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Getting back into drawing D&W is never easy, especially after working on some work for hire stuff. Every chapter I pray that we finally streamline the way we work on the pages and every time we just kind of wing it and suffer through. Or at least, I wing it because by the time I get to drawing a page, I'm either late or approaching deadline. Hopefully I'll find a moment to get ahead on the pencils for patrons. Or at least do some layouts in bulk. That would be a good start.

Anyway, here's what our Digi crew has been up to. Originally I had this idea of drawing them in different colour-matched outfits every time inspired by a certain cybergoth couple I know in real life. In the end I felt like I liked their chapter 3 attire so much, I wanted to draw their turquiose look again - so I did. I'm sure I'll get a chance to mix it up, though. Someone on stream mentioned it looks like a Cyberdog shop and that's exactly what I'm going for with these guys.



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