of the embraces since she returned. Her hammy arms slowly lifted and patted each girl on the back until they let go.

A few moments later and everyone was on their feet. The preparations had yet to be completed, but the family had too much fun talking together for anyone to leave and wrap up. Yang and Ruby continued to pepper Summer with compliments on how she was the best mom in the whole world while Summer shot back with an equal amount of reasons why they were the best daughters she could ever hope for. Raven took the time to squeeze into jeans before she wrestled with the button. She thought about ditching the denim for pajama pants with an elastic waistband seeing as she wasn’t planning to go out. Distracted by her thoughts, she didn’t notice Tai walk over to her.

“Happy Mother’s Day, Raven.” He said and patted the woman on her shoulder.

Raven nearly jumped in surprise. “Thanks,” She replied and took a second to wonder if Tai was sincere or not. He wasn’t the type to be cold like that, but she was aware that she was only a mother in the most literal sense. “So, what’s the big surprise for the day?”

Tai grinned. “We’re having a picnic.”


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