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IT BEGINS. This and the next page were done in a slightly different way to how we usually work - I started out with the storyboards first and Io added a script later. As a result, this scene is a bit more decompressed than normal, but I really wanted to, well, paint Dan tripping balls and have enough space to do so. Pretty much all of it references his original Skullfuck.exe trip back in the Dreamspace comic. I definitely want to establish a theme with his visions/fears, though hopefully without things getting stale.

The final version of this page should be animated, however there's no way i'm doing that at 3am,  so have an early page in the meantime!

Oh and because Patreon seems to be jpeg'ing the shit out of even the work i upload externally, here's a link to how things SHOULD look like. http://i.imgur.com/BVycX5a.jpg




"feeding it back through the implant" is what the 'dings say, for anyone curious. No ARG here.