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Yes! D&W's finally coming back. As always, making a chapter cover was a bit tricky and, should chapter 5 get published as an issue, there's a good chance i'll redo it.

Originally I had some vague ideas for both Sandman and Troy, but after asking Discord patrons on what they'd like to see, Sandman was an obvious choice. I thought i'd do a homage to one of the Dogs Playing Poker paintings and did some thumbnails for it while travelling:

Couple weeks later Io revealed his name for the chapter, "The Hard Sell", obviously referring to Troy's storyline, so I figured I'd have to be Troy after all. I had some general ideas, but as it turned out, finding an iconic windows or even software ad in general was nigh impossible. 

I was quite commited to do a retro ad cover, though, especially since most of them have white empty backgrounds and I'm the laziest person in the world.

I was gonna draw Troy overloaded with all her serious business duties and write up some cheesy line about multitasking and DS95 and...

And then I remembered I've been wanting to draw an Unylsk cityscape for ages. So far D&W's been comprised of either nature or interiors, and whenever I did get to draw a bit of the city, I tended to fail miserably, so I thought i'd go in Io's direction (he suggested Troy surrounded by Unylsk propaganda and general misery)

So I did that. I do think I'd benefit from spending a little longer on it and Troy doesn't look quite how I'd want to, and I'm still struggling finding the right style when inking environments (I love wonky freehand, but mine is a bit *too* wonky even after 2+ years of practice) 

But yeah. I'm a little scared to get back to D&W, especially the storyboarding which is never easy with this comic, but I'm excited to get the story out there! Stay tuned for more :)



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