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I am finally done with these. A late update, but still a double update, so yay! These pages took a little longer because of all the extra bits I had to design - in retrospect, I would've been better off polishing those drawings instead of trying to find the exact font they used for an AltaVista logo in 1996, but hey, sometimes you gotta indulge yourself.

I've already posted some older Troy sketches in the previous post, but working on these two pages definitely helped me finalise her look. It's still a little inconsistent but I'll hopefully get a hang of it in future pages - as you might have guessed, we're gonna be seeing a lot more of her soon.

Pan Am ticket! Apparently in D&W verse this airline is alive and well in 1995. And as much as I wanted to torture Troy with an early morning flight, I ended up changing it in the final version so her arrival time matches up with the story.

Tried to vaguely match the old AltaVista header for this. I also went ahead and straight copy pasted the form from the original altavista page found in the Wayback Machine.  I had to jump through some hoops trying to remove font smoothing in Windows for authenticity and it..kinda worked, but won't be visible anyway after all the resizing for the page. OH WELL.

And here I was, uh, inspired by 90's designs of USA today and Wired. I wasn't sure how to do an authentic UI for a usenet group, but I think i managed to make it simple and recognisable enough, so eh.




At least she gets to fly business class...