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So much respect for Netero! Chills watching this





Day 4 petition to get a reaction series for Cyberpunk Edgerunners!


Hyped for this one! Some of the finest action ever animated in the one of the best arcs ever

Broodhuys Thomas

Netero destroy 99% of hxh. This man is insane. How are you now Michelle?


FOR REAL? I would’ve voted for it but i don’t remember it being on a poll 🥲


The fact this mf Netero is like 50% of his former strength is crazy, also love how you think it can't get better bur then a few episodes later it's gonna go even crazier

Andrew Gutierrez

“Prayer comes from the heart” love when movies and shows have motivational quotes or inspiring quotes

Carter San

Ron watched this episode in tattoo frames


knowing how big a fan the author of JJK is of HxH, I'm 99% sure the Todo scene is a reference to this

Oscar H.

haha everyone was thinking of this scene as well when the todo scene came out


This is one of the best fights I've ever seen in an anime

Broodhuys Thomas

Ah and also, can you watch ep 130 and 131 together ?

Jay rellim

lol i remember yall thinking komugi was the person netero was working with, whole time she's the reason the king leveled his thinking and was able to beat netero. maybe meruem still could have outlasted netero even if he never met komugi, but the fight would 100% be way closer


i disagree. i and i’m not arguing at all. i just think if he was still the brutal evil ant and not the more, im not really sure how to say it but thoughtful or more seeking to understand and learn from certain humans, i think he would’ve killed netero. just personal opinion. but i can definitely see both sides

Nick Obeso

Not even 50% haha I think knov said in the beginning once they barely arrived at NGL that he was less than half his strength or something if I’m not mistaken. I truly believe young netero could’ve beaten newborn meruem 😂


Fun fact: Netero lost his arm and leg is a reference back to the hunter exam arc when he got Gon and Killua to steal the ball off him. He did not use his Right arm and left leg


I can take your take on this and agree but also see both sides

Slim Yeezus23

Smeagle was on point bruh


looks like you will need to watch next ep to find out xD

Prateek Sridhar

Holy shit Ron your Smeagol voice is so freaking good!

Hisoka Morrow

Actually, another considerable translate option from Japanese is that, "You know nothing about human's malice" instead of "evolution", both were perfectly fit in. And, yeah, when Netter used Zero Hand, he's simply used all his stockpile aura from entire of his life to attack. So, Ten, one of the four fundamental, its effect was to strengthen your body and slow aging, that's why Netter was reverted back to his real appearance. PS.Please don't forget, you can consider making double upload from EP130-131 and 134-135, but watch it as separate is just fine.

Prateek Sridhar

Never underestimate oldies in anime xD


I understand all sides lol but I have to disagree remember the King was tryna talk Netero insisted on fighting by making it a game the king had to stop netero without killing him making it harder to fight him Netero was going full attack against the king and the King was still unfazed he just barely started to feel the pain from netero blows after a long time like over hundreds of punches the king tbh if he was going full attack mode from the start it would have been a much different fights as he would not have cared for Netero's Life and would have probably been doing all type of things we haven't even seen him capable of yet and we know that he is aware of Nen and that the meals he eats he's able to select which parts of the body he wants to strengthen he is a king so he alone has that ability to continue to strengthen himself by eating


It's always so haunting to see how Netero seems like the malicious force in the end, and not Meruem. His decrepit old form detonating himself must have surprised Meruem, who probably assumed he would die an "honorable martial artist's death", but instead he died unleashing one of humanity's most heinous inventions. I think it's supposed to show that humans aren't really that much better than the chimera ants. As a species, we kill and destroy when it suits us too.


i wonder if prime netero could beat meruem


the good ole “if im going down im taking you with me”


I saw an interesting comment. It went something like mereum could have considered millions of possible battle and matches and shogi games but he would never have considered his opponent’s nuking the board. He could never have won.

Scott Brown

The absolute pinnacle of Nen combat, Meruem, taken down by a bomb that is easily mass produced. I love this as a way to show that humanity's potential for destruction has far outstripped what the magic system in the setting is capable of.


1. Netero went out like a G 2. The translation for the "You know nothing about humanity's infinite potential for evolution" has another translation that means more to me at least, which is "You know nothing about humanity's infinite potential for malice" or something along those lines. That followed by the bomb's explosion feels more close to me to what Togashi had in mind 3. The reason why the bomb was explained in so much detail will be explained in the next episode, but it really sets this show apart from others in its category imo

Kyle muza

Remember Netero saying he thought he’d have to sacrifice someone to complete the mission..

