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I was hoping to get this out on a weekend, but SCORCHING HEATWAVE made my flat practically uninhabitable.

Anyway, I didn't really excel at drawing this scene if we're gonna be honest, but thankfully it's over and next scene's gonna have a much more exciting environment for me to draw! I can't wait.

We're still trying out to iron out things with our kickstarter - multiple people asked for more tiers and stretchgoals which is amazing, but we also need to like..come up with more stuff. Looking at the ever-growing excel sheet of all the merch i need to prep is pretty intimidating, but we're in awe at all of the support we've been getting!




I love Dan's expression - like he's been completely blindsided. And Troy sounds like she's been waiting to try that spiel on someone for ages! :D


If you add more to the Kickstarter I will literally go and donate again yo. And I know I’m just a random internet person but if you need any help with that spreadsheet I’d love to support any way I can lol


We're going to open up a few more slots and tiers this Saturday and give patrons advance notice! Gonna post about it soon :) -Cryo