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Grab your popcorn because it's Death Note time!



Hell yea ima actually get popcorn yall better not let me eat alone lmao


Next episodes are soooo good!

Yoona Kim

bro this has to be 2x episode i wanna binge with yall

Saith Uchiha

I’ll break down some content the reason Rem told Misa her power was greater is because she has the Shimgami eyes. Lights notebook was hidden before he went into jail so even if the notebook let someone see the past owners acts Light would be out of the question. I made popcorn before starting the creator of this manga has to be a genius himself.

Dale Diaz

idk if you guys figured it out after watching but rem told misa that her power was greater than lights because she had the shinigami eyes

Dale Diaz

too bad she did the eye deal. here for a good time not a long time amirite


Popcorn! Nice. I eat everytime I watch your show lol always though you two just weren't the types to munch and watch

Prateek Sridhar

Regarding Rem being able to kill the person Misa told her to kill, the rule was that if a shinigami kills someone to extend the lifespan of a person they have an interest in, the shinigami dies. Since the person Misa asked to kill wasn't putting Misa in any danger directly, I think Rem was able to kill him :p. Also Rem is female.

Holden Ellsworth

Rem is a girl y’all been saying he for so long


she is here for a long time. she got half a shinigami lifetime remember?

Naruto Uzumaki

Another interesting note is right after rem also says she almost succeeded in getting close with her power (Shimgami eyes). Meaning that because she lacks his intellect, she wasn't superior.

Lamlamu Tserriednich

Rem said "the current Kira is a crooked and pathetic human being" but misa is even worse in my eyes ,how is rem judging him but not her , and im not even trynna come from a moral high ground and judge but rem is a hypocrite, misa verbally admitted shell do anything light asks thats evil in itself


they keep skipping the new opening and ending theme :'(


its assumed that the shinigami life time would only translate into a human lifespan, aka 500 years for a shinigami may translate into 50 years (numbers pulled out of my ass but its the same idea). we dont know shinigami lifespans and this isnt really elaborated on in the show but it helps with understanding how the fundamentals of DN work

Lamlamu Tserriednich

Not really manipulated..misa from the get go was on that demon time she a psycho and i dont even hate misa as a character its just that i hate rem for being a hypocrite and also judging that other guy for wanting power/money He is the most human between misa and himself its very clear that misa is evil with no regard for people's life

Dale Diaz

Had* she lost the eyes when she gave up the death note. Otherwise she'd know what power rem was talking about cause she'd see names and lifespans


Does anyone know if they’ll be watching spy family this weekend?


Misa's power was greater because she had the eyes and Light didn't


I'm a fan of ur comments Yoona, i see u almost under every episode commenting, they make me chuckle ngl


I know im probably the only one bothered by this, but man i hate hearing people eat. Ofc i still love u guys but thats like my personal pet peeve :(

Zafar Ali

curious, do you guys think Rem is a girl or a boy. I dont even know for sure but I always saw her as a girl haha


Michelle eating popcorn is the cutest thing ever hahah