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Sasori's story is so symbolic...

Naruto might be slowly becoming our top favorite anime



Next week we finish off this arc let's goo!

Sweet Tweet

The new Patreon app update is sick


This def will become ur all time favorite easily


Song always makes me cry the second it come on lol 🥹


Dying at Ron's reaction to Lee saying, just get stronger 🤣🤣


This new app update is sick 😮‍💨

Malik Ford

This gotta be the most boring fight in all of Naruto them fighting themselves is the most boring battle I’ve ever seen


this arc gotta go but the whole clone fight had me dying lmfao

Anthony Cano

Don't worry no one cares about team Guy's B plot in this arc. It's all about the sasori Sakura chiyo fight and Gaara.

john Alexander

The weakness of the writing of Sakura is kind of a trope of how female characters where written in that era of manga. There are several female characters who suffered from weak writing and or character progression.

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

"The show is done" "But there's Boru-" NOOOOO We don't talk about that. Naruto finished in Shippuden. :')

Michael H

Classic Shippuden! Some of the best fights side by side some of the worst. Love me up some Sasori, though.

Ahkenaton Furdge

Naruto , the anime with no bad arcs. 🔥


Now you know why Sasori hates to be kept waiting and hates to keep others waiting.


After all this time, Sasori still longed for his parents embrace 💔 to this day, still one of my fav Naruto characters. Unique jutsu, sick design and great backstory. Set the bar for Akatsuki villains. You can look forward to the rest 😊


Ron if you are saying that now, you are in for a treat. You are going to absolutely be shocked and hyped and have your jaw drop with things to come.

jarob vollaire

since yall were talkin about it, i think you should def watch boruto after shippuden (prob 2 years from now lol). it gets a TON of hate because of how many filler episodes there are . But if u just skip them, the canon story is an amazing sequel to shippuden. although shippuden clears boruto lol

Davis Dambergs

Its probably THE worst fight in all of shippudden. Its like he didnt know what to do with those characters!


Man, you guys are in for a big treat and more to come.. especially when Ron mentioned that this anime may potentially be his best. This anime made me experience emotions that I thought I wouldn’t feel (sounds like an exaggeration but you will know later on😂) anyways, I am very excited for the journey


Fun fact he’s where you find out why Sasori hates to be kept waiting or making others wait it’s bc he waiting for his parents to return and they never did 🙁


Can we get a third day of Naruto? In honor of Sasori, he wouldn’twant us to wait until every Monday.

Davis Dambergs

I literally said that i cant wait to see them react to an arc yet to come because it broke the fandom. And that white fang is kakashis father but that was already mentioned in anime anyway.


i love naruto

Issac Gonzalez

Ron I get what you're saying and 100% feel the same way. Its so cliche to always see the good guys win especially without any losses. People love to see a good hero, but sometimes seeing a good villian is even better. + I hate plot armor for side characters that are no longer relevant in the future.


it's cuz they said smth like it giving them an expectation of how to feel for future things, which seems fair to me. definitely not white fang thing cuz they know already and have said they wanna know more about him

john collins

Yeah they just wanted to fill half of that episode's airtime with "action" so they used the clone bit. More episodes = more commercials must have been their motto when the show was airing lol


Hey Rice & Ginger! So idk if you connected the dots (this isn’t a spoiler) but Sasori HATES waiting on ppl (like deidara) because Granny Chiyo told him his parents went on another mission and to wait for them to come home. So you already know he was waiting a longgggg time till he just created his own mom and dad. So basically he’s triggered by waiting🥲🥲


I guess Sasori was living with no purpose. Sometimes people question themselves: what's the point? what am I even doing this for?

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-05 04:21:14 Bro Ron don't regret having a rock lee tattoo lol
2023-10-05 02:15:51 Bro Ron don't regret having a rock lee tattoo lol urs is sick ppl will remember his moments when he battled against Gaara. Its kinda like his top fight scene

Bro Ron don't regret having a rock lee tattoo lol urs is sick ppl will remember his moments when he battled against Gaara. Its kinda like his top fight scene

Yoona Kim

oh wow true he waited so long for his parents then that kinda changed him i guess

Dale Diaz

It's not about them fighting at full power vs not fighting at full power. They were more tired, but even though the copies weren't fatiguing, they also weren't LEARNING. Through fighting themselves, they gained more understanding of their own weaknesses and exploited them and started attempting moves they know are stronger but they haven't successfully done before, which is something the clones would never try because they didn't know how to do those moves when they were created. They won because they became better fighters even though they were exhausted

Christian Callahan

Damn someone should have told you to skip 28


Still hoping for a 3rd day of Naruto!

