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Hey everyone!

Never in a million years did we expect our Kickstarter's high tiers to sell out as soon as they did, but it happened and a lot of you were asking if we were gonna open any more of these. I was initially hesistant as unlimited comic cameos would make it difficult to place them all in the comic, but after some thinking we've decided to open up a couple of Ultimate Upload slots along with a new reward tier this Saturday, 14th July at 5pm BST.

We thought it's only fair to give our supporters a heads up. We'll also be posting some stretch goals around that time! 

Thanks again for supporting us! Even just sharing the Kickstarter around helps a ton. And don't forget to join our Discord #patreon channel (if you're a $3+ patron) to get all the latest updates, works in progress  and just get hands on with all things D&W. I often ask folks for feedback on there as I design stuff as it's easier than going on here!


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