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Let us know if we've been introduced to that character at the end before LOL



Im pretty sure y’all have seen him but it wasn’t a full introduction to him

Teddy Roo

lol the intro is where you saw her. But no need in going back. This is the first time you meet her in the show.


Nope, green hair is a new character


You guys have seem him and have heard his name, but you were not given an introduction at all. Just a flash and info based on his name


Yeah you guys haven’t been introduced to the green hair character


So there are some episodes that are coming up that are good to watch together. If you guys think you'd be interested in doubling up may want to ask your mods, I'm sure they will know what I'm talking about about. No biggie if you don't, just will be some massive cliffhangers 😂


The OVA 3-5, the school-trip is really good and you get some information about the kids and the demon. The kids even mention it in the beginning of season 2, episode 1. Plz watch it!!


Mjurran, Green hair lady, hasn't been introduced before. But you have seen her in the opening song briefly.

Prateek Sridhar

The two characters in the end, you've seen the guy before, Lord Clayman, a demon lord. The girl, this is the first time she is introduced.

Prateek Sridhar

Agreed! Just adding to this but the OVAs, OADs, and Slime Diaries are really good watches. Totally recommend them.


Mjurran, the green haired girl, is mentioned in season 1 by Clayman. This is the first time we are seeing her.


Mjurran ( a new character) looks a bit similar to Treynis sister so maybe that's why it seems familiar


New season slim coming April 🤤


Yes just now them introduce mjurran, that disgusting blackmail, poor girl


You briefly saw her in the intro last episode and like me, I was thinking if she was Treyni's sister from last season. All will be revealed 😁 can't wait


Mjurran is not a minor character, but yes it's our first time seeing her


I too think the experience is better watching some of them together


It would be really cool if they did also but I guess the schedule is hard to change


Rimuru's story is so cool to me, suddenly dies and 2-3 years later he's getting called his Majesty on an audience room with a friend king. He's gone through a lot of new things since modern day Japan

Sambat Phu

you wouldn't think it's the teacher if you watch the "OAD Rimuru's glamorous life as a teacher." It let's us know more about the teachers in that academy.