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Sooo recently it has occured to me that with all the upcoming...uh...events in future chapters, Dan should really look a bit scruffier, at least for a couple of scenes.  On one hand, it's getting harder for me to make our protagonist look sufficiently shitty when he looks perfectly groomed every time. I think we could do with a bit of realism there.  On the other hand - 1)there's enough gritty, stubbly protagonists out there, 2)I'm irrationally opposed to changing anything about his design, ever, and 3)can he even grow facial hair?... How annoying is that gonna be to draw in every panel? Drawing a full beard or a dense stubble is easy, drawing 5 blonde whiskers? Not something I've practiced.

Anyway, I tried it out and it's a little weird, but not too dreadful. He only looks 10 years older as opposed to 80 which was one of my fears. As long as I can replicate that look consistently, hopefully I can make it work when the time comes \o/ 




Dan looks fresh with his hair like that.