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So Io and I were talking about doing a little recap seeing how our comic is heavy on the lore and callbacks, but sparse on the update front, so it's easy to forget stuff. I was going to just keep it simple and base it on the timeline file Io set up to keep track of BPA, Dreamspace and main comic events:

But Io went a step further, so over the course of the next couple of weeks we'll have some personal accounts and journals! I'm not sure about the details, but I'm sure Io's gonna do a more thorough post at a later date or something :v In the meantime, here's page 1 of Sandman's journal!




This is mind-blowing! One of the reasons I love D&W so much is the lore/universe building, and the overarching story. This is a wonderful way to help keep all that at the forefront of fans minds. 😁