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WOW. So much happened in this episode! 





earlier today, i genuinely had a dream that you guys posted episode 24 but then i checked and u guys didnt haha but now u guys have so im excited to watch it

Holden Ellsworth

It’s an easy thing to miss, but in the episode about the Shinigami (Gelus) who died because he killed to save Misa, it’s explained that when a Shinigami sacrifices itself for a human it transfers the Shinigamis remaining life to them, which can be like. Hundreds of years depending on how many people the Shinigami killed. Misa basically has a lot of life force to spare to keep making these eye deals. I didn’t even realize this until I rewatched, I wish they had elaborated more in the ep


Yep, Misa originally had the remaining lifespan of Gelus, but I think she would have done the deal regardless.


Ron is reaching hard for L to have a notebook lol


Yea L was basically putting all the pieces together in his mind after realizing that shinigamis actually exist and all the info he was given in that moment.

okay striker

Poor L, having to struggle between following his intuition, and trying to be fair. I think he knows that the fake rules are way too convenient in giving Light an alibi, and if it were up to him, he wouldn't clear Light and Misa just yet. But he was already getting pressure from everyone else last time, and so he feels like he can't push it anymore


Okay so guys it's not half of her life, it's half what's left for her to live. Let's say she lives to 80 and now she's 20 (for easy math) she has 60 years left half of it would be 30 then half again would be 15 so she'd have 15 years left to live (it's just an example)


miss has a shinigamis life span still so cut that in half. she still could have 100’s of years left

Saith Uchiha

We good men def need a Misa but again R&G still the most beautiful couple on the internet. Seriously.


Yeah its a very subtle detail thats easy to miss. Definitely didn't catch it on my first watch


man i haven't even finished the episode yet but the blood writing was so cold 😂 i love light lmao


misa gained the life force of the shinigami who was in love with her and saved her btw, so its probably a few hundred haha


Remember that Misa can do the eye deal more times than most because she has WAY more lifespan than most people. When the shinigami Gelus died trying to save her, Gelus gave her his lifespan remember?


bruh ron would be so lost without michelle

Lucas Chaffee

Banger episode. Sushi Squad has been waiting on this one.

Oscar H.

I don't think Gelus gave Misa his lifespan, he just extended it by saving her from death. It's not like if Gelus had 500 years to live then Misa gets those 500 years. The eye deal is still fucking her life over.

Kevin Depoppe

since a shinigami gave up her life for misa , she gained the remaining life of that shinigami who died for her,so it's possible she had a remaining lifespam of 100+ years (never confirmed by manga how much she got). And since misa knows she would have been dead anyway at this time she doesn't care as much of her remaining life ,she feels like she ows her lifespam to kira.


man said Ls name is ryuzaki 😂 had me dying how could you forget thats a fake name 😭

Luis Sánchez Casanueva

You should watch Code Geass, is this kind of politic and mental games and also one of the greatest animes ever, so emotional :D. Love u guys!

Yoona Kim

wow this episode was one of best informative i guess. Wow Light planned all this out. Even Ryuk knew that Misa would do the deal. Now we are in episode 24 times flies back


Code Geass is amazing I agree ❤️


I’m sure they forgot which is ok lol, no need to be rude, his explanation is very helpful, bro


The number being halved is her remaining lifespan not her overall lifespan so were it the case that she would have lived to 80 and she is currently 20 the first halving would reduce the life she had left to live from 60 years to 30 years and then the second halving would reduce it down to 15 years remaining. hypothetically you could make the deal an infinite amount of times (assuming that time was frozen while making the deal) and still technically have some amount of life to live afterward. All that being said she does have the remaining life of the shinigami who saved her life so it could be that she had hundreds of years to start and still has hundreds even after halving it twice


The fact that this show only has one season to it and it's still a masterpiece is crazy to me.

AJ Lab

i think its remaining life span reduced to half


Rem stated that the remainder of Gelus' lifespan was given to Misa as well as his notebook. So in a way Misa is kind of a Shinigami.


There's something about this else about this anime, I'll tell y'all when y'all finish the entire thing


It couldve maybe meant halving her total lifespan BUT remember when that shinigami saved her from that stalker in the alley? I believe it said she gained the shinigamis remaining lifespan because he did that so maybe she was gonna end up living till like 200 or something