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Hey Patreon, sorry for being so silent this month - a combo of freelance and Thought Bubble happening at the same really didn't help this month, but I'll do my best to catch up. These pages should go up some time on Wednesday and they're gonna feature a character I've been desperately wanting to include for like 2 years now. Her name is Troy, and I can't give too much away for now other than she's the missing link that's going to connect our US and Stradania storylines together.

 Of all the side characters that we've got I've probably drawn her the most, and a few months from now I'll finally be able to share the more spoilery arts of her, but in the meantime, here is a sketch. I think it was inspired by a character of Sun Bak from Sense8 at a time, but came out looking more like Zemfira. It didn't end up being a good ref, really, and I practically ended up redesigning Troy straight into the page. I've had an older sketch of her looking more like what I wanted, but I've just finished looking through all of my PC files and emails and Tumblr with zero result. Can't find any of my early concept sketches of her either - many of those were done at my previous job so unless I magically backed them up, it's all gone now. 

 Tomorrow I'll probably do some turn arounds as I'm really struggling with her side view. Hell, all of it. Do proper turn around for your characters, folks. It'll save you time and brain cells.  

Fun fact: Troy was actually Eve's original name. But then one of my follower's name was Troy too and for some reason it deeply bothered me at a time so I eventually changed it to Eve. Fast forward 2 years and Io did that thing he does where he digs into my embarassing older arts and references them. And so Troy became a character of her own. 

She'll be featured quite prominently in the next chapter so here's hoping I figure out how to draw her consistently soon. 

UPD: Found another old sketch after digging through my Google Drive some more!




Oooooh yus! Troy looks wicked, I can't wait!


"Claire, we need to use this character." "No, Io." "Just Troy and stop me!"


Easter Egg factor aside, the main reason I got stuck on "Troy" was because the name actually made a lot of thematic sense - among other things, she's a vehicle for finally sneaking the Synacon storyline into our main plot.