Juan Jose

Could've just watched the ending of the Sakura part and just go to the next episode tbh lol

Juan Jose

Saw this on a comment but can we have a 3rd day of naruto. "Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays". Hate to keep my man Sasori waiting lol

Lamlamu Tserriednich

Whens the next episode of jjk released or is season 2 over?

Lamlamu Tserriednich

Ron kinda real for wanting the bad guys to thrive cus he just wants to see that that what he imagines them to be in his head comes true in reality


What’s with Sasori, one minute I want to punch him then the next, cry for him. His flashbacks hit me in the feels and poor Granny Chiyo, she was so badass but you know it’s breaking her heart! I would have loved to see a Kakashi vs Kakashi match!

Fran Vults

If you guys want to solve the issue with the color, you should change the white balance to "tungsten" if your lighting is "yellowish" if its white try with "flash" or the one above that, wich should be 5500k


I'm sure others must have pointed this out by now. The reason Sasori hated waiting was because he spent his entire childhood (and maybe even life) waiting for his parents who he knew would never return. And yes he hesitated for a moment with Chiyo's final attack because it was the mother and father puppets. Very sad character story indeed and personally why Sasori is one of my more liked villains. He's incredibly underrated imo


The episode 28 is so dull, lol. The only important part is Sakura's.


I’m not gonna lie if granny chiyo took a blade out of me that slow she’s getting reaperd death sealed off rip lol


I wouldn't recommend to watch Boruto, but I guess it is up to you guys.

Gene Anthony Lukban

Yeah, the whole schtick of beating them by being better was dragged to the ground lol. It’s like man no shit you have to


Learning new techniques and fighting styles is another way of “leveling up.” It doesn’t have to be a strength thing.


Shonen anime just hits different! Especially the big names like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece etc. I would love too see a reaction of World Trigger, underrated af.


I think the word you were looking for how kakashis Sharingan looked was "Kaleidoscope" *cough*


"You get weaker when you are tired" Duh, "We just need to be stronger than what we were" Duh. I think you guys slowly getting why we call these early episodes slow. If I remember reason for this dragging on in every episode is because they caught up to the manga and fillers are incoming soon, hopefully you just watch the canon episodes.

Chalupasaurus Rex

The reason why you wouldnt go all in into a fight is obviously because you dont know if you'll need to fight someone else after. But yeah these scenes were just to add runtime to the episodes.

Peter Kravets

Boruto is not the thing you want to watch. It's complete shit. They did that boruto thing just out of hype to make more money


You do not have to watch Boruto after Naruto Shippuden. It's a new story continuation with new and old characters. I think many would rather you start on other anime that is more worth the watch.


Borito is kinda trash. You guys should probably watch a good show


I mean, if they skip all the "anime canon" bullshit and only watch "manga canon" episodes, it's still an OK story, with some great "peak animation" episodes here and there


I know~ that's why I would rather them watch other anime first than to go watch Boruto.

Lamlamu Tserriednich

It's up to us last time i checked that's why we have to make sure to let them know and provide them with the precise information, i have animes i love and i wont recommend those animes to them yet thats how deep and choosing an anime for them to react to is for me i dknt know about you tho😼

Lamlamu Tserriednich

Are you sure? I think it might have been that he waited for them but then chiyo let him know they gone when she' returned and then he made his parents puppet's but what do you think?

Gabriel (edited)

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2023-10-05 16:40:13 Unfortunately, boruto is a stain in naruto’s legacy. It was only created to cash cow the huge audience naruto created over the years.
2023-10-05 14:39:55 boruto is a stain in naruto’s legacy, unfortunately. It was only created to cash cow the huge audience naruto created over the years.

boruto is a stain in naruto’s legacy, unfortunately. It was only created to cash cow the huge audience naruto created over the years.


Boruto got a few very good episodes and those are about narutos past dont want to say more about it as it could spoiler for you.


Boruto is basura. It was just an attempt to keep milking the series because of Naruto's success. The author, Kishimoto, was done with The Last movie. Everything after that is trash because it's not Kishimoto's but his assistant's. That's why the drawing style is so different.


The "a few very good episodes and those are about narutos" says a lot about how bad Boruto series is. LMAO.


Wow, after watching the series like 1000 times I just now realize that the reason why Sasori hates waiting is that he waited long for his parents to return - but they never did. That is some deep writing.

