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This page will (most likely) be running on the site in two weeks' time, but seeing as it's ready and raring to go, we figured we'd give you an early look here and now. 

Back in gray antiquity when I still cranked these extras out on a regular basis, I'd planned an entire page of Shitparade panning Dan's various trips, underscoring just why Dan got so pissy about the idea of a Shitparade tribute back in Chapter 1. Those reviews would have ended by touching on Sinnesloeschen, a trip so utterly nihilistic that it made poor SP swear off ever loading another Dan-authored sim again. I wrote about a third of the content before various life things happened, but kept Sinnesloeschen in my back pocket for a rainy day and eventually had a chance to drop it into the final pages of Chapter 6. 

"Now would be a great time to finish that review page and give that scene some context," I thought, not realizing the original content went "poof" two computer transfers ago. Here's an all-new set of reviews instead. 




The Happyface trip sounds like a nightmare!!