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If anyone wonders why I've been a bit quiet on Patreon, here's why. I've been indulging in something I've been wanting to do and couldn't back when i had a real job: making a crap animation in After Effects. Ever since I did that little slideshow for our Patreon video I felt like doing more, and, well, now I have. The resulting attempt is only 40 seconds long and I'm ready to never touch After Effects again, but at least it's done-ish. The video you see  is an unlisted version and I'll probably do a few timing tweaks before I show it to the public.

The whole thing was pure experimentation, kind of like throwing shit on the wall and seeing what sticks :D I tried both Photoshop and Clip Studio for making animated frames and, as always, Clip was way more user-friendly and easier to work with. I definitely missed Flash at times and could've probably done more animation with it, but I didn't feel like re-learning it all over again at the same time as I'm practicing with AE.

All the sounds are taken from freesound   and all the smoke/water footage was taken from CineStock ,  Elemental Footage  and possibly Free Footage kitchen  (I downloaded so many smoke vids, it's hard to say which one i used)

My highly pro storyboard I did for this in about 2 seconds


Drugs & Wires - Chapter 4 Teaser

I could've drawn half a chapter in a time it took me to make this. But I had fun and that's what counts...right?



Wow that is honestly really impressive


Agreed. Really digging this.


robo dog? oh no!


Very atmospheric and teaser-ish :D


Ooh! 😄 Nice! And with cyber StBernhard! 😀 Love the style