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Hey, so this morning I received an email from my printer saying how issue 1 & 2 reprints are going to be more expensive with the new printing process unless I add 4 extra pages for a more efficient sheet distribution. Turns out 32 pages fit on a single sheet perfectly, while 28 have to be spread out onto 2. 

Anyway, issue 1 already had 4 pages of filler, so I left it as it is, but since Issue 2 only had one, I added the 4 pages - mostly consisting of that original cover with Marilyn Hope-Fokker, some pencils/inks and stuff everyone's seen already. However, I've also found this word puzzle! I think I originally made it for the D&W zine we were going to print, but that never happened so that thing just got lost with all the other extras. 

I don't have the original word list for it anymore and I've no idea if there's really 16 of them! I guess there's only one way to find out.




Hmm, found 15 so far


Managed 14 out of 16.


H: Angst, Futility, Ennui, Existential, Depression, Hopeless, Anxiety, Boredom, Suffering, Crisis, Apathy. V: Solipsism, Fear, Despair, Death, Pain.


17, what Alazavrus Bakanovic wrote + HIV


Heh good fix to an interesting problem