K_G nemo

Sasoris story is tragic. After losing both his parents it’s really hard for some else to care and teach you life. Sure granny chiyo can live him and do everything for him but it’s not the same.

K_G nemo

Bro why is everyone talking about boruto lol talk about the current episode and just don’t give spoilers it’s really not that hard lol


Chyo was planning to use her jutsu on Sasori if something had to happen to him. Sadly, her grandson betrayed everything she believed in...


You can't really skip fillers in Boruto, when the anime starts way before the manga actually starts. Some characters are also introduced in the anime way before they are in the manga.

WaB_ Bigvai

Now yall know why Sasori hates waiting. It's because he spent all his childhood waiting for his parents to return.


Because they mentioned it during the discussion at the end. 😛


Irks me they didn't watch Kakashi Gaiden before this arc because half of their questions they wouldn't even have if they had watched it first


The most impatient akatsuki member was first to die… guess he couldn’t wait 😂


She was planning to use it bring back his parents

Chris pastore

oh boy, Naruto holds a special place in my heart. watched it first in 2002 when it released and watched all the way up till ship ended in 2017. Youre in for quite a ride.

Arbulon Rexhepi

The whole situation with the Guy sensei's team is cringe as f*ck 😅😅🥴.


In the manga it was the first arc after Sasuke Retrieval and before Kazekage Rescue Arc. You are supposed to know some things before this arc starts that is why they are confused a lot. It is also why most reactors watch Kakashi Gaiden before starting Shippuden because their mods let them know or the fans do. I have no idea why Studio Pierrot waited 119 episodes into the anime

Jocelyn Bárcenas

To be honest I have not seen Boruto, however I would watch it with them if they get to that point 🤔, right now I am enjoying rewatching Naruto with them


Yeah it's so bad lol. I almost cover my eyes bc of how cringy it Is.


I will say that there are going to be certain episodes in Naruto Shippuden that are technically considered a filler but will be important to watch so when certain topics or characters are brought up later on, it will make sense.

Danny Danh

It's called padding rather than fillers. They pad episodes to drag it out for couple reasons but it's mostly because different animators will be put on certain episodes to work on, so reason why you see quality in fights for some episodes drastically increase compared to previous, so they pad up some like useless stuff in a scene to make it from like supposedly a few minutes to like basically the entire episodes to give more time for the animators to bump up quality on the main events or to give time to finish or prepare the next episode to air. Another reason is that anime episodes is like a few chapters of the manga, and they pad stuff to pace themselves from catching up to the manga quickly where they have to take longer breaks, reason why fillers are also a thing too. But most shounens back then especially ones from shounen jump like naruto or one piece were notorious for padding and having lots of fillers, since the mangaka (creator) would take lots of breaks since it is hard to write huge stories like these.


Stu they mentioned it for like 3 seconds, hardly worth talking about, especially when they already stated many times over that they don't want to be spoiled


Jjk usually drops on Fridays , unless there is a delay but I’m sure they’ll make an announcement if anything is up

kirk poss

The show gets so much better. Less padding and the action and stakes ramp up quickly.


Boruto is slower, but I think it is overall better than Naruto once it gets going., it's not a separate story it's a continuation and I think people should be more open to it than they are

Eric Graham

The manga is cool but those amine fillers show the story way too much and gets to childlike at times


Guys, I'm sure you've already seen many comments about this, but just watch Kakashi Gaiden after this arc. It will tell you about the White Fang since you keep wondering and it was intended by the author to be experienced before Shippuden but the anime studio released it much later for god knows why. Most reactors also watch it before Shippuden.

Renzhong Zhu (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-09 01:34:18 Sasori didn't mean to die with his puppet parents at last, he just hesitated at the moment he saw them, he flashed back himself for that, u can see there was a quick scene if u pause it. Really ironic ending for him, even a cruel villain like him still got softspot for his parents, this make his personality even better with his backstory, what he did is not right but u can feel his pain. This fight is so well designed, and I think whats important for me is the logic, and this make me really picky after watching naruto, so many other anime fights with bad fight logic really got me speechless... such as "how can I die here right now " and power up instantly and win.. ok back to naruto, about the pacing, indeed like ron said, some scene was not filler, but the length of the fight was expanded. Normally 1 episodes contains 1.5 to 2 chapters of manga would be good to watch, but the second episodes feels like only half chapter... but at that time the content of anime is so close to the latest manga, so they have to slow down the pace otherwise they have to do a whole filler episode. but what I can say is, there are more to come LMAO
2023-10-08 23:18:31 Sasori didn't mean to die with his puppet parents at last, he just hesitated at the moment he saw them(just like Chio said Sasori read her last move) and he flashed back himself for that, u can see there was a quick scene if u pause it. Really ironic ending for him, even a cruel villain like him still got softspot for his parents, but this make his personality even better with his backstory, what he did is not right but u can feel his pain. This fight is so well designed, and I think whats important for me is the logic, and this make me really picky after watching naruto, so many other anime fights with bad fight logic really got me speechless... such as "how can I die here right now " and power up instantly and win.. ok back to naruto, about the pacing, indeed like ron said, some scene was not filler, but the length of the fight was expanded. Normally 1 episodes contains 1.5 to 2 chapters of manga would be good to watch, but the second episodes feels like only half chapter... but at that time the content of anime is so close to the latest manga, so they have to slow down the pace otherwise they have to do a whole filler episode. but what I can say is, there are more to come LMAO