Federico Carnebale

The final quote is bad translated in reality was "You dont know knothing about human's infinite malice"


13:35 when i watched jjk i immediately remembered this part for the show im so glad you caught that ron im not the only one


All the times I've seen this episode it says "you know nothing of human malice"


If u didn’t get it the bomb was basically a nuclear weapon.


Nick. It'd be closer but let's be real bro would still end up using the bomb


It would be fun to see ya'll watch the HxH amv you two watched ages ago. That reaction would be hilarious(after finishing the anime, ofc)


Imagine Ron doing his wedding vows in Sméagol’s voice


'I see now... Yes... I see... You had me in checkmate from the start...' and Netero's lines too! I swear HunterHunter has the best dialogue

Boosted Inferno

Some parts of JJK were actually inspired by HxH (The Writer said that in an interview)


5 more episodes before peak

Leandro Testoni

2 things about this and the last episodes: 1. The power scale: the anime uses some aura explosions to illustrate the power scale. Youpi was able to explode, producing the single strongest move we've seen so far (in terms of destruction power). He was able to destroy ~10-20 meters around him. Then we have Netero's zero hand, that doesn't hits around him, but focus the blast, beeing able to destroy some pilars, almost melting some rocks in the proccess. And then we have the bomb Netero's used. Safe to assume that it was at least 1000x stronger (again, in terms of destructive power) than his zero hand. 2. Always get chills when Netero talks about the infinite potential of humanity for evolution. And the bomb works as a proof. The most powerful thing that we've seen so far in the show is this low budget weapon, that could be easily mass produced, as said by the narrator.


King of ants, pinnacle of his race, wiped by a low budget human made bomb.


Both translations are correct, that was the point of the phrase Netero used


Such a good episode, the fight was crazy. It still keeps getting better and better!


A prayer comes from the heart. You dont need hands. Damn!


jjk's that scene is basically a homage hehe the author loves HxH author so much that pretty much everything is influenced, both consciously and not.


20:02 the translation here is not wrong but kinda ignored the beauty of the original language, it actuallys says something like "the King had no time to dwell on/ponder upon the sound of that (his) name" which very beautifully written in Japanese...the wording there was really emphasize the situation that the name was so important for Meruem.


Many commented about Netero's final quote translation but actually the translation was not wrong, Netero said the exact word "evolution" in the anime but he meant that as "malice", probably make no sense for overseas fans lol 😂 but that's actually common technique in Japanese manga to have 2 different words in the same phrase, one as written word and another as reading word. In the original manga, both words was used. The written word was "malice" but the reading word was "evolution", which means he actually said "evolution" out of loud but in his mind he meant that as "malice", because the reading word is the one used to be read. So, in the anime, only the reading word is used, which refers to "evolution". The translation was following the anime, so it's not entirely wrong. But for anyone who reads the Japanese manga understand that Netero meant "malice" for that, even though he only said "evolution" out of loud to Meruem.


I think this episode was one of the 9.9 rating episodes


The statement that Netero already had Meruem checkmate from the start is so bad ass I got chills when reading it for the first time.


Remember when Netero was playing with Killua and Gon in like episode 7? The ball play. He there used only his right arm and left leg. Here in fight with Meruem he lost his left hand and right leg (limbs he didnt use while playing). So Meruem really found Netero's bias and his weakness and it was nicely foreshadowed so early in the series.


Okay, Ron! I'll watch Lord of the Rings again.

Nick Obeso

Meruem is newborn here, pure durability. Yes he has nen but never was stated that he created his own abilities.. it would be close, but I think meruem would lose over time as netero is just much faster younger.


The amount of symbolism and real life references in this episode is astonishing. every scenes, every words. full of meanings that carried so much weight if you understand it. Togashi is truly a master. no wonder many great authors look up to him. levels above


I thought I had a nice smeagol voice until I heard Ron 😂

ao kaze

Damn, next week is peak HxH and peak Naruto ❤️


I love hxh narrator

I’m me

who are the real monsters

Mu Nanyo

The art and visuals of this episode are a masterpiece. So many great tattoo worthy shots. I really want that one of the withered Netero smiling.


Netero used hyperbeam! It was not very effective…

Michael H

Holy crap…that Smeagle… You should look into voice acting, man.


RIP Chairman Netero 😢 And Ron's Smeagol voice is almost identical! 👍🏻


Isaac Netero is one of the greatest anime characters ever conceived imo. I wish there was more of him to see within the anime. I know the manga delves deeper into his past.


The translation when I watched it was "Do you think I need two hands to pray?" which I personally feel like is more goosebumps-inducing