Sasori didn't mean to die with his puppet parents at last, he just hesitated at the moment he saw them(just like Chio said Sasori read her last move) and he flashed back himself for that, u can see there was a quick scene if u pause it. Really ironic ending for him, even a cruel villain like him still got softspot for his parents, but this make his personality even better with his backstory, what he did is not right but u can feel his pain. This fight is so well designed, and I think whats important for me is the logic, and this make me really picky after watching naruto, so many other anime fights with bad fight logic really got me speechless... such as "how can I die here right now " and power up instantly and win.. ok back to naruto, about the pacing, indeed like ron said, some scene was not filler, but the length of the fight was expanded. Normally 1 episodes contains 1.5 to 2 chapters of manga would be good to watch, but the second episodes feels like only half chapter... but at that time the content of anime is so close to the latest manga, so they have to slow down the pace otherwise they have to do a whole filler episode. but what I can say is, there are more to come LMAO


It was later adapted into Shippūden, no need to watch it beforehand now.


That makes no sense from a story point of view. You can use reanimation to breathe life into puppets and why would she develop a jutsu like that if she didn't know sasori was a puppet at that point? And i don't want to get into spoilers but I doubt the jutsu was first developed with the intent to exchange the casters life.


It's a jutsu to reanimate the dead, but it also works for puppets. She developed this jutsu for Sasori in case he died on a mission... but it was before he left the village.


The opening for those episodes has massive spoilers right in the start though. Just let them watch in anime order. I too think manga order works better, but now that it is like this and they don't want spoilers from episodes hundreds of episodes in, this is just how it'll be. If they were to watch them they'd need a fan edit or something.


Sasori’s theme always gets me, no matter how many times I listen to it

Ricardo Fierro

is because with scenes like with team Guy, that One piece its consider a better show for many viewers, cause well are pretty dumb developing, and as a watcher from when shippuden stil was on air, and rewatching this i can tell how dumb it is, not saying the entire show is like that or like one piece is perfect, but the downsides on shippuden are pretty more notorious imo, and regarding the fight with sasori, they say at the end that he want to die and didnt dodge the attack of chiyo, so, yeah they won but, if was cause he let them to kill it whitout a final resistence, if not maybe he killed chiyo or sakura, or both with him.


@Kidd I will create that fan edit. What exactly would need to be taken out other than the OP and ED?


You can’t even say that tho, one piece is the worse with pacing and unnecessary scenes being added for no reason. I personally love both shows, but your statement is just flat out false. A better comparison would be the pacing of a newer anime like demon slayer. All old anime have the pacing issue


But One Piece pacing and bs win conditions is even worse at its bad points… that’s like the worst possible example you could’ve picked for that point.


I realized the main thing holding Boruto back is that the music isn’t nearly as good as OG Naruto or Shippuden. The OST or the original series adds so much, and you don’t even realize it.


I'm sooo late to comment this but I just want to point out that when they were kids, Naruto had Nine tails which gave him access to absurd chakra, then Sasuke had Sharingan and is a genius from a strong clan. Sakura was a normal kunoichi with no special traits back when they were kids. Even their classmates have special abilities from their bloodlines/families. She really had the potential as a blank slate and did her best to become mini Tsunade. Young Sakura deserves the hate because all she did was shout Naruto and Sasuke, but Shippuden Sakura deserve the respect from being nothing to something.

Wes Jones

I was a foster kid I have 50 something tattoos and have sasori tattooed 3 times all different ofcourse and people don’t get it but sasoris story is a lot our story’s, I also have Boruto, itachi, sasuke! Naruto/Boruto characters and black clover characters are like my family people change but characters don